Training in Emerging and Innovative Industries Fund


Before completing this application form please read theTraining in Emerging and Innovative Industries Fund Guidelines for Funding. If you have any questions regarding this form or the application process, please contact VET Investment, Department of Employment, Small Business and Trainingat .

Section 1 Organisation Details
1.1 / Legal name of organisation
1.2 / Trading name of organisation
1.3 / Authorised contact details: Title / Mr ☐ Mrs☐ Ms ☐ Miss ☐ Doctor ☐
Other ☐ (Please specify)
First Name
Last Name
1.4 / Postal Address:
1.5 / Street Address:
1.6 / Australian Business Number (ABN)
1.7 / Incorporation Number
Section 2 Project Overview
2.1 / Indicate the industry area/s which best describes the employers involved in the project e.g. if the employer produces cattle for live export, select Primary Industry or if the employer turns engine parts, select Engineering.
☐Arts & Entertainment
☐Building & Construction
☐Community Services
☐Food Processing / ☐Furnishing
☐General Education & Training
☐Laboratory Operations
☐Primary Industry / ☐Process Manufacturing
☐Sports & Recreation
☐Textile, Clothing &Footwear
☐Tourism & Hospitality
☐Transport & Distribution
2.2 / Locality/suburb/town(s) for proposed project
2.3 / Project name
2.4 / Project Coordinator details
(include phone and email)
2.5 / How many enterprises are participating?
Indicate by size (Number of staff employed by each enterprise in Queensland) / Small (<20)
Medium (20<199)
Large (200<)
2.6 / What is the proposed commencement and completion dates for the project?
(Project durations of up to 12 months. Delivery completion date must no later than 31 March 2019) / Commencement Date / Completion Date
2.7 / Provide a summary description of the proposed project.
What are the key objectives of the project?
Provide details of how productivity will be improved through the investment of automation and/or ICT solutions and what new skills will existing workers require as a result of the digital disruption.
Word limit 500 words
2.8 / Servicing Industry and Employer Needs
How will the proposed project address digital disruption to:
  • support the current workforce development needs of enterprises and emerging innovative industries
minimise current and potential skills shortages
  • address emerging skills needs in the economy or in industries
  • create an environment where innovation, flexibility and industry focus are paramount.
How will the project create growth?
Does this project complement existing services or other Government priorities?
Has there been any consultation between industry, employers and TAFE Queensland?
Word limit 500 words
2.9 / Strategies to Assist Existing Workers
What are the Training Delivery and Support mechanisms that specifically address the individual’s learning needs?
What training is to be delivered?
-If TAFE Queensland is not delivering training, why has another RTO been chosen?
-Where non-accredited training is to be delivered, why has this been chosen and have industry recognised and endorsed the need for this training?
-What factors prevent industry from accessing subsidised training for existing workers through the Certificate 3 Guarantee/Higher Level Skills?
-How will the support mechanisms be identified and sourced if necessary?
Word limit of 350 words.
2.10 / Has the organisation applied for, or received, funding from other state or commonwealth funding programs for this project or components of this project? / Yes No
If yes, please provide details of sources and funding received
2.11 / Outcomes
What are the anticipated outcomes in relation to employment, career progression, productivity improvements and managing the impact of digital disruption on existing workers?
Word limit of 350 words.
Section 3 Project Budget
Expenditure Item
Breakdown of Funds Sought / Budget
(GST excl.)
Staff Wages / $
Materials and Equipment / $
Training Costs / $
Other Costs / $
Management Fee (Maximum 5% contribution of total funds) / $
A. / Total of TEII Funds Sought / $
B. / Industry Co-Contributions / $
Project Budget Notes
Full disclosure of all costings is a mandatory requirement of the application
Industry Co-Contributions:
Details of the Industry Financial and In-Kind Co-Contributions (Letters of support must be provided).
Staff Wages:
Staff Wages are for staff involved in providing support to the participants. (Co-ordinator, mentor, foundations skills, workplace preparation). Does not include teacher costs associated with the delivery of training.
Materials and Equipment:
Resource materials for non-accredited training (e.g. folders, paper, pens, leased equipment) This funding will NOT fund the purchase of assets and/or infrastructure.
Training Costs:
Training Costs associated with delivery ofNationally Recognised and Non-Accredited Training including teacher costs and student contribution fees.
Please note: Training Costs associated with Qualifications and Skill Sets listed on the Queensland Training Subsidies Listmust not be included in this project budget.(Details of the competency/skill set/qualification code, training name, number of training places, RTO name and delivery location must be provided).
Other Costs:
Other costs not listed but required to deliver the project. These are to be detailed and verified.
Management Fee:
The Management Fee is a contribution to the cost of managing the project up to a maximum of 5% of the total funds sought at A.
Section 4Organisational Capability
The following section relates specifically to your organisation’s experience in managing government grant funding to deliver training or industry engagement.
4.1Capacity to Manage
Demonstrate the financial viability of your organisation (Income and Expenditure statements for the past two financial years must be provided).
Describe your organisation’s experience in managing government funding to deliver training or other services.
Provide evidence of your staff’s experience and qualifications to manage programs and demonstrated ability to utilise network to achieve outcomes (Resumes or background information or position descriptions for staff involved in delivery of project to be provided).
Response has a 350 word limit
Section 5 Declaration
I state that the information in this application for funding and attachments is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I agree that the information provided in this application will be used bythe Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (the Department) and Jobs Queensland, and that the Departmentand Jobs Queensland may request and obtain additional information from appropriate agencies as required for assessment purposes. I understand that this is an expression of interest application only and may not necessarily result in funding approval.
I have read and understood the Training in Emerging and Innovative Industries Fund Guidelines for Funding.
By submitting this form I certify that I am an authorised officer for this organisation.
Yes, I agree / Date / 20
Name / Position
Section 6Application Checklist
Attached Income and Expenditure Statements for the past two financial years
Attached Resumes or background information or position descriptions for staff involved in delivery of project
Project Budget figures have been checked and correctly totalled
Attach research findings and other evidence as required relevant to the project proposal

Please send completed application including all attachments to with the subject line “TEII Fund Application – name of your organisation”.

EOI applications will not be accepted after 5pm (AEST) 23 March 2018.

Applications to be submitted by 5pm (AEST) 23 March 2018Page 1 of 6