My story of a miracle of His love!

“With all My heart and with all My soul”

I want to share with you what the Father revealed to me so preciously one day recently, as I walked by the “Sea of Galilee” near Tiberias, Israel. It reveals the passion of the heart of a Father for His children. The Bible is a love story. It is about a wedding. It is about how much our Father-Elohim loves us.

Ezekiel 3 and 33 tell us about the heart of the house of Israel—the ten northern tribes from the sons of Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel). The “house of Israel” is also called in Scripture the “house of Ephraim”. Ephraim was the son of Joseph who holds the birthright for all the tribes (Genesis 48). These ten are also called the “house of Joseph”. How beautiful that four times a day the Chasidic Orthodox Jews turn to the north, south, east and west to call for Ephraim to “come home”. They know the end-time prophecies that the return of a remnant of the ancient ten tribes means that the Messiah of Israel is coming.

These ten northern tribes became so idolatrous after Solomon’s death that finally Yahuewh had to scatter them out of the Land of their inheritance (the greatest punishment of all) into all nations, and mix them in with “gentiles”--pagans, heathen, barbarians, foreigners, aliens and strangers. They lost their identity. (Hosea 1:10, chapters 2 and 3) It broke the heart of the Father to have to separate these tribes from Himself. In Jeremiah He refers to them as “the beloved of My soul”. Jeremiah chapters 2:1-3:22 tell the story of His broken heart. It is in these chapters that we get a picture of the great heart of compassion and love that our Father has towards His people. It is hard to read this without weeping. This great love-story of Elohim for His people is seen also in Hosea 11.

Yahuweh pleads for His people to return to Him, and re-enter the covenant that He made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—a covenant of peace, joy, love and contentment. As we see from Jeremiah 3, a remnant did repent out of all the tribes, and returned under King Josiah to celebrate the feast of Passover (II Chronicles 35). This is an amazing picture of what is soon to happen at the return of the Passover Lamb—the Lamb of Elohim—Yahushua Messiah. When He comes, He will unite the whole house of Jacob (all 13 tribes) back together in Himself—“the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” for His people.

But, the house of Israel, whom Yahuweh had to finally divorce for their going after other gods (whoredom, idolatry), rejected His pleading and became hardened, “stiff-necked”, rebellious, proud and arrogant--rejecting His good Torah over them (the teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven—His rule over mankind). They created their own gods in their own image—gods of materialism, and gods of religion who would bless their efforts to gain wealth and power. They became comfortable with the Phoenician world trading

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empire, comfortable also with the Phoenician gods, and later became comfortable

with the Greek and Roman cultures that also had gods in their image. They

heartily accepted a religion whereby they might be saved from eternal hell, but a religion by which everyone could make up their own rules of lifestyle—a lawless religion that from its beginning did away with Yahuweh and his Torah as a rule, a covenant, of life.

The house of Israel remained idolatrous. They became wealthy, powerful and controlling, over the whole earth. They settled in the most beautiful nations, acquired great wealth and power, rising above the “gentiles” of those nations-- becoming the most militarily powerful of all people, skilled in education, in science, in medicine, and in all earthly wisdom (as was Solomon). They also extended education opportunities to women, built hospitals for the sick, organized charities for the poor, shelters for the homeless, and opportunities for advancement for all people. They became masters at “law”, which is surprising—creating the highest legal systems on earth, the greatest trading empires, and the greatest religious system. They led the nations in mercy and tolerance for all people. They blessed every nation that they entered--Genesis 13:14-17--fulfilling Yahuweh’s covenant to Abraham. Today, the main groupings of the house of Israel are the most powerful people on earth—seeking to fulfill the dream of Nimrod (Genesis 11). Because they are still idolatrous, they have also dedicated themselves to eliminate man’s need for Yahuweh, by their theories of evolution and humanism. They are today the leaders of a world gove9:rnment bent on returning to Genesis 11, and the tower of Nimrod in defiance of Yahuweh and His right to rule over the earth.

Today by archeology, history, language, names, and other ways, the “lost sheep of the house of Israel” are no longer lost. The majority of them scattered themselves before 722BCE, when the Assyrians took the rest captive. Then the Assyrians scattered the remaining ones. (II Kings 17)

In Isaiah 9:1-2 it talks about what Messiah would do to restore these “lost sheep” in the very land from which they were last totally scattered—the lands of the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulum—around the Sea of Galilee, in the Galilee. Matthew 4:13-15 shows how Messiah fulfilled Isaiah 9:1-2. Did you ever wonder why Messiah, being Jewish and Levite, would grow up in Nazareth—a town in the Galilee? Did you ever ask why most of His ministry was in the Galilee? Did you ever ask why all but two of His disciples were Galileans? It is because He came to shed His light once again on the inheritance of the “lost sheep”—to re-gather them, with the house of Judah (the three southern tribes of the sons of Jacob) into one sheep fold under one Shepherd—John 10:14-16.

Under Solomon the ten northern tribes were in league with the Phoenicians. Together they sailed around the world every three years to bring back goods for

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the Temple, for Solomon’s house, and for Solomon’s “collections”. They even entered the rivers of Texas and brought out many things back to Solomon. They

went through the Straits of Gibraltar and into Great Britain (“Brit” in Hebrew is

“covenant”, “ish” is man, “am” is people). Therefore “Great Britain” means: “The great covenant people”. They sailed to Spain (ancient Tarshish), into many now western European nations and Ireland, even to the east coast of what is now America. Archeological evidence has been found in the palio (ancient) Hebrew language used at the time of King David and King Solomon. Solomon made ships at Ezion Geber—now the Red Sea ports of Eilat, Israel and Aqaba, Jordan. He sailed them into ports of Africa, ports of what is now Saudi Arabia, into ports of South and Central America and Mexico. Colonies of Israelites stayed different countries where they went—for example “Brazil” is a Hebrew word for “iron”. The colonies of Columbia, the Mayans, and other great civilizations were Israelite colonies. In Columbia surgical instruments have been found that surgeons today say are very advanced—examples found of heart surgery, brain surgery, C-section births. Wherever the house of Israel went, they brought the wisdom of Solomon—which was the wisdom of Yahuweh. Ezekiel was sent by Yahuweh north—into the empire of Parthia—a great empire that rivaled Rome, to give them the message of repentance and return. The empire of Parthia was ruled over by members of the royal family of David. The empire of Carthage was an Israelite empire. They gave Rome the “stake”—the pole of execution on which our Savior died.

After Solomon died and the United Kingdom split into a northern Kingdom (Israel) and a southern Kingdom (Judah), (I Kings 11-12) because of their alliances with the pagans—they quickly turned to paganism, and the worship of golden calves. Thus, for example, human sacrifice was part of Mayan worship—as well as the building of pyramids. Yet, their mathematical system astounds intellectuals today—their great calendar ends in CE 2012. Solomon’s great wisdom in science, medicine, astronomy, map-making, botany, zoology, biology has been inherited by the house of Israel and the house of Judah.

Under the Kings of Israel, the northern ten tribes because so wicked that Yahuweh had to let them go—“put them away and write a bill of divorcement”. Today most of the house of Israel does not know who they are. (See Hosea 1:10, and chapters 2 and 3) But, our loving Father is revealing to His set-apart ones, who are seeking Him with all their heart, who they really are. HalleluYah!

In Messiah’s death and resurrection, He redeemed these lost people.

Do you notice that the Father never told the High Priest to take ten jewels off of his breastplate? He never had any intention of losing these ten tribes. Read Hosea chapter 11—for the whole book of Hosea is written to the ten tribes. How beautiful!

In these last days, a remnant of these ten tribes will “come trembling—fluttering

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like birds trying to find a place of rest—FROM THE WEST”. He will shake everything that can be shaken, so that those things that cannot be shaken may remain. In this great shaking, He will bring these trembling ones. (Hebrews 13:25-29)

The greatest concentration of the house of Israel today is in Western Europe and America. Like I said, there is historical, archeological, etymological, and other proof of where these tribes went. For starters on this great study, I recommend your reading the first two books of the series: The Lost Tribes of Israel entitled: 1) Origins and Empire of Ancient Israel and 2) Israel’s Lost Empires by Steven M. Collins. Mr. Collins works with several Orthodox Jews and Messianic Jews in Israel who have searched out and found the “lost sheep”, as well as drawing from such great teachers on the ancient world as the late Dr. Barry Fell of Harvard University.

Yahuweh is redeeming and restoring the whole house of Jacob now, back to the Land. The hard hearts of the house of Israel are softening. Some are even desiring to “go home”—back to the land of their inheritance—Israel. They want to rejoin the house of Judah, and live in their ancient homeland again.

This great phenomenon of THE RETURN is happening, and will continue to happen. There are hundreds of Bible verses about this return. The greatest return will happen at Messiah’s coming.

Jeremiah 31:5-6: “Again you shall plant vines on the mountains of Samaria…For there shall be a day when the watchmen cry on Mt. Ephraim, `Arise, and let us go up to Zion, to Yahuweh our Elohim”. The word “watchman” is “natsar”. The Orthodox Jews say that these “watchmen” are the returning House of Ephraim—returning as “Christians”. Indeed there are Christians planting vines on the mountains of Samaria!

This is the story of the “prodigal son”. (Luke 15) The “elder brother”--house of Judah (in which the three tribes of Judah, Levi and Benjamin are represented)--never left Yahuweh, the Father, and His Torah. With all of their dabbling into the occult, and rabbinical superstitions, supposedly to reach Yahuweh—still Judah guard the basics of His Torah. They have held intact His Shabbat, His festivals, His dietary laws, and His right-rulings. Without them we would not have the Torah.

In Romans 3:1-2 Paul says: “What then is the advantage of the Jews, or what is the value of circumcision? Much in every way! Because firstly indeed, that they were entrusted with the Words of Elohim”. In intercession for them Paul writes in Romans 9:3-5: “For I myself could have wished to be banished from Messiah for the sake of my brothers, my relatives according o the flesh, who are Israelites, from whom is the adoption, and the esteem, and the covenants, and the giving of the Torah, and the worship and the promises, who are the

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fathers, from whom is the Messiah according to the flesh, who is over all—Elohim –blessed forever. Amen”. Does the house of Israel have any reason to boast over the house of Judah? -- Absolutely NOT!

At the coming of Messiah, a remnant of the “elder brother” of the story, will receive Messiah Yahushua at His coming (Zechariah 12), and join the house of Israel—the pig-eating prodigal who doesn’t eat pig anymore—and become “one stick” in His hand. THIS IS the coming together of the “one new man”. (Ezekiel 37:15-28) Meanwhile, now, a trickle of the “prodigal son” is returning to the Father, Yahuweh, and to His covenant, to obey Him in His good Torah.


One day in December 2006, I was walking along Lake Kinneret (The sea of Galilee). I was pondering all the volcanic rocks that are in the area of Samaria and the Galilee. There are some that are huge. There are some medium-sized, and many small ones of different sizes and shapes. So many rocks! The Father’s Spirit began to speak to my spirit that these rocks—most of them dull—looking, not pretty, just plain—represent the house of Israel (the 10 northern tribes). (Ezekiel 3:2:1-3:11) Like these rocks, most of the house of Israel are still hard, cold, indifferent to Father’s covenant, steeped in a lawless (Torah-less) defiled, pig-allowing religion, that has relegated Father to antiquity.

In Luke 15, the prodigal falls at the Father’s feet in repentance. We must repent when we return to the Father’s covenant relationship. Then we must go humbly learn His ways and His nature, learning what He expects of us, so that we are no longer lawless.

As I looked at the rocks, since I’m an amateur geologist, I saw some that could possibly be geodes. A “geode” is formed from volcanic “hail” that spews out of a volcano. The rocks are usually rounded—not pretty on the outside--but once broken open contain beautiful crystals inside formed from mineral deposits.

The Father showed me that this is how He sees the house of Israel.

Matthew 15:24 with Matthew 10:5-6 give us an unusual picture of why Messiah came: “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”. He only told His disciples to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel—which they did after His ascension.

He primarily came to redeem back those from the ten tribes who had abandoned Him for idolatry and sin—transgressing His Torah and relegating Him to the past, in order to pick up a new religion with new festivals, a new priesthood, new doctrines, and a free-wheeling lifestyle that arrogantly said, “You don’t have to go to Jerusalem”—a lifestyle of rebellion against Yahuweh. (I Kings 11-12) Therefore, the greatest move of the Spirit of Yahuweh today is His orchestrating the return of these ten tribes of Israel, to join them once again with their brother Judah!

From a Jewish commentary on Ezekiel 37:15-28, I read recently that the return of

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the house of Israel is bringing great comfort to the house of Judah. It says that when the Jews see that Elohim is bringing back the lost Israelites, it gives them comfort to know that He has not forgotten Judah either, and that the promises of Messiah to the whole house of Jacob will soon be fulfilled. Awesome!

Zechariah 8:10-23 speaking of the time of the return of Israel’s Messiah: “Thus says Yahuweh of hosts, `Peoples shall yet come, inhabitants of many cities, and the inhabitants of the one go to another saying, “Let us earnestly go and pray before Yahuweh, and see Yahuweh of hosts. I myself am going”. `And many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek Yahuweh of hosts in

Jerusalem, and pray before Yahuweh’. Thus says Yahuweh of hosts, `In those days TEN MEN FROM ALL LANGUAGES OF THE NATIONS take hold, yes, they shall take hold of the edge of the garment of a man, a Jew, saying `Let us go with you, for we have heard that Elohim is with you.’” The “ten men” represent the house of Israel who were scattered into all nations by 722BCE. In these days, this is already beginning—a forerunning remnant is returning—some “trembling” from the West.

Yahushua Messiah renewed the covenant with both houses in His own blood. (Jeremiah 31:31) Then He arose to confirm the covenant with both houses, and with anyone else who wanted to participate in it—the covenant established with His people on Sinai—when the terms of the marriage covenant was established.

As He began showing me, that morning on my walk, how He looks at the “house of Israel—stubborn, rebellious, lawless, proud—I thought to myself that there