AdmissionsPolicy 2016-17

This policy will provide a co-ordinated and structured programme to ensure that all HeathSchool placesare offered and allocated in an open and fair manner.

The Heath follows the Halton Local Authority agreed scheme for Admissions.

Admissions to the Heath – transfer of students, KS2 – KS3.

  1. Come to see our School, attend an open evening or arrange a visit, 01928 576664.

2. Complete the Admissions form on-line, or complete the form and return to the address provided.

See the Document ‘Admission to Secondary School 2017’ at:

If you require further information, please contact the ‘Child Place Planning Team’ on:

0151 511 7271/7338

In-Year applications and transfers

  1. Please arrange a visit to The Heath. Contact Mrs P Talbot or ‘phone 01928 576664.
  1. Complete the Admissions form and return to the School (Mrs P Talbot).
  1. You will be offered a place if there is one available in the year group requested, subject to the conditions of FAIR ACCESS set out by Halton Authority.

See the Document ‘Admission to Secondary School 2017’ at:

If you require further information, please contact the ‘Child Place Planning Team’ on:

0151 511 7271/7338

Right of appeal

If we are unable to offer a school place, you have the right to appeal.See the Document ‘Admission to Secondary School 2017’ at:

Admissions to the Heath – 6th Form

  1. Please arrange a visit to the Heath. Contact Mrs J Gargan – Head of 6th Form or ‘phone 01928 576664.
  1. Complete an application form.

See the Document ‘Admission to Secondary School 2017’ at:

  1. Please read the 6th Form Admission arrangements on the next page:

Sixth Form Admission Arrangements

There will be a maximum admission number into Year 12 of 100 students in 2017.

The criteria for admission of students into the Sixth Form are:

  1. All students who apply for the Sixth Form must study courses for which they have achieved the minimum academic criteria:

-All applicants are required to have at least five A*-C passes at GCSE, including English and Mathematics. Maths and English grades under the new numeric system will require a grade 5, however, there will be an opportunity to re-sit these subjects in Sixth Form.

-All applicants must meet the minimum requirements for the AS / A level / BTEC subjects which they wish to study. For the majority of subjects applicants are required to have achieved at least a grade B at GCSE in that subject (or a related subject where the chosen subject is not offered at GCSE). For A Level English Literature/Language and A Level Maths grade 6/7 will be required.

-All applicants are required to have a strong work ethic and commitment to our ethos, standards and code of conduct.

-Entry into Year 13 relies upon success in the Year 12 assessments. As a minimum all applicants are normally required to achieve a D grade (or the equivalent) in each of the subjects they continue to study in Year 13.

  1. In the event of under-subscription, places will be made available to applicants from any school who meet the entrance requirements.
  1. In the case of over subscription the following criteria will be used to determine entry:
  1. Children who are in the care of the Local Authority (looked after children)
  1. Year 11 students attending The Heath School
  1. Brothers and sisters of students attending The Heath. This includes full, half or stepbrothers and sisters, adopted and foster brothers and sisters who are living at the same address and are part of the same family unit.

4. Other students

In the event of any over-subscription in the number of applications made under any of the categories above then the admissions committee will offer places first to children living nearest to the school measured in a straight line distance from the house/flat to the school as measured by the Local Authority.