Llanblethian Community Group (LCG)
Minutes of Meeting 7th November 2012 at the Cross Inn Llanblethian 2.30 – 4.30pm
Those attending:
Mike Bailey
Chris Street
Rebecca Exley
Beverly Tonkin
Jane Williams
Graham Bailey
Gweneira Baty
Authur O’Leary
David Webb (part)
Margaret Bailey
Geoff Cox
Sue Cox
Richard Browning
LCG Constitution Document
Those present from the Co-ordinating Group signed the document. Mike to distribute the completed document when all have signed.
Beverly’s kind offer to take on the Treasures role was accepted unanimously. Her first task would be to co-ordinate the opening of a bank account with HSBC. Signatories to be Beverly, Mike, Chris, Graham, Margaret and Rebecca.
Beverly thought c£30 left over from the Jubilee Committee might be available TBC.
Review of feedback from Phil Beaman
Rebecca reported that 10 verges had been identified, some with services under and some with ownership to be confirmed but the triangle at the Cross had no complications.
Although planting probably missed for this year Rebecca would progress the Tidy Towns Grant application subject to consulting Richard Browning on the best bulbs to use.
Waitrose Partnership Volunteering Scheme
Waitrose are happy to accept applications for January money available under this scheme.
Traffic Calming and Telephone Box library
David Webb felt strongly that traffic calming measures were desirable in the vicinity of Picton House. Various options discussed but traffic monitoring agreed necessary first – Miketo contact Helen Saxby at the police towards this end.
A letter to Highways suggesting the use of coloured tarmac strips at the time of resurfacing might also be appropriate in due course.
David also proposed informal library use of the Telephone Box. It is still BT owned with a live line which BT will not remove. The Town Council have written to BT asking them to maintain. David to review position.
Review of ideas generated by public meeting (20/10/12)
Milestones – research by Chris suggests none exist in Llanblethian. Considered dead.
Bench and tree by the Ford – Town Council still addressing land ownership issue. Also ownership of bridge to be identified in due course.
Telephone Box – see above.
Arrange Carol Service / involve younger people – Carols already arranged for 23/12 with Father Christmas party with small presents for the children at the Cross proposed afterwards. David to liaise with Arthur. Rebecca to consider poster.
Other possible event for youngsters – Beverly to speak to Lyn M who is interested in this area.
Arrange a wine tasting evening / coffee mornings
Agreed desirable. TBA in due course.
Prevent verge parking (by Church)
Stones already in place but may need to be replaced with larger stones to prevent them being moved. Position to be monitored. No LCG action at this stage.
Improve 3 Fields footpath
Mrs Boland to be approached by Town Council.
Re footpaths generally, Jane suggested liaising with Ian Fraser (Ramblers) and take photos to clarify issues.
Arrange annual BBQ / picnic
Agreed desirable and various options were discussed.To be reviewed further.
Neighbourhood Watch
John Stevenson is interested – Arthur to invite him to future meeting.
Next continuation meeting arranged for 21st November from 2.30 to 4.30pm at The Cross Inn.
CGS 27/11/12