1.0 Module Description
The aim of this course is to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to deal with various problems within health, welfare, legal, educational, industrial and counselling settings. You will be exposed to various approaches to counselling and then relate these to traditional methods of counselling.
2.0 Module Objectives
After going through this module you must be able to:
2.1 Define counselling,
2.2 Examine different approaches to counselling,
2.3 Describe characteristics of an effective counselling relationship,
2.4 Explain the goals of counselling,
2.5 Discuss ethical issues in counselling,
2.6 Plan and prepare for counselling sessions,
2.7 Demonstrate the basic skills in counselling
3.0 Content
3.1 Introduction and overview
3.1.1 Counselling defined
3.1.2 Counselling versus psychotherapy
3.1.3 Goals in counselling
3.2 The counsellor as a person
3.2.1 Effective counsellors
3.2.2 Counsellor values
3.2.3 Barriers to becoming effective counsellors
3.3 Counselling skills
3.3.1 Stages of counselling
3.3.2 Counselling techniques
3.3.3 Communication skills
3.3.4 Listening skills
3.4 Ethical issues in counselling
3.4.1 what are ethics?
3.4.2 Model for moral & ethical reasoning
3.4.3 Different ethics
3.4.4 Working through ethical decisions and dilemmas
3.5 Psychoanalytic approach
3.5.1 Basic assumptions
3.5.2 Structure of personality
3.5.3 Development of personality
3.5.4 Defence mechanisms
3.5.5 Goals of counselling
3.5.6 Techniques & procedures
3.5.7 Stages of psychoanalytic counselling
3.6 Person-centred approach
3.6.1 Basic assumptions
3.6.2 Nature of maladjustment
3.6.3 Goals of counselling
3.6.4 Counselling relationship
3.7 Behavioural approach
3.7.1 Basic Assumptions
3.7.2 Goals of Counselling
3.7.3 Counsellor's role
3.7.4 Techniques & procedures
3.8 Cognitive-Behavioural Approach
3.8.1 Key concepts
3.8.2 Goals of counselling
3.8.3 Counsellor's Role
3.8.4 Techniques & procedures
3.9 Other approaches to counselling
3.9.1 Systemic Approach
3.9.2 Family counselling
3.9.3 Group counselling
3.9.4 Multicultural counselling approaches in Africa
3.9.5 Eclectic approach
3.10 Stress and burnout
3.10.1 Definitions of stress & burnout
3.10.2 Causes of stress & burnout
3.10.3 Signs and symptoms of stress
3.10.4 Coping mechanisms for stress
4.0 Reading List
Bourdillon, M.F.C (1990). Religion And Society: A Text For Africa. Gweru: Mambo Press
Bourdillon, M.F.C (1993). Changing Culture In Zimbabwe
Bozongwena, W. (1983). Ndebele Religion & Customs. Gweru: Mambo Press
Eales, C, & Hawkes-Whitehead, (1996). Counselling Skills: A Quick Guide. Dunstable: Folens
Feltham, C, & Horton, I. (2000). Handbook Of Counselling And Psychotherapy. London: Sage Publication.
Hornby, G, Hall, C, & Hall, E. (Eds)(2003). Counselling Pupils In Schools: Skills AndStrategies For Teachers. London: Routledge Falmer.
Kochhar, S.K. (1984). Guidance and Counselling in Colleges And Universities. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.
Makinde, O. (1984). Fundamentals of Guidance and Counselling. London: Macmillan.
Mbiti, J.S. (1975). Introduction To African Religion, 2nd Ed. Nigeria: Heinemann Publishers
Rao, N.S. (2003). Counselling and Guidance.2nd Ed. New Delhi: Tate McGraw Hill.
Seden, J. (1999). Counselling Skills In Social Work Practice. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Trotzer, J.P. (1999). The Counsellor And The Group: An Integrating Theory, Training, And Practice. 3rd Ed. Philadelphia: Accelerated Development.
5.0 Assignments
5.1 Distinguish between the legal and ethical in counselling. Show why a code of ethics, rather than the law, is used to guide the code of counsellors.
Due Date: 10 May 2007
5.2 Presentations
Date: To be advised