Welcome to BBC Children in Need Champions of Change!

This year, children aren’t simply taking part – they’re running the show!

What is Champions of Change?

BBC Children in Need Champions of Change is an educational fundraising programme, supported by Lloyds Bank. Champions of Change is run by children for children and is designed to be the focal point of all BBC Children in Need fundraising in schools across the UK: it’s a chance for pupils to develop their teamwork and communication skills by taking ownership of fundraising in their school. The programme culminates in the pupil-led Celebration of Champions, where they celebrate the money they’ve raised, enjoy some entertainment and provide a fun event to kick off the last day of fundraising activity.

Fully in line with English, Maths and PSHE curriculums, we’ve created a number of flexible learning tools to help primary school children understand the work of the charity, decide on their own fundraising themes and successfully prepare for whatever activities they choose. Included in this pack are pairs of lesson plans for English, Maths and PSHE across the three primary phases; allowing teachers of early years, KS1 or KS2 classes to choose the subject that they would prefer to deliver. In our comprehensive Toolkit you will also find resources to enable your lead Champions to orchestrate the fundraising and prepare for the Celebration of Champions too.

How does it work?

The Champions of Change resources are flexible and easy for teachers to use: they are designed to fit into your timetable and complement existing fundraising plans, as well as inspire new fundraising ideas. The full programme comprises of a Launch Assembly followed by a choice of English, Maths or PSHE themed lessons to use in your class. These will develop your pupils’ knowledge and understanding in the subject area while supporting them in planning their own fundraising activities.

Set up your own group of lead Champions, this can include your School Council and any other children who would like to take part in this programme. The Champions Log Book enables these children to log fundraising activity in their school and plan their Celebration of Champions, which will be presented to the whole school on Friday 13 November (or on the lead up to that date), along with thousands of other schools across the country as a celebration of all fundraising activity to date and to kick off the final day of fundraising. The development of important communication skills are embedded in all the activities, which are also accessible and engaging.


Who does what?

The Champions of Change programme has been created to be empowering for young pupils and easy for teachers to use.

Early Years Foundation Stage Age 3-5

Children in the early years are able to participate in the lead up to the Celebration of Champions with the support of their teachers and parents. They enjoy a range of activities whilst developing Maths, English and PSHE skills. They could participate in the Celebration of Champions with a class performance (e.g. song).They can also wear their fancy-dress outfit to the Celebration of Champions school Dress-Up Day.

KS1 Age 5-7

In KS1 the pupils either participate in two Maths, two English or two PSHE lessons; with the end goal of planning a class fundraising activity. Pupils are encouraged to perform in the Celebration of Champions in a group or as a whole class – or whatever is appropriate. They also wear their fancy-dress outfit to the Celebration of Champions school Dress-Up Day.

KS2 Age 7-11

Junior pupils have the opportunity to participate in two Maths, two English or two PSHE lessons; with the end goal of planning a class fundraising activity. Pupils are encouraged to perform in the Assembly of Champions as individuals, groups or a whole class. Each junior class could have a class representative to aid the lead Champions in the delivery of the Celebration of Champions. They also wear their fancy-dress outfit to the Celebration of Championsschool Dress-Up Day.

Lead Teacher and pupil Champions

The Lead Teacher is the key organiser but the pupil Champions have ownership over the programme. The Lead Teacher guides the young Champions in delivering the Champions of Change launch and recruits other teachers to fundraise with their classes. The pupils plan and run fundraising activities, the Celebration of Champions and Dress-Up Day. With assistance from the Lead Teacher and contributions from other pupils, the lead Champions deliver the Celebration of Champions.

Other Teachers and Classes

Plan and run their own BBC Children in Need fundraising activities. One pupil from each fundraising class/group could be nominated to present their fundraising success story, alongside the lead Champions, at the Celebration of Champions and be available to help out on the day if needed – in the Dress-Up theme of course!

Lloyds Bank Volunteers

Lloyds Bank volunteers can add real life business value to your lessons and activities, furthermore you can select where you would like them to lend a helping hand. They could work closely with the lead Champions to help them deliver their fundraising plans and guide them to which ones would raise the most money for BBC Children in Need. It would be up to the school to decide how to utilise this valuable resource.

How to get started:

Get other teachers involved

Recruit other teachers to run fundraising activities and lessons with their classes, using the template email provided.

Meet with the lead Champions

Once lead Champions are familiar with the BBC Children in Need 2015 Champions of Change Programme, begin planning the Launch Assembly. The lead Champions should be supported in running this Assembly using the PowerPoint template provided.

Launch Champions of Change

Tell your whole school about Champions of Change through a Launch Assembly led by the lead Champions. We’ve provided a helpful PowerPoint and some informative video clips to help make this as successful as possible.

Get your pupils involved

Arrange for your lead Champions to start planning a school-wide Celebration of Champions and Dress-Up Day on Friday 13 November - or one of the days preceding. There are plenty of fancy-dress accessories available on the BBC Children in Need website to get you started!

Get the parents involved

Use the parent letter to inform parents of what will be happening in the school and invite them to attend the schools fundraising events helping to raise even more money for BBC Children in Need. They can also donate to BBC Children in Need by buying raffle tickets, providing cakes, or sponsorship money etc.