
News Release 4


Robert E. Dodds, ISU Extension and Outreach Assistant Vice President, County Services (515) 294-0013,

(First name Last name), ISU Extension and Outreach XXX County (Title), (phone), (email)

(Four) Candidates on Nov. 8 Ballot for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach XXXX County Council

TOWN/CITY - Voters will have the opportunity to elect (four) members of the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach XXXX County Councilfrom a slate of (four) candidates at the Nov. 8general election.

“The council members elected this year will be involved inbringing educational opportunities to XXXXCounty for the next four years,”(First name Last name, title) said. ISUExtension and Outreacheducational programming is a cooperative effort involving local citizens, Iowa State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Extension council members are elected at large and all voters in the county are eligible to vote for (four) candidates.

Candidates on this year’s ballot include: (list alphabetically, name and address, in several paragraphs).[Provide short candidate profile or candidate contact information so the newspapers can profile the candidates. Include name, address and occupation of candidate and a statement why they are interested in serving on the council.]

Extension council members whose terms expire this year are (list alphabetically, name and address). Carryover council members whose terms continue through the end of 2018 are (list alphabetically, name and address).

Successful candidates will take office in January 2017. Extension council members make policy, programming and budget decisions forISU Extension and Outreach in XXXX County.

Elected council members and offices in every county uniquely position ISU Extension and Outreach to move the state forward. Last year more than 1 million people directly benefited from ISU Extension and Outreach programs. These programs help citizens solve critical issues affecting their lives. ISU Extension and Outreach and county extension councils together are building a strong Iowa.

ISU Extension and Outreach has 100 field offices, providing local access to extension programs in all 99 counties. Learn more at or contact ISU Extension and Outreach in XXXX County at (phone) or (email).
