Carol Rose, Secretary
July 16, 2002
1. Welcome – by Chair:
Woody Lee, Acting Assistant UW Hockey Rules Director
2. Voting Delegates
Australia Simon Talbot
Argentina proxy to Murray Brooks
Canada Margaret Francis
France Gillej Renaison
Spain absent
Italy Donato Puggioli
USA Joe Gomes
New Zealand Ray Dolman
So Africa George Watson
Gt Britain Neil Dixon
Colombia absent
Philippines proxy to Carol Rose
Ireland proxy to Graham Henderson
Holland Dick Trap
Turkey absent
Possible 15 votes Present 12 majority = 7
3. General Housekeeping requested by the Acting Assistant Rules Director:
3.1. “Game” and “match” used interchangeably throughout the rules. Change to “match” exclusively. MSPU
3.2. “End-line” and “goal-line” are used interchangeably throughout the Rules. Change to “end-line” exclusively. MSPU
3.3. Nation, Federation, and Country are used interchangeably through out the Rules. Need to decide on correct nomenclature. Federation correct.
3.4. Use the pronoun “he” instead of “she, “their”, etc: General discussion with decision to use titles rather than pronouns where possible and use s/he and they/their where needed. MSPU
4. Australian Proposals
4.1 Side Subbing: We wish to propose that the CMAS International Rules for Underwater Hockey be amended so that side substitution be the accepted method of player substitution.
M/S: side subbing is the preferred method of substitution with subs in or out of the water on side opposite the chief referee, and side subbing be the required method for world championships. 9 for 2 opposed 1 abstain Passed
Suggestions for implementation of side subbing on the deck
a) The side line of the game court adjacent to the substitution area is the actual pool wall (i.e.there is no ‘neutral’ area between the court and the pool wall);
b) Both substitution areas will be marked on the pool deck, on the same side of the pool, between 5 and 8 meters from each team’s defensive end of the pool;
c) Substitution players interchanging ‘on the fly’ whilst play is continuous may immediately enter play;
d) Substitutes replacing players who left play during a natural break in play (goal, foul, time-out) must touch their end of the pool before re-entering play;
e) Players exiting the game are deemed to have left play and can only be replaced when they are totally out of the water within the substitution area, otherwise a substitution foul will be deemed to have occurred;
f) Substitute players may not sit with their leg/s or fins in the water over the side of the pool deck, as this will be in the playing area;
g) Substitution players entering play may only do so from a sitting position on the edge of the pool deck within the substitution area. One-minute penalties will be given for jumping, diving into play, etc. For the safety of all players this will be strictly enforced - no further warnings will be given.
4.2 Use of three (3) water referees
We wish to propose that the CMAS International Rules for Underwater Hockey be amended - to the effect that three Water Referees be the minimum number of Water Referees used for International Underwater Hockey games.
Rule 3.1.1 Change to: The officials who shall control an International Underwater Hockey Game are: one Chief Referee, three Water Referees, Timekeeper(s) / Scorer(s), and other officials as appointed by the Chief Referee.
The motion was made and seconded with lengthy discussion.
The motion was put to the vote and failed 5 for 7 against 0 abstain Failed
5.0 Canada Rule Submissions:
5.1 Would like to add side subbing as an alternative method of subbing. Not replacing existing rule, just adding a choice.) Withdrawn as previously discussed.
5.2 Discussion on age groups for youth New Zealand and Gt Britain also have put forth motions in the subject. After some discussion, it was decided to form a small committee of nations present with youth programs (and include youth parents/coaches here) to finalize the most favored and advantageous age groupings. M/S/PU Pased
The special Committee agreed youth/junior divisions are as follows:
Under 19 years Open
Under 19 years Women
Under 15 years Open
No change in anniversary date.
5.3 Propose additional time penalty, e.g. a 5 min. There is a large gap between a 2 min and a total dismissal M/S PU to have 5 minute penalty
M/S Failed to have 3minute penalty
M/S Passed to delete 1 minute penalty
Rules Director to head special Committee to determine appropriate penalty time for infringements. Committee of Woody Lee, Murray Brooks, Simon Talbot, Thomas from France, Margaret Francis
5.4. Numbers of teams at tournaments: Don't want to restrict anyone that comes, however with the number of countries interested in Worlds now, its becoming a huge issue on amount of pool time needed. A suggestion is to look at how the Olympics does "pools" for sports like ice hockey.
Special Committee formed to discuss: Ray Dolman, Margaret Francis - no report back.
5.5. Need for countries to meet deadlines registering for a tournament. Possibly discuss a time schedule for which all Federations must adhere. Commission to discuss
5.6.The rule 2.1.3 is contradictory to rule changes too. Table to US proposal
5.7.Perhaps some clarification could be made about the advantage rule. We would like to see it stated that if a referee sees an infringement and allows play to continue, that the referee still has the option of awarding a penalty once the team that committed the offence regains possession. Add it as rule 5.1.2. M/S: If a foul is observed and the advantage rule is being played, the referee has the ability of awarding a delayed penalty. For 11 Unanimious Passed
5.8. Since we are trying to call everything using hand signals, we should have a hand signal for puck going out of bounds. Suggestion: left hand and arm held in front of body, right hand making a diving motion over left hand/arm (signifying puck jumping over wall), this hand signal would be followed by advantage or equal puck signs. This hand signal would mean puck is out of play (over wall, behind/under goal, wedged in someone’s suit etc)
New Signal and Rule: 3.6.23 - Passed
5.9. Rule Should state- all players not involved in the penalty shot must return to their substitution area. M/S Passed 9 for 3 abstain Passed
5.10.Would like something added for clarification in the rules. For unsportslike conduct, there has been a rise in cheating as part of the standard of game play. We feel the referees should be awarding penalties (unsportslike conduct) for things like deliberately scooping the puck out of the goal. This should be stated in section 9 somewhere for clarification. Discuss at ref meeting.
5.11. Rule 2.2.1 Personal equipment- masks must be dual lens mask (no more single lenses)
i.e. the big round diving masks. Extensive discussion – M/S a single lens glass mask shall be prohibited unless it has a center divider/support that is part of the frame.
vote 8 for 2 opposed 1 abstain Passed
6.0 . Amendments proposed by France to CMAS Rules Meeting
6.1 Proposal 10 ANNEXES (page 3)
"A" - Replace pool by "playing area"
"B1" - Replace pool by "playing area".
"B2" - Replace pool by "playground in French". In English – playing area
M/S for 7 opposed 0 abstain 0 Passed
0.2 Definitions
0.2.2 To be totally rewritten to comply with the requirements of CMAS "Procedures and obligations for the organization of Championships".
0.2.3 The same.
1.1 Championships definition
1.1.1. World Championship: For each discipline, an international competition may be registered in the calendar as world championship only if all the below mentioned requirements are fulfilled:
a. 10 countries at least subdivided into
b. 3 continents at least or
c. 2 continents at least, but in that case with 2 countries minimum in the second.
1.1.2. Zone or Continental Championship: For each discipline, an international competition may be registered in the calendar as zone or continental championship if all the below mentioned requirements are fulfilled:
a. 5 nations at least
b. C.M.A.S. adopts sine varietur the continental subdivision of countries as established up to date and as it may be changed in the future by the International Olympic Committee
c. no alternations will be admitted
1.1.3. All international competitions not complying with the above mentioned requirements will be registered in the calendar as international competition.
Committee to join two documents: Carol, Ulysse, France
M Joe Gomes US/S Dick Trap Holland for 8 against 0 abstain 0 Passed
6.3 Proposal rule 1.1.8/1.1.7 Replace words " end line" by "goal line"
refer to Committee
6.4 Proposal rule1.4.2 Replace the sentence " The stick must fit in a box 100 mm x 350 mm." by "The stick must fit, laying flat, in a rectangle 100 mm x 350 mm, laying flat." Deferred to USA proposal M/France S/US for 10 against 0 abstain 0 Passed
6.5 Proposal rule 2.2.1 "(if desired )" to be deleted.
M/France S/Dick Trapp Holland for 10 abstain/against 0 Passed
6.6 Proposal rule Change the sentence " and indicating to the players when they may re-enter the water." by "and indicating to the Chief Referee when they may re-enter the water." M/France S/Holland vote 10 for against /abstain 0 Passed
6.7 Proposal rule 3.5.2 "(if desired )" to be deleted. M/S Passed
6.8 Proposal rule Replace the sentence in parentheses by "(i.e. trying to achieve a streamlined position at start of play when sprinting toward a puck placed at the pool centre)". And I suggest to replace “at the pool centre” by “at the centre of playing area”
M/France S/Australia Passed
6.9 Proposal rule Suppress "An audible signal will be given thirty (30) seconds before
commencing both 5 minutes overtime periods." M/France S/Australia vote for 9 Passed
6.10 Proposal Rule Suppress "An audible signal will be given thirty (30) seconds before commencing both 5 minutes overtime periods.". delete M/France S/Australia vote: 9 Passed
6.11 Proposal rule To be written "The substitutes of each team shall be behind the goal line; and any penalised players shall be on the poolside in the Penalty Area"
See as voted today to accommodate side subbing
6.12 Proposal rule 4.3.3 To be added after " At the end of the 30 second period the audible signal to commence play will be given."
M/France S/Gt Britain Vote: to re insert for 8 opposed 0 abstain 2 Passed
6.13 Proposal rule 5.2.1 To be added after "…… should attempt to make an effort to move the puck from the corner " the following sentence: "The puck must remain visible to the other players, otherwise an advantage puck will be awarded to the opposite team.".
Motion/France S/Holland motion withdrawn
Proposal no 14 Rule To be added after "…. expiry of the time penalty," the following "and the authorization of the Chief Referee before re-entering the water at the centre line .".
As previously passed
Proposal no 15 Rule Replace the article by "All players not involved in the penalty shot must return to behind their respective end line." Passed previously
10.16 Proposal Rule 6.7.5 Replace " Rule 4.3.1" by "Rule 4.3" should read refer to 4.3 M/France S/Philippines vote: for 10 Passed
10.17 Proposal rule 6.8.1 Replace "the pool" by "the playing area" Done/same above
10.18 Proposal Same as 6.8.1 Done/same above
10.19 Proposal rule not voted previously voted but agreed to include
M/France S/US Vote: for 10 Passed
10.20 Proposal rule to be renumbered to
With reference to page 7 rule 3.2, it ends with rule table to later
10.21 Proposal Rule New article: " Authorising the penalised players to re-enter the water. When the completion of the time penalty occurs while the play is stopped, applying rule"
10. 22 Proposal New article rule“ Acknowledging the signals made by the Water Referees.” M/France S /NZ discussion – should be part of ref structure
vote: for 5 against 5 abstain 1 Fails
10.23 Proposal New articles :
9.3.3 “Water Referees' duties”. “Acknowledging the signals made by the other Water Referee.” Withdrawn
10.24 Proposal New article “Requesting to stop the timing according to rule 3.6.17".
10.25 Proposal New articles :
9.4.4 “Duration of play” “ During a time-out period, the penalised players and the coaches may join their own team mates in the playing area. At the end of the time out period the penalised players must have returned in the penalty area, and the coaches must have left the playing area.” M/France S/Australia vote for 8 opposed 0 abstain 2 Passed
10.26 Proposal The following articles to be renumbered: Table corner rule changed to to to to
10.27 Proposal Article to be deleted rule
M/France S/USA vote for 11 Passed
10.28 Proposal rule – misprints Table
In the penalty table, replace "5.5.3" by "5.3.3".
In *, replace"5.2.13and 5.2.14" by "5.3.13 and 5.3.14."
10.29 Proposal Replace "Rule 5.2.15 by " Rule 5.3.15". Table corner rule changed
10.30 Proposal rule After "…. Then post the rule book " add in parentheses "(Fax or e-mail may also be used)". The following part of the sentence to be left unchanged. Transmissions
need not to be limited to postage. Table for later discussion
10.31 Proposal After rule 9.8.6 : Here ends the text of the Rules….Change "1977 (1977a)" by "1997 (1997a)", and "Australia(2001)" by "Australia (2000) Misprints. Table for later
10.32Proposal no 32 Appendix “A" Replace " Pool Dimensions " by " Dimensions of the Playing Area". (To be in upper case letter as in the other Appendices). Table for later
10.33 Proposal Appendix "B1" and Appendix "B2" Replace "Pool Layout" et "Pool Marking" by respectively" Playing Area Layout" and "Playground Markings". Table
10.34 Proposal Appendix "I" Replace " must be behind the goal-line in their own teams area at the end of the pool " by "must return to their respective ends of the playing area behind the goal line. See Proposal n°15 (rule Withdrawn