Honors English 11 Midterm Review Sheet

Part I: The Crucible by Arthur Miller

  1. When Reverend Parris sees the girls dancing in the forest, what does he conclude they are doing?
  2. What is Reverend Parris’s biggest fear if the villagers believe his daughter has come under a spell?
  3. Why does Abigail believe she was dismissed from the Proctor’s house?
  4. What is Reverend Parris most concerned about at the beginning of the play when Betty falls ill?
  5. What does the dialogue among Proctor, Parris, Putnam, and Corey emphasis about the atmosphere of the village?
  6. When he arrives, what does Reverend Hale caution everyone about regarding the presence of witchcraft?
  7. Why does Abigail accuse Tituba of conjuring the Devil?
  8. At the beginning of Act II, what is Elizabeth’s fear about John’s relationship with Abigail?
  9. What reason does John give Elizabeth for not wanting to go to Salem to tell what Abigail said to him?
  10. What is the real reason John Proctor avoids going to Salem to charge fraud on Abigail?
  11. If you are accused of being a witch, how do you save yourself from hanging?
  12. What is the evidence used against Elizabeth Proctor?
  13. What does Reverend Hale mean when he says, “…if Rebecca Nurse be tainted, then nothing’s left to stop the whole green world from burning.”
  14. What does Mary Warren reveal to John Proctor that she knows at the end of Act II?
  15. What does Deputy Governor Danforth symbolize in the court?
  16. Why does Danforth dismiss Giles’s deposition?
  17. Why does Proctor reject the compromise that would grant his wife freedom for one year?
  18. What happens to anyone who offers evidence that questions the court’s authority?
  19. What impact does Danforth’s argument that witchcraft is an invisible crime have on Proctor’s case?
  20. Danforth claims Proctor is accusing Abigail of a “marvelous cool plot to ______.”
  21. Why is Mary Warren’s accusation against Proctor at the end of Act III the climax of the play?
  22. What does Giles believe is the motivation behind Putnam’s accusations?
  23. Why does Mary Warren turn against John Proctor and accuse him of being the Devil’s man?
  24. What conclusion can be drawn about current life in Salem due to the fact that orphans beg for food and cows roam the streets?
  25. What does Elizabeth learn about her husband through her test of character?
  26. What news does Rev. Parris give the court at the beginning of Act IV?
  27. What two men urge the postponement of the witch trials?
  28. What does Rev. Hale encourage Elizabeth to do in her last conversation with Proctor?
  29. What does Elizabeth blame herself for?
  30. What does John admit to in his confession?

Part II: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

  1. In what decade does the novel take place?
  2. What word does Nick use to describe Tom and Daisy?
  3. What is Daisy’s hometown city?
  4. What word best describes Gatsby?
  5. What two feelings does Mr. Gatz experience over his son’s death?
  6. Why do so many people stay away from Gatsby’s funeral?
  7. Why does Tom insist that Daisy and Gatsby drive home together after the fight at the Plaza?
  8. What does Nick mean when he says that we are borne back “ceaselessly into the past?”
  9. What does the green light symbolize?
  10. What does the valley of ashes symbolize?
  11. What words best describe Daisy?
  12. What does Daisy represent to Gatsby?
  13. What does Nick mean when he says that Gatsby is left outside Tom and Daisy’s house “watching over nothing?”
  14. How does Tom first figure out that there is a love affair going on between Gatsby and Daisy?
  15. What realization has Nick come to at the end of the novel about Tom and Daisy?
  16. What “parallel discovery” do Tom and George make on the day of Myrtle’s death?
  17. What do the images of heat Fitzgerald uses during the scene of the trip to the Plaza underscore?
  18. From what point of view is The Great Gatsby told?
  19. How are the past experiences of the characters revealed in the novel?
  20. How are the past experiences of the main characters revealed?

What character says:

  1. “I keep it always full of interesting people . . . people who do interesting things.”
  2. “You may fool me but you can’t fool God; God sees everything.”
  3. “Who is this Gatsby anyhow; some big bootlegger?”
  4. “I’ve got my wife locked up in there.”
  5. “It makes me sad because I’ve never seen such beautiful shirts before.”
  6. “Your wife doesn’t love you; she’s never loved you.”
  7. “He borrowed somebody’s best suit to get married in and never even told me about it.”
  8. “I want you to meet my girl.”
  9. “He wants to know if you’ll invite Daisy to your house some afternoon . . .”
  10. “Then I went out of the room and down the marble steps in the rain, leaving them there together.”

Which character is being described:

661. talks about a racist book he read
662. his billboard looks over the valley of ashes
663. wants to move his family west to avoid a divorce
664. a shady character Nick meets at a restaurant with Gatsby
665. cheats on her husband because “You can’t live forever”
666. killed due to a mistaken identity
667. had a lot of influence on a young Jay Gatsby
668. decides Midwesterners aren’t made to live in NYC
669. an excellent golfer
770. had an affair with her long lost lover

Part III: Vocabulary
