Neuroscience and mankind’s well-being

Artur Lebedev

Institute of Psychology Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Earlier the knowledge of fundamental laws and constants in physics, chemistry and genetics helped to change radically our outside world. Therefore the suicide of mankind now may be easy realized. The probability of this tragic final is real. Let us remember two world wars, the well-known Caribbean terrible crisis, which occurs soon after eminent Khrushchev’s visit in USA, when he has proposed common disarmament. But international chaos is continued until now, utterly excluding mankind’s well-being. The genius Johan Wolfgang Goethe has preserved the sad prophecy of our life in his famous work "Faust". I mean an ancient church hymn in Latin: «Dies irae, dies illa solvet saeclum in favilla...»

But neuroscience after physics, chemistry and genetics has found at last its own simple fundamental constants and laws of human’s behavior, of his inner world. I mean here first of all the behavior of our political leaders. A new simple technology of their selection is published [8-11]. Its verification and realization permits to reach mankind’s well-being without terrible wars.

Our common goal

What to do? First of all we obliged to know fundamental laws and constants of human’s inner world. That is laws of our own behavior, laws of behavior of mankind’s leaders with their nuclear briefcases in hands, with cruise missiles aimed against each other and so on.The behavior of militant leaders sometimes resembles the behavior of the leaders of bandit gangs or the behavior of psychic patients. Fools aspirations of these leaders were covered for too long by habitual words like "imperialism", "communism", "robe the robbers" and so on.

Happily turning in the right direction has been occurred: now there are not two mortally opposed world camps as it was in XX century. Therefore the weak hope is appeared to avoid the risks of mutual annihilation.

Our main goal is to prevent the premature death of the mankind from the dangerous consequences of its activity and fatal mistakes of mankind’s leaders. Psychologists together with neurobiologists have now constants and fundamental laws that can explain the mankind’s behavior with accuracy similar to the accuracy of physical or chemical laws. Therefore the well-being of mankind has the chance to be realized in our days without any wars and international conflicts. To verify this new technology is our first goal.

Prerequisites of needed solution.

Let us look what is the essence of new discoveries. Firstly, what are fundamental constants in laws of human behavior, which appeared at last in neuroscience? They are very simple. One of them is the psychological constant of Hans-Georg Geissler (round off G=5 ms). Next one is the neuronal constant of Hans Berger (F=10 Hz). And dimensionless constant of my teacher Mikhail Nikolaevich Livanov (R=0.1) is the third one. These three constants surprisingly related to each other like (R=2FG), This wonderful conjunction is the key to new fundamental laws of human behavior.

The history of their discoveries started in 18-th century, when English physician David Hartley, developing ideas of Isaac Newton, has proposed that some physical regular waves are the foundation of the human soul. These waves can explain the human’s behavior. Rhythmical fluctuations of electric potentials in human brain (EEG) were found indeed just two hundred years later. German psychiatrist Hans Berger called as alpha rhythm their frequencies from 8 to 13 Hz. Among them the frequency (F=10 Hz) is dominant. Hans Berger has found also close interrelationships of EEG-waves with some psychic phenomena.

A little later, eve of the Second World War, my teacher Mikhail Nikolaevich Livanov discovered the phenomenon of abrupt differences between periods of regular EEG waves. After him Norbert Wiener described the same phenomenon, too. The smallest step equal to difference in periods with respect to their average value was found to be equal to (R=0.1). This fundamental neuronal constant is dimensionless. But its duration (R/F) in absolute terms is ten milliseconds (10 ms), if typical frequency is (F=10 Hz).

And finally, as was told, Hans-Georg Geissler [1] has found psychological constant (round off G=5 ms). For this purpose he measured hundreds of simple sensorimotor reactions of many subjects. Geissler’s constant (G) is equal to minimal difference between the durations of simple sensorimotor reactions. It would seem trifle. But indeed the result of these painstaking calculations really is similar to the discovery by Gregory Mendel his eminent genetic dimensionless constant (3/4=0.75). New constant is of the same kind.

Geissler’s constant can also be called as neuronal constant because it is due to the constancy of a phase of weak neuronal excitability. This phase is known as the relative refractory phase after each pulse generated by nerve cell.Namely, if a burst of impulses, caused by a stimulus, reaches the neuron at a certain moment of relative refractory phase, then there is a delay of response occurs. In result the mean value of delay becomes equal to the half of duration of relative refractoriness (G=R/F/2) that is to five milliseconds (G=5 ms) as was told above.

Geissler’s constant tides outside world, surrounding the person, with his inner world in very simple, easily accessible measurement units of time. This discovery was the most important precondition of opening new laws, governing human behavior of different kind. You will see below, for example, some specific formulas for the exact solution of important psychological problems. All of them have not exact solution until now.

The problem of choice

Our first formula relates to the problem of choice. The selection procedure lies in the foundation of any behavior of the person, from the simplest to the most complex behavior. It was found the dependency of the time t(A), which is needed to select only one solution among the number (A) of all possible solutions. The next formula t(A)=0.5/(FR)*((1-(1-R)​​/A)**2) expresses this dependency in any particular situation. This formula is derived purely analytically. It is indeed the law. Here and below the double asterisk indicates exponentiation. Single asterisk is the sign of multiplication. The expression (1/FR=1 sec) reflects the typical duration of single alpha spindles. If (A=1) then value t(1) is equal to the constant of H-G. Geissler (G=0.5R/F=5 ms). Excellent results were received [2, 5-8] also for any other number (A) of alternatives.

Limits of human memory

Next formula permit to predict dependence of the volume (H) of so called short, i.e. operational or working memory from an alphabet, i.e. variety (A) of memorized signals: H=N*log (N)/log (A), where N=(1/R)-1.

Here the parameter (N) is the size of the alphabet of so called neuronal "letters" and at the some time this parameter (N) is also the maximal possible number of such letters in a single neuronal "word". The product (N*log (N)) is the logarithm of dictionary’s size (N**N) of all neuronal "words" [2] stored in human’s long-term memory.

Other simple formulas

Other simple formulas were derived also purely analytically, with the same fundamental constants. They explain with high exactness [1-8] many dependencies, which were found experimentally earlier (see appendix). Until now their exact computation in a wide range of conditions was impossible. These new findings were published and were experimentally verified in details. As a result the experimental psychology is turned today into an exact science like physics, chemistry and genetics thanks to discoveries of Hans Geissler, Hans Berger and Mikhail Nikolaevich Livanov.

Social Well-being is possible

Now exists a real opportunity to solve the problem of mankind’s transformation painless, quickly and smoothly in order to prevent mankind’s suicide as it was told above. Let me to explain the last statement more carefully. Neuronal constants and laws of psychology helped us to reveal the simple mechanism of self-organization of milliards (billions) neurons and to understand the matter of their amazing long life in comparison with all other cells.

Many of billions of neurons in human brain are organized very simply. Namely, all the neurons are exist like pyramids consisting of periodically pulsating interconnected neuronal ensembles. That is why the neurons rid of slag, supporting each other, and each neuron lives as a result hundreds of times longer than any other cell - the simplest units of living matter.Studies of H. Berger, M.N. Livanov and H.-G. Geissler opened the possibility of such self-organization of mankind, that is the possibility of a peaceful, painless, smooth cleaning of their own slag without any danger conflicts. The mankind’s slag should be attributed, in partial, to constantly decaying political elite, i.e. to the some leaders of society, who no longer responds to their commitments, thereby breaking the harmony of peaceful collective life.

New technology or well-being coexistence

International world conflicts can be easily prevented now by using the new reliable technology [9-11] for the election of political leaders, who are capable to work peacefully without blood full conflicts. About the need of such technologies, the so-called nonaligned equal security, the Russian President V.V. Putin had spoke recently at the celebration of the 70-th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany. Let us compare now the known historical facts, closely relating to our contemporary problems.

Firstly, as was told, just 75 years ago Hitler had tried to forcibly break up of the USSR and to turn our country into a giant raw materials appendage, killing for this purpose millions of people. But later just 25 years ago the Russia itself wished to become a raw materials appendage to Western countries. Our communists themselves realized this madcap Hitler’s dream [look 12, p. 1]. They rapidly disintegrated the USSR and proved that mutual benefits can be achieved without the mutual killing of peoples. It turned out that Hitler once has been too hurried. Stalin, too, something not calculated. Ignorance by them the laws of human behavior and therefore their inability to anticipate each other's actions was the main reason for the disaster occurred. The terrible past of such kind must be never repeated!

Let us add by the way that these leaders, both socialists (an ardent National Socialist and a convinced communist), mercilessly preening their own power pyramids exclusively from above. In comparison, new laws of neuroscience show that neuronal giant pyramids perfectly clean themselves all the time, quickly and smoothly from bottom [8, p. 21], without experiencing any need for self-destruction.

If Hitler and Stalin could look at their native countries even though by corner of their eyes in our time, they both will be astonished because their final goals are realized now without any war. Both our countries must be happy, indeed, solving all problems very peacefully. And we can see that after two world wars Germany is booming now. The shelves of Russia are also full. Thanks to our ancestors, united in peace earlier once sixth of the Earth's land! Our oil, gas, coal and other raw materials can save us. We learned today that we could live well, even after the collapse of our socialist industry and collective farms. Why it was impossible earlier to share the wealth with each other country peacefully and by agreement, as is the case today? Why did the leaders of the warring states before loudly yelled "Robe the robbers, who is not with us is against us, Germany above all”? It seems, that mankind for too long believed the laws of Darwin and Marx. We can see now that there is no any need in any war. It is better to live peacefully.

Secondly, there is another convincing example. Very small in size and very clever Japan now is very peaceful, too, therefore it is easily reached record high in the world in life expectancy of its citizens, producing for the world its high-tech flunked goods. So profitable!

Why we need wars and other squabbles to day? The theories of Darwin and Marx are totally inappropriate here. All troubles come from ignorance of the fundamental laws of man's inner world, needed for accurate prediction and prevention of decay of the elites of all kinds. This decay is the main proximate cause of any global catastrophes. How to avoid it?

The decision is simple. The long, peaceful, happy life is possible now to anywhere in the world. To do this, not only the residents but also the heads of different states must to unite like neuronal pyramids according to new technology [9-11] drawing out from neuronal laws [2-8] of human behavior.

Namely, for electing of President of country all electors unite firstly in the small cells of the first level. The leader of first level gets out in every cell. These leaders also unite in small cells of second level. They choose their own leader of second level and so on. If the number of all electors in this country is equal for example to one hundred of millions and the number of electors in each cell is equal to ten, then number of all levels is equal to eight. All electors of the last cell choose his own leader and this leader becomes the President of this country. The presidents of different countries in turn unite in their own cells on their own desire. In each such cell unite about five presidents, in any case no less than three.

The giant pyramid of electors reminds neuron pyramids. Elections occur approximately every 4-5 years. To elect president of single country is required 8-10 months or less. To elect at last the world president is need about 3-5 months. All problems will be solved without any wars because it is impossible nobody to be at war with entire world. All other problems also may be decided far easier as it was shown above. Computer new technologies provide easy and cheap procedure of decision of various little and large problems of mankind. Reason is simple. Because elections of "eyes in eyes" the most conscientious and clever leaders move always up to guidance upwards. Cleaning of elite is also accomplished painlessly from election to election. Every cell of electors lives little by little renovating like a neuron very long. A need disappears in any revolutions and blood quarrels. New constants and laws of neuroscience directed to get up life-saving technologies for peaceful coexistence all the nations in the world.