Club Training/Development Grant


The Mayo Sports Partnership Club Development Programme provides grant assistance to sport and
recreation clubs/organisations within County Mayo for Club Training/Development and Special Project

Participation Initiatives.

This scheme reflects and will contribute to, the strategies of the Irish Sports Council ‘Building Sport for Life 2006-2009,

National Coaching and Training Centre and Mayo Sports Partnerships Strategic Plan 2006 – 2009.

This Grant Scheme aims to increase participation and improve the management and administration

of clubs and in particular, to develop youth structures in clubs/organisations, thereby providing sport

and physical activity opportunities.

This grant scheme is open all year round and clubs / organisations can contact the sports partnership directly

for a form or download from .

Up to 50% of funding can be obtained depending on cost and numbers attending

Please note that Sports Partnership run courses/workshopsare subsidised by this scheme

and therefore should not applied for under this scheme.

In some casesSports Development Officers also link with the Partnership office directly to

avail of the scheme ie: subsidised training courses in Soccer, GAA, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball etc.

We would ask you to please check with your Development Officer in your sport to see if this

is the case before contacting the office/sending in application. Contact us if you require your

sports development officers contact details

Guidelines for Club Training/Development Grant

Applicants will be assessed and allocation of grants determined having regard for the criteria

below which reflects both Mayo Sports Partnership and Irish Sports Council policies and


Eligible Courses (may include): Ineligible Courses (will include):

Sports specific Coach Education Courses outside Ireland
(eg. Athletics,Basketball, Gaelic, Soccer).

Sport related courses delivered by bodies not

Committee and/or Volunteer education, recognised under the National Coaching

Administration & management courses Development Programme or by the National

Governing Bodies of Sport (NGB’s) if one exists.

Generic courses outlined on application form,

Child Protection, First Aid, Generic sports courses delivered by a

Sport for All Leader Award etc non-recognised agency

Accredited courses by NCTC or NGB.

Day to day running costs (eg. insurance,transport).

Adapted Physical Activity Training (Special Needs)

Applicants from individuals (applications must

Applicants who have a bona fide youth be made by the club/organisation).

structure in place

Applications from clubs/organisations within Courses not directly related to applicant

Co. Mayo club/organisation (eg. team building).



§  As there are a limited number of grants emphasis will be placed on the quality of

the grant application

§  Organisations must have a Constitution / Rules or in the case of Companies

Memorandum & Articles of Association. Please attach copy to application.

§  Copy of Bank Statements from the organisations account for the previous three

months must be attached to application.

§  All applicants must be registered or agree to be registered on the database of

the Mayo Sports Partnership and County Community Forum.

§  On receipt of applications a club/organisation may be requested to make

minor amendments to their application following consultation with the

Sports Co-ordinator.

§  Applicants should note that successful clubs/organisations must comply with

any reasonable request regarding publicity from the funding agency.

§  Any club/organisation funded under this scheme must submit an end of project

report to the Mayo Sports Partnership.

§  Please note that Sports Partnership run courses/workshopsare subsidised

by this scheme and therefore should not applied for under this scheme.

In some casesSports Development Officers also link with the Partnership office

directly to avail of the scheme ie: subsidised coach training courses in Soccer,

GAA, Athletics, Badminton etc.

We would ask you to please check with your Development Officer in your sport to

see if this is the case before contacting the office/sending in application.


Section 1: Club/Organisation Profile

1. Applicant Details:

Name of Club/Organisation: ______

Chairperson: ______

Treasurer: ______

Secretary: ______

Name of club’s bank account: ______

For Correspondence
Applicant Name: ______Position in club: ______
Address: ______
Tel No: ______Email: ______

2. (i) Is your club/organisation affiliated to a National Governing Body? Yes: ___ No: ___

(ii) If yes, please state name of NGB. ______

3. Club/Organisation membership details: (please give numbers)

Age Group / Male / Female
Under 12 years
13 - 18 years
19 – 45 yrs (Senior)
46 yrs plus (Veteran)

4. Does your club charge a membership fee? Yes ______No ______

If yes, please specify: ______

5. Does your club charge its members for coaching sessions? Yes ______No ______

If yes, how much per session? ______

Section 2: About your Club

6. Please describe the purpose of your club/organisation and specify the sports/physical activities you provide for your members: ______


7. (i) Does your club/organisation partake in inter-club competitions (leagues/cups etc)?

Yes ______No ______

(ii) If yes, please specify: ______


8. Please specify qualified coaches in your club:

Name of coach / Qualification held / Awarding Body

9. Child Protection

(i) Does your club have a child protection policy? (If yes, please attach a copy)

Yes ______No ______

(ii) Has you club/organisation held/attended a certified Child Protection course?

Yes ______No ______

If yes, how may members have been certified? ______

Name of certifying body: ______

If no, would you be prepared to attend such a course?

Yes ______No ______

10. Does you club offer opportunities for participation for people with disabilities?

Yes ______No ______

If yes, please specify:


Would your club be prepared to attend a workshop on Adapted Physical Activity for People with Disabilities? Yes ______No ______

Section 3: Club Training/Development

Assistance is available to clubs/organisations in respect of participation in approved Training/Coach Education/Workshops promoting sport for young people.

Description of identified Training/Education Course

11. Name of Participant(s) for Training/Coach Education Course:

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

4.  ______

12. Course details:

(i) Course Title: ______

(ii) Organising/Accreditation body: ______

(iii) Level of course (ex. Introductory, Level 1 etc): ______

(iv) Venue: ______

(v) Date and Duration: ______

13. Briefly outline the objectives for doing the course and how it will benefit your junior club development.




14. Estimated cost of Training/Coach Education Course: € ______

The costs are expected to be met as follows:

a)  From personal funds € ______

b)  From club funds € ______

c)  From Mayo Sports Partnership

Training Development Grant Scheme € ______

15. Please detail how funding from the Mayo Sports Partnership will be spent:

Element / Amount €

SIGNED: ______DATE: ______

(on behalf of club/organisation)

Completed application forms should be returned to:

Mayo Sports Partnership,

Community and Enterprise, Mayo County Council, Castlebar, Co. Mayo

Email: . Tel: 094 – 904 7025 / 904 7256

MSP Club Training Grant


Application Form (Fully completed and signed) /
In the case of Clubs and Voluntary Groups/Organisations
-copy of Constitution/Club Rules & Structure /
Detailed costing of Training Programme /
Any Further Information /