Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK)

National Institute for International Education (NIIED)

Ministry of Education (MOE)

191 Jeongjail-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, (13557) Republic of Korea. Tel: +82.2.3668.1399. Site: www.talk.go.kr

TaLK Program Application (A)

First Name* / Middle Name* / Last Name* / Marital Status (√) / Gender (√)
Name as written / in your / passport / Married( ) Not Married( ) / M ( ) F ( )
Date of Birth / Age / Passport Number & Expiration Date
Place of Birth (Country) / Citizenship / Permanent Residency
Korean Heritage / Dual/Multiple Citizenship (√)
Yes ( ) No ( )
If"No," disregardthenextsection,"Dual/MultipleCitizenship,"
andcontinuewiththerestoftheapplication. / ( ) / I have read and understood the guidelines for Korean Nationality Status Check
Guidelines for Korean Nationality Status Check (See next page)
( ) / I confirm that I hold dual/multiple citizenship.
( ) / I confirm that I do not hold dual/multiple citizenship.
Information / Home Phone (Country Code + Area Code + Local number) / Mobile / Primary E-mail Address / Login ID
Street Address / City / State/Province / Zip Code / Country
Emergency Contact / Name / Relationship / Contact Number / Mobile
Street Address / City / State/Province / Zip Code / Country
Start date (mm/yyyy) ~ End date (mm/yyyy) / Name of Institution / State & Country
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Major / Total Academic Credit Hours : ______/ GPA:
Current Status (√) / ( ) 1st year ( ) 2nd year ( ) 3rd year ( ) 4th year ( ) Graduated(AS/AA) ( ) Graduated(BS/BA)
Work or Teaching Experience/ Training Course
Start date (mm/yyyy) ~ End date (mm/yyyy) / Brief Description / State & Country
Have you had any prior teaching experiences? / Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, for how long?
Do you have any teaching certificates? / Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, please specify:
Contract Term & Placement
Contract Term (√) / 6 Months ( )
1 Year ( ) / ** Priority consideration is given to applicants who choose the 12-month scholarship term. *It is strongly recommended for degree holders or those who are completing their final semester/quarter at university to choose this option.
*If you are an Overseas Korean male with dual/multiple citizenship without an official waiver of military service, you must choose 6 months.
What is your Korean verbal proficiency? (√) / None ( ) Low ( ) Intermediate ( ) High ( )
How did you learn about TaLK?
(Please select all that apply)
(√) / ( ) TV Commercial
( ) Radio
( ) Newspaper Name of newspaper:______
( ) Internet Website: ______
( ) Referred by / ( ) TaLK Scholars ______( ) Family Members
( ) Friends ( ) University Staff
( ) Embassy/Consulate ( ) Other ______
( ) Other
I certify that all the information given in this application, supporting documents and interviews is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false information, omissions or misrepresentations of facts called for in this application may disqualify my application or result in immediate termination. I authorize the National Institute for International Education to investigate all statements made on my application of scholarship. I further authorize any present employer or supervisor, past employer and supervisor, college, university of other educational institutions (or their agents or employees) to respond to questions concerning information related to previous employment or scholarships. Finally, I acknowledge that any documents submitted to the TaLK Program will not be returned nor provided to me in any form, including photocopies, scans or any other mediums.
Applicant’s Signature: ( ) Date of Submission: ( )
* Please print out this application and hand sign your name with a pen before submitting it to your application office.

Guidelines for Korean Nationality Status Check

*This section pertains only to individuals of Korean heritage who have turned 22-years-old after May 4th, 2010.


Regardless of your birthplace and current citizenship, you hold Korean citizenship if your father was a Korean citizen or Permanent Resident of Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, the U.K. or the U.S. at the time of your birth. Please verify your Korean citizenship status with the Korean Embassy/Consulate in the country of your residence.

A.  If the Korean Embassy/Consulate determines that you hold Korean citizenship, you can enter Korea on a Korean passport. Please seek consultation from the Korean Embassy/Consulate about obtaining a Korean passport. If you wish to enter on a passport of your current residence, you must first file a nationality renunciation report. Please see “Retaining/Renouncing Your Korean citizenship” section below for an overview of the eligibility criteria.

B.  If the Korean Embassy/Consulate determines that you DO NOT hold Korean citizenship, you must consult the Korean Embassy/Consulate about obtaining an appropriate visa (E2-2 or F-4).

Visa Type / Eligibility Requirement
Public Institution Foreign Language Instructor
*Not E2-1 / - You MUST be a Bachelor’s degree candidate (3rd- or 4th-year student) or a Bachelor’s/ Associate’s degree holder.
- If you are a 1st- or 2nd-year undergraduate student, please see the F-4 visa section below.
Overseas Korean / - You MUST enter Korea on the F-4 visa if you are a 1st- or 2nd-year undergraduate student.
- If you meet the requirement for the E2-2 visa, you are also eligible for the F-4 visa. Please see the E2-2 visa section above.


If it is determined that you hold Korean citizenship, you have the option to retain or renounce your Korean citizenship. By retaining it, you can arrange to enter on a Korean passport; and by renouncing it, you can arrange to enter on an E2-2 or F-4 visa. If you cannot renounce your Korean citizenship, you must obtain a Korean passport. Please refer to general guidelines below and consult with the Korean Embassy/Consulate for further directions as necessary.

Females: Before turning the age of 22, you have the option to keep or renounce your Korean citizenship. Please refer to “Section I.B.” above. Your citizenship status will not affect the duration of your TaLK scholarship term.

Males: By March 31st of the year you turn 18, you have the option to keep or renounce your Korean citizenship. After the aforementioned date, you are NOT eligible to file for Korean Nationality Renunciation unless you have fulfilled Korean military duty or have been waived from serving in the military. If you have neither fulfilled Korean military service nor received a waiver for it, you can only participate in the TaLK Program for six (6) months and the extension of your TaLK scholarship will not be granted.

[DISCLAIMER] The Seoul TaLK Office provides information as instructed by the Korean Ministry of Justice and appropriate government bodies. Since the TaLK Office is not authorized to issue visas, the TaLK Office does not hold any legal responsibility for the information presented above. All inquiries regarding “Korean Nationality Status” should be directed to the nearest Korean Embassy/Consulate. Please visit the Korean Immigration Nationality Department’s Web site for the most updated information about Korean nationality determination.

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