SPEP Quarterly report Phase 1

SPEP Quarterly Report

Report for: Qtr 1 (Sept 1-Sept 30) ___; Qtr 2 (Oct 1-Dec 31)_X_; Qtr 3 (Jan 1-Mar 31) ___; Qtr 4 (April 1-June 30) ___

(Check which applies)

Lead Agency Name: _Hancock County Planning Commission_ Person Reporting: _James H. Fisher______

County: ______Hancock______Project Coordinator _James H. Fisher______

Check which groups you have actively participating (i.e., attending meetings, gathering information, etc) in your needs assessment or strategic plan work this quarter:

X / Institute of Higher Education / X / School District
Local Police Department / X / Local Substance Abuse Treatment Agency
State Police Department / X / Youth Organization Representative (i.e. YEP, YAP, etc)
X / County Sheriff Department / X / Advocacy Organization
X / State Government (i.e. local DHHS office, DOT, etc.) / X / Hospital
Social Service Org. (i.e. CAP, United Way etc) / X / Senior Organizations (i.e. AAA, AARP, etc)
X / Elected Official / X / Youth or Young Adults
Local retail establishments or other business / X / Community Members (who are not professionally involved)
X / Local Government/Municipalities / X / Other: Healthy Maine Partnerships and Healthy Community Coalitions in Hancock County
PHASE I Detailed Workplan Progress /
Deliverable: Needs and Resources Assessment /
Activities/Tasks / Timeframe
Beginning and end dates / Progress Qtr 1
Describe progress (Identify if the task has not begun, is in process, is completed with completion date) /
§ Collate existing research, assessments, studies (all substance abuse / all ages) / 09/06 –10/06 / The process was launched in September and has continued into the second quarter. Partners reviewed HZA Substance Consumption and Consequences County Profile for Hancock County. Each of the partners reviewed local data and surveys to assist with the Phase 1 data collection.
Jane Freeman of Healthy Peninsula worked on protective and risk factors across the age span in late December. This came out of a conference she attended presented by the AMA: From Risk to Resiliency (November, 2006).
§ Conduct Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis with network partners / 10/06-11/06 / A SWOT analysis was conducted during the second quarter. This will need to be repeated again in subsequent quarters as we needed to be further into the planning process to gather additional public input. The summary SWOT document is available on the SPEP web page: www.hcpcme.org/pubadmin/health/SPEP/
§ Conduct Coalition Outreach Meetings / 01/07-02/07 / Partners presented overview purpose of the grant to their steering committees. Some trial presentation were given in the second quarter. Several partners have found that general themes make more interesting presentations than county-specific data. As such, the presentation and the country report have developed differently. Healthy Peninsula Steering Committee (SC) was updated on this grant and gave input during the October meeting. Items discussed were the public relations/press, community engagement, and how the SC can help HP out in this process. Bucksport Bay Healthy Communities and updated their steering committee and other town committees about SPEP.
A few public meetings were held in December, but most are scheduled for the third quarter. Healthy Peninsula targeted GSA and DI-S High School communities. Meetings are planned with these partners to take place in 1/07. Presentations will take place in late February or early March.
Healthy Acadia met with local stakeholders including Hospital administration andstaff, local substance abuse treatmentservice providers. Healthy Acadia presented SPEP workplan goals to service learning program (8th graders) at Pemetic Elementary School.
Bucksport Bay Healthy Communities advised the coalition’s Provider Network Subcommittee on the SPEP regional planning process as well as distributed and reviewed data form the Substance Consumption and Consequences – Hancock County Profile Supplement. The Provider Network Subcommittee is developing a local plan for substance abuse services for the Bucksport Bay area.
PHASE I Detailed Workplan Progress /
Deliverable: Strategic Plan /
Activities/Tasks / Timeframe
Beginning and end dates / Progress Qtr 1
Describe progress (Identify if the task has not begun, is in process, is completed with completion date) /
§ Prepare Assets and Issues Report / 11/06-12/06 / This process reached the stage of having a community presentation prepared, while the narrative portion of the state of the county report is still under revision. Partners are using the presentation in a variety of forms including posters, handouts and projectors.
§ Prepare Vision, Goals, Objectives & Strategies (all substance abuse / all ages) / 01/07-03/07 / Scheduled for third quarter.
§ Finalize Substance Abuse Prevention Plan / 05/07-06/07 / Scheduled for fourth quarter.
PHASE I Detailed Workplan Progress /
Deliverable: MOU /
Activities/Tasks / Timeframe
Beginning and end dates / Progress Qtr 1
Describe progress (Identify if the task has not begun, is in process, is completed with completion date) /
§ Raise public awareness / 01/07-02/07 / Scheduled for third quarter.
Healthy Peninsula began discussions with a few towns in its service area (Blue Hill, Deer Isle-Stonington, Sedgwick, and Brooksville) around establishing policies in community areas such as playgrounds, etc.
§ Create memoranda of understanding template / 01/07-02/07 / Scheduled for third quarter.
§ Solicit signatories to the MOU / 03/07-05/07 / Scheduled for fourth quarter.
Narrative - Barriers: What barriers (i.e. lack workforce skill, low participation, loss of staff, etc) have there been to moving forward in any steps? How do you plan to or what did you do to overcome them? Are all towns in your County represented in the needs assessing? If not, which towns are not, and how do you plan to include them (refer to your town chart from rider A the middle and right columns)? Have you been able to gain participation from any of the towns in those columns? Other information you would like to share.
During the second quarter most of the work was performed in two settings, the team meetings and within the partner-organizations. Public outreach was limited as we developed the common presentation format for community outreach. One barrier to progress this quarter has been identifying sufficient time for the partners to meet and develop consensus about the issues and how these should be presented to the public. Some representatives, particularly those in law enforcement have had a difficult time fitting team meetings into their busy schedules. We experimented with a different meeting times and using conference calls which helped, but are not satisfactory long-term solutions.
Outreach to the most rural communities will be a major challenge for the third quarter. Participation in remote communities in northern Hancock County is particularly challenging. Recent significant arrests for possession and distribution of heroin in rural northern Hancock County should increase interest in these communities in participating in this planning initiative.
Narrative – Successes: What successes did you experience this quarter (i.e., more towns participating, receipt of other needs assessments to incorporate, etc)
Our remote island communities of Cranberry Isle, Frenchboro, Swans Island and Isle Au Haut have had significant contact through the Maine Sea Coast Ministry during the quarter. Substance abuse prevention planning is actually ahead of schedule on several outer islands thanks to this effort.
The Students of Ellsworth High School’s Health Awareness Group were recognized by the American Lung Association of Maine for Youth Advocacy on September 15th, 2006.
PATH and Health Peninsula participated in Blue Hill’s “Last Night” Celebration on December 31st, with PATH sponsoring a community dinner and Healthy Peninsula holding an open house.
Some of our activities include:
October 3 – Meeting with Clare Derossier at HCPC
October 4 – SWOT Analysis conducted with SPEP Partners
October 17 – Meeting with MDI League of Towns – Introduced SPEP process to town managers for Bar Harbor, Mount Desert, Lamoine, SW Harbor, Tremont and Trenton
October 18 –Common Health on WERU – Started promotional announcements for November Common Health program on Substance Abuse (see: www.commonhealth.org)
October 30 – SPEP Team meeting
November 6 – SPEP Team meeting – continued SWOT analysis
November 14 – Public meeting on Aging and Substance Abuse – Ellsworth City Hall
November 15 – Common Health on WERU – Broadcast one hour program on substance abuse and aging with guests Lenard Kay, Director, University of Maine Center on Aging and Ed Oechslie, Executive Director of the Acadia Family Center.
December 6 - Drug Free Workforce Training – Bangor
December 18 – Healthy Hancock Legislative Breakfast – met with a number of elected leaders to discuss emerging public health infrastructure and implications for future public involvement in community based solutions.
December 20 – Broadcast of Common Health on the causes and consequences of poverty. Substance abuse issues were raised by the guests and by callers to the station.
October 18, 2006 – Mary Jane Bush advised the coalition’s Senior Resource Subcommittee on the SPEP regional planning process as well as distributed and reviewed data form the Substance Consumption and Consequences –Hancock County Profile Supplement.
November 2, 2006 – Mary Jane Bush reviewed data from a community forum on the Prevalence of Opiate Abuse in Eastern Maine. This data was distributed to SPEP planning group members.
Attendedconference/meeting in Bangoron strategic planning in relation to Substance abuse preventionprogramming in the State of Maine
With whom did you seek and receive technical assistance from and on what topics? (i.e. OSA, PCoE, HZA, etc)
With Whom / On What / Was it Helpful?
University of Maine – PCoE / October 3rd – met with Claire Derossier / The purpose of this meeting was primarily to provide information to the research staff. Our project provided information.
OSA / December 6 – Drug free workplace training / The training was interesting and provided several ideas for ways that our project can approach employers, Employee Assistance Programs and Community Assistance Programs
University of Maine – Center on Aging / November 14th public presentation on Aging and Substance abuse by Lenard Kaye.
November 15th – WERU broadcast included Lenard Kaye / Presentation was well received. Community looked at a variety of hidden substance abuse issues.
Call in program generated numerous calls.