2015-2016 Program Action Plan
Program: ___Counseling______Prepared by: __Drs. Jackson, Harrington, and Daughhetee______
Unit Goal andOutcomes / Link to
UM Strategic Plan / Intended
Outcomes / Assessment
Measures / Resources
Model and promote the use of emerging technology resources
1.1 All COE faculty-staff meetings will include the demonstration of a current instructional technology tool or application.
1.2 All COE faculty who teach online courses will receive training in how to plan and implement synchronous class sessions. / To be completed upon approval of the 2015-2019 UM Strategic Plan / 1. Create opportunities for efficient live supervision by faculty members through development of a lab clinic in consultation and collaboration with the Dean of the COE, Academic Affairs, other programs (e.g. Social Work), and community leaders.
2. Include in core coursework syllabi and/or assignments addressing the use of technology in clinical practice with an emphasis on HIPAA compliance.
3. Continue to capture student clinical skill performance data through the use of the online version of PD-LEO by site supervisors.
4. Develop a program standardized online version of activity logs to track field experiences of practicum and internship students.
5. Develop an online training and assessment module for site supervisors for the effective supervision of practicum and internship students.
6. Establish program website that accurately reflects the program’s commitment to diversity, promotes recruitment and retention, and provides student access to program resources.
7. Explore feasibility of requiring an e-portfolio of students in the Couples and Family, Clinical Mental Health, and School Counseling tracks. The e-portfolio could serve as a repository of information such as the student handbook, course content for preparing for comprehensive and licensure exams, etc. / 1. Program meeting minutes will reflect documented discussions and development of an e-prospectus regarding the lab clinic project.
2. Syllabus review and revision.
3. Documented evaluations from site supervisors in student practicum and internship files.
4. Evidence of final version of the activity logs located in the current Student Handbook.
5. Location of online supervision training module on counseling program website.
6. The location of the program website is easily accessible through the university webpage.
7. Documented discussion in program meetings and advisory council meetings as well as collaboration with programs currently utilizing student e-portfolios. / 1. Meeting time for consultation with allied partners, including the use of technology-assisted collaboration.
2. None.
3. Technology to provide access to online assessment.
4. Faculty time to develop and monitor standardized version.
5. Faculty release time to develop and monitor usage of supervisor training.
6. University IT Support, Photography, space on the UM website, time to develop website elements, dedicated time and funded graduate assistant position ($2,500) to update and revise the website as needed.
7. Malone Center staff, time to meet with programs currently utilizing e-portfolio.
Supporting Data & Rationale for Accreditation:
1. CACREP standards for clinical instruction and ACA Ethical Standards regarding training and supervision.
2. ACA and NBCC best practices; published standards for technology based counseling; comments/suggestions by members of the Advisory Council (Fall 2014).
3. Comments by site supervisors and members of Advisory Council (Fall 2014)
4. Student feedback, comments by site supervisors and members of Advisory Council (Fall 2014)
5. Best practices; student feedback, comments by site supervisors and members of Advisory Council (Fall 2014)
6. ACA policy on social justice and commitment to pluralistic society
7. Community participants collaborating with program faculty in the Spring 2015 COE Data Retreat.
Unit Goal and
Outcomes / Link to
UM Strategic Plan / Intended
Outcomes / Assessment
Measures / Resources
Acknowledge and address issues related to diversity of students, faculty, staff, curriculum, and field/clinical placements
2.1 All COE Department Chairs and faculty will facilitate student interaction with faculty and practitioners who represent diverse groups.
2.2 The Minority Educator Scholarship Program will support enrollment of students who represent diverse groups.
2.3 The COE Diversity Committee will provide information about NAME to K-12 practitioners, community agency representatives, faculty colleagues in other colleges, and faculty and staff members from other Alabama institutions of higher education. / To be completed upon approval of the 2015-2019 UM Strategic Plan / 1. Establishment of a lab clinic to be staffed with counselor practicum and internship students to provide services to under-served individuals in the local community. (see Technology goals)
2. 2. Hire a qualified counselor educator from an underrepresented population.
3. 3. At least one Counseling faculty member will submit a proposal to present at the spring 2015 Regional NAME conference.
4. 4. Develop program website to include imaging that accurately reflects pluralistic society, diversity within the profession, and program commitment to diversity.
5. Identify additional diversity presentation and conference session opportunities for faculty to maintain ongoing development of cultural competence. Engage with ACA divisions and state and national chapters that promote diversity and advocacy initiatives (CSJ, ALGBTICAL, etc.).
6. Focus on recruiting individuals from under-represented groups by collaborating with UM undergraduate majors and feeder programs including social work and psychology. Offer two (2) MESP scholarships to qualified candidates. / 1. Development of e-prospectus detailing ongoing collaborative efforts.
2. Recruit minority Counselor Educator; possibly, a credentialed counseling supervisor if we receive grant funding for a free or low-cost mental health clinic.
3. Faculty plan to attend and/or present at NAME.
4. Faculty will provide content and images to be included on website to University Relations.
5. Utilize additional diversity presentation and conference session opportunities for faculty to maintain ongoing development of cultural competence. Engage with ACA divisions that promote diversity and advocacy initiatives (CSJ, ALGBTICAL, etc.).
6. As qualified candidates are identified, up to two (2) MESP scholarships awarded. / 1. Technology platform for e-portfolio repository; time for collaboration with university and community stake-holders.
2. $60,000 per year for filling existing faculty line.
3. Funding for conference.
4. Faculty will provide content and images to be included on website to University Relations.
5. Funding for professional memberships and conference attendance.
6. Dean’s Office MESP budget.
Supporting Data & Rationale for Accreditation:
1. Montevallo catchment area includes Title 1 schools; ACA and ACES best practice regarding social justice and advocacy; ACA definition of counseling; CACREP standards and University of Montevallo Strategic Plan and Service Learning Initiatives.
2. CACREP standards regarding diversity as well as required FTE 1:10 faculty to student ratio.
3. The NAME conference provides new information for diversity topics. ACA /ACES/CACREP guidelines and standards stress the imporatnce of multicultural competency
4. ACA policy on social justice and commitment to pluralistic society.
5. NCATE, ACA and ACES best practice regarding social justice and advocacy; ACA definition of counseling; CACREP standards and University of Montevallo Strategic Plan and Service Learning Initiatives.
6. ACA and ACES best practice regarding social justice and advocacy; ACA definition of counseling; CACREP standards and University of Montevallo Strategic Plan and Service Learning Initiatives.
Unit Goal and
Outcomes / Link to
UM Strategic Plan / Intended
Outcomes / Assessment
Measures / Resources
Collaborate with public schools and other community agencies to positively impact P-12 student learning and client development.
3.1 All COE faculty will maintain and strengthen collaborative efforts with school partners or agency practitioners to support the realignment of curricular programs to new or existing standards.
3.2 All COE faculty will maintain and strengthen their support of Montevallo Connection meetings and service initiatives with MES, MMS, and MHS. / To be completed upon approval of the 2015-2019 UM Strategic Plan / 1. Continue to extend SAMHSA Suicide Prevention Grant services to students, campus groups, community organizations, and local schools
2.Collaborate with referral sources in the community to identify members of the community in need of mental health services
3. Program faculty will utilize diverse practicing professional counselors from the community as guest lecturers and counseling co-facilitators
4. Collaborate with the Teacher Leader Program to train teacher leaders in psychological first aid. / 1. (a)Identify groups in need of services, individuals to provide services (b)Implement service delivery (c) collaborate with University Relations for dissemination of information regarding services and resources (comprehensive resources website)
2 Development of an e-prospectus outlining the ongoing efforts toward the establishment of a lab clinic
3 .Faculty will schedule diverse guest speakers and co-facilitators;
NBCC documentation of presentation opportunities for guest speakers to include provision of CE credit.
4. Work with Teacher Leader program to implement training in Fall Survey
Apply for faculty research grant through the Office of Faculty Development and Collaboration. / 1. None
2. Consultative meeting times with associated administrative costs.
3. Request resources from the dean supporting honoraria for guest speakers.
4. Research expenses and travel to conferences to report research results and development of a speakers bureau for matching speakers with lecture opportunities.
Supporting Data & Rationale for Accreditation:
1. Refer to SAMSA Suicide Prevention Grant for comprehensive rationale and literature review
2. Montevallo catchment area includes Title 1 schools; CACREP standards for clinical instruction and ACA Ethical Standards regarding training and supervision.
3. ACA and ACES best practice regarding social justice and advocacy; ACA definition of counseling; CACREP standards and University of Montevallo Strategic Plan; Service Learning Initiatives; Individuals have declined invitations to co-faclitate or to serve as guest lecturers because it was not cost efficient for them to do so.
4. Increasing frequency of school crises in the nation and the need to prepare school personnel for handling such events.
Unit Goal and
Outcomes / Link to
UM Strategic Plan / Intended
Outcomes / Assessment
Measures / Resources
Encourage the use and development of best practices in specific fields of study.
4.1 All initial certification programs will pilot the use of edTPA for performance-based assessment of teacher education candidates
4.2 The scholarly contributions to the profession of COE faculty will continue to increase. / To be completed upon approval of the 2015-2019 UM Strategic Plan / 1. Create opportunities for efficient live supervision by faculty members through development of a lab clinic in consultation and collaboration with the Dean of the COE, Academic Affairs, other programs (e.g. Social Work), and community leaders.
2.Dr. Harrington will attend Red Cross training in Disaster Mental Health
3. Counseling faculty will continue to maintain licensure and/or credential, maintain membership in ACA and earn an average of 20 hours per year continuing education (including 3 hours of ethics training)
4. Increase student involvement in professional organizations through membership and conference presentations
5. Maintain CACREP Accreditation. Counseling faculty will continue to coordinate with NBCC for pre-degree candidates for Nationally Certified Counselor designation
6. Design a curriculum to include suicide prevention advocacy in conjunction with faith-based communities using nationally-recognized criteria.
7. Incorporate activities promoting student self-care strategies into course syllabi or scheduled class meetings. Collaborate with faculty in other disciplines to develop self-care strategies. / 1. Development of e-prospectus detailing ongoing collaborative efforts.
2. Dr. Harrington will attend training to become certified in Disaster Mental Health
3. Faculty will attend conferences and workshops and maintain licensure
4. Include assignments in at least 1 course that would require conference-style presentation or journal-style manuscript
5. Program coordinator and CACREP Liaison will submit required reports, paperwork, and dues to CACREP
6. Development of a well-designed curriculum demonstrating best-practices.
7. 75% of core courses will include a self-care activity identified in the syllabus. / 1. See Goal 1
2.New travel money for training ($1000)
3. New travel money for conferences
4. (a)New travel money for students (b) Assistance from Publications Office and SGA for publication resources.
5. Course release for CACREP Liaison; $3500 CACREP Dues.
$150 fee to NBCC as a provider
6. Time and consultation including research and development support from the Alabama DPH.
7. None
Supporting Data & Rationale for Accreditation:
1. Catchment areas include Title I schools; ACA and ACES best practice regarding social justice and advocacy; ACA definition of counseling; CACREP standards and University of Montevallo Strategic Plan and Service Learning Initiatuves
2. The American Red Cross needs individuals who are certified in Disaster Mental Health counseling.
3. ACA/ACES/CACREP guidelines and standards.
4. Professional Identity is a core CACREP standard
5. It is important to maintain CACREP accreditation for program quality and recruitment; It is best practice to be a Nationally Certified Counselor and it ensures that individuals follow the standard of ethics of our profession. Mid-program feedback indicated that some students lack information about the credentialing process
6. State statistical data indicating the need for emphasizing assessment, prevention and treatment in best practices for serving suicidal clients and families.
7. Alignment with 2014 ACA Code of Ethics and CACREP terminology emphasizing on student and professional knowledge of self-care plans.
Unit Goal and
Outcomes / Link to
UM Strategic Plan / Intended
Outcomes / Assessment
Measures / Resources
Recruit and retain students in COE degree programs
5.1 The processes for admission to and completion of all graduate programs will be reviewed in order to improve efficiency and deter errors.
5.2 All COE faculty will maintain or increase their participation in undergraduate or graduate Admissions Office event.
5.3 The COE will provide faculty development in the area of academic advising. / To be completed upon approval of the 2015-2019 UM Strategic Plan / 1. Develop a plan with personnel and GAR for incomplete applications.
2. Focus on recruiting individuals from under-represented groups by collaborating with UM undergraduate majors and feeder programs including social work and psychology. Offer two (2) MESP scholarships to qualified candidates.
3. Update program website to include imaging that accurately reflects pluralistic society, diversity within the profession, and program commitment to diversity Participate in events sponsored by the office of Graduate Admission and Records