Roanoke Rapids City Council

June 12, 2012

The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Roanoke Rapids was held on the above date at 7:00 p.m. at the Lloyd Andrews City Meeting Hall.

Emery G. Doughtie, Mayor

Carl Ferebee, Mayor Pro Tem

Ernest C. Bobbitt)

Suetta S. Scarbrough)

Greg Lawson)

Carol H. Cowen)

Edward A. Wyatt, Interim City Manager

Lisa B. Vincent, MMC, City Clerk

Gilbert Chichester, City Attorney

Mayor Doughtie called the meeting to order and Councilwoman Scarbrough opened the meeting with prayer.

Adoption of Business Agenda

Mayor Doughtie called Council’s attention to the Conflict of Interest statement in the agenda packet.

With no one indicating a conflict of interest with any of the items on the agenda, motion was made by Councilman Bobbitt, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Ferebee and unanimously carried to adopt the business agenda for June 12, 2012.

Special Recognition: Fire Department New Hire Ceremony

Fire Chief Corbet stated he would like to acknowledge the beginning of four new careers. He conducted the new hire ceremony for the following newly hired firefighters: Karl Wiltsie, Michael Butts, Brandon Lindsey and Caylin Burrell.

Mayor Doughtie welcomed, on behalf of the City Council, Karl, Michael, Brandon and Caylin to the Roanoke Rapids Fire Department, and wished them very successful careers.

Public Comment (Unscheduled): Donna Davis

Ms. Donna Davis of 410 Madison Street, Roanoke Rapids, NC stated she is 28 years old and has four beautiful children. She stated she bought ducks from Tractor Supply as Easter presents for her children, and did not know it was illegal to have them in Roanoke Rapids. She stated everyone in the neighborhood loves the ducks. Ms. Davis stated the day after she put up a pen for the ducks, someone from the Public Works Department called Animal Control on her. She stated she was forced to take the ducks to Rochelle Pond. She stated she and her children went

back about 24 hours later to feed their ducks and one was missing. She stated the bill of


Roanoke Rapids City Council

June 12, 2012

another duck was half eaten and the bones were showing on one of its wings. Ms. Davis pleaded with Council to let her children keep the ducks. She stated they do not hurt anyone and they were well taken care of. She stated they have had the ducks since they were five days old. Ms. Davis asked the Council to take all of this into consideration and let her children keep their ducks.

Mayor Doughtie thanked Ms. Davis and indicated that someone would follow up with her.

Approval of Council Minutes

Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Ferebee, seconded by Councilwoman Scarbrough and unanimously carried to approve Council Minutes dated May 1, 2012 (Work Session); May 8, 2012 (Regular Meeting); May 22, 2012 (Special Meeting) and May 29, 2012 (Special Meeting).

City Council Appointments: Appointments & Reappointments to Roanoke Rapids Area Planning Board

A ballot vote was taken and the Clerk announced that Ellen Heaton and Connie Hill received the majority vote for reappointment to the Roanoke Rapids Area Planning Board, and Mary Small, Leigh Etheridge and Lawrence White received the majority vote for appointment to the Planning Board.

Motion was made by Councilwoman Cowen, seconded by Councilman Lawson and unanimously carried to reappoint Ellen Heaton and Connie Hill, and appoint Mary Small, Leigh Etheridge and Lawrence White to the Roanoke Rapids Area Planning Board.

Presentation of Halifax County Convention & Visitors Bureau 2011 Annual Report

Ms. Lori Medlin, President/CEO of the Halifax County Convention & Visitors Bureau, presented a copy of the Bureau’s 2011 Annual Report to Council and reviewed the highlights of the report.

A copy of the report is on file in the Clerk’s Office.

Consideration of Adoption of FY 2012 – 2013 Budget Ordinance

Interim City Manager Wyatt stated tonight culminates the process for the budget for the next fiscal year, and staff has worked very diligently on this budget since last fall. He stated we recognized clearly the challenges the budget presented and worked very hard to continue to provide the same level of services with the current tax rate. He stated it took a dedicated staff to accomplish this feat. Mr. Wyatt stated he would like to take a moment to thank MeLinda Hite and everyone to his left (staff/department heads). He stated this is a very lean budget but it provides the same level of fine services.

Mr. Wyatt stated Finance Director Hite will present some amendments to the proposed budget. He stated these are a few things that are very urgent public works projects. He stated he would be remiss not to mention that there are a great deal of needed public works projects that are a


Roanoke Rapids City Council

June 12, 2012

culmination of a number of years of no funding. He stated this is due to no fault of anyone but simply due to a lack of resources.

Ms. Hite stated there are a few amendments needed to the proposed budget related to storm drainage and streets. She listed the following projects areas: Smoot Drive, 2nd and Franklin Streets, 800 Stoney Brook Drive and Carolina Avenue. She stated these are all critical needs and the total for these projects is $165,000. She stated the budget now includes $10,000 for the Roanoke Valley Rescue Squad and the cemetery budget has been reduced by $6,000 as a result of the removal of the bridge and fountain project. Ms. Hite pointed out that on the revenue side, the sales tax revenue has been increased by $32,000 and the utility franchise tax revenue has been increased by $32,000. She pointed out that the $165,000 for the public works projects will be appropriated from Fund Balance.

Motion was made by Councilman Bobbitt, seconded by Councilwoman Scarbrough and unanimously carried to adopt the following budget ordinance which reflects the aforementioned amendments outlined by Finance Director Hite:


BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, that the following anticipated fund revenues and departmental expenditures together with a certain Fee and Charge Schedule, and with certain restrictions and authorizations, are hereby appropriated and approved for the operation of the City Government and its activities for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013.


General Fund (Operating) $ 11,549,344

General Fund (Capital) 951,838

Municipal Swimming Pool 36,150

Drug Enforcement Fund 35,000

Roanoke Rapids Theatre 1,939,836

TOTAL $ 14,512,168

Section 1. General Fund

Anticipated Revenues:

2012 Ad Valorem Taxes $ 6,702,588

Prior Years Ad Valorem Taxes & Penalties 287,000

Payments in Lieu of Taxes 37,500

Motor Vehicle Licenses 70,500

Privilege Licenses 157,870

Powell Bill Street Allocations 461,332

Sales Tax 2,591,980

Solid Waste Disposal Tax 9,204

ABC Profits 33,500

Police Grants and Donations 2,500

Fire Grants and Donations 3,000

Senior Center Grants and Donations 80,652

Library Grants and Donations 15,704

Roanoke Canal Museum Grants and Donations 29,000


Roanoke Rapids City Council

June 12, 2012

Solid Waste User Fees and Penalties 1,259,073

Court Costs 5,100

Inspection Fees 2,225

Lot Cutting Revenue 2,000

Cemetery Revenues 77,050

Recreation User Fees 92,700

Roanoke Canal Museum Fees 4,550

Community Center Receipts 60,100

Lease Revenue 25,680

Planning/Zoning Fees 100,518

Public Works Fees 32,050

Library User Fees 32,054

Utility Franchise Taxes 1,243,452

Beer and Wine Tax 75,190

Miscellaneous Grants 51,650

Miscellaneous Revenue 3,500

Insurance Reimbursement 21,500

Cable Franchise Fees 27,665

Municipal Ordinance Violations 65,000

Interest Earnings-General Fund 5,500

Sale of Wreck Reports 7,000

Occupancy Tax 2,500

Sale of Surplus Property 10,000

Installment Financing 480,000

RR Sanitary District – Closeout CDBG 107,631

Fund Balance – Regular 165,000

TOTAL REVENUES $ 14,441,018

Authorized Expenditures:


Legislative $ 58,983

General Government 869,589

Administrative 319,745

Finance 214,841

Information Systems 37,000

Revenue Collections 217,774

Legal 18,000

Planning & Development 328,476

Government Buildings 80,685

Police 2,673,870

Fire 1,761,852

Public Works 331,724

Central Garage 204,011

Combined Street and Powell Bill 1,196,956

Solid Waste 689,646

Refuse 394,308

T. J. Davis Center 250,421

Aquatic Center 191,187

Parks and Recreation Maintenance 352,248

Chaloner Center 81,006

Senior Center 80,720

Transportation Grant 21,002

Andrews Meeting Hall 6,570

Miscellaneous Grants 101,000

Community Center 37,386

Library 245,316

Cemetery 85,756


Roanoke Rapids City Council

June 12, 2012

Property Maintenance 171,495

Roanoke Canal Museum 38,082

Hodgestown Day Care Center 4,939

Miscellaneous 32,791

Debt Service 386,569

Capital Reserve 65,396

Total Operating Expenditures $ 11,549,344

Capital Outlay

Fire $ 480,000

Public Works 40,000

Combined Street and Powell Bill 306,838

Refuse 125,000

Total Capital Outlay Expenditures $ 951,838

Roanoke Rapids Theatre

Theatre Debt Payment $ 1,939,836

Total Roanoke Rapids Theatre Expenditures $ 1,939,836


Section 2. Municipal Swimming Pool Fund

Anticipated Revenues:

Interest Earnings $ 800

Concession Revenue 5,700

Miscellaneous Revenue 2,000

Special Programs 17,850

Kings Dominion Ticket Sales 2,000

Athletic Sponsorship 7,800


Authorized Expenditures:


Section 3. Drug Enforcement Fund

Anticipated Revenues:

Drug Forfeiture Revenue 35,000


Authorized Expenditures:


Section 4. Additional Appropriations

A. An additional appropriation is hereby made from the Fund Balance in each respective fund for an amount equal to all outstanding encumbrances on June 30, 2012.

B. An additional appropriation is hereby made from the Fund Balance in each respective fund for an amount equal to all unencumbered line item balances at June 30, 2012 having derived from contributions, donations, or grant funds.


Roanoke Rapids City Council

June 12, 2012

C. An additional appropriation is hereby made from the Fund Balance in the Hodgestown Fund for an amount equal to the June 30, 2012 unencumbered cash balance.

Section 5. Fee Schedule

A.  There is hereby established, for the Fiscal Year 2012-2013, various fees and charges as scheduled herewith:

Revenue/Tax Department

Business Solid Waste User Fee & Disposal Fee $16.60 per Container per month

Roll-Out Containers $16.60 for each Additional Container

Residential Solid Waste Fee $199.25 per Residential Unit per year

$199.25 per year for 2nd Container

Roll-Out Containers City cost per Container

Motor Vehicle Tax $6.00 per Licensed Vehicle

Privilege License Fees As specified in Section 110.11 of the

Roanoke Rapids Code of Ordinances

and “Schedule B” of NCGS § 105-33

Advertising of Delinquent Tax Bill $4.00 per parcel

The Roanoke Rapids Theatre

Facilities Fee $2.00 for each ticket sold on-line

General Government

Photocopies $.20 per copy/Letter Size B/W

$.25 per copy/Letter Size Color

$.25 per copy/Legal Size B/W

$.30 per copy/Legal Size Color

$.30 per copy/Oversize B/W

$.35 per copy/Oversize Color

Recording Fees Fee corresponds with Fees Set by

Halifax County Register of Deeds

Police Department

Taxi Permits $50.00

Incident Reports $ 6.00

Accident Reports $ 6.00

Fingerprinting $10.00

Photographs $10.00

Animal Disposal Fee $10.00 per Animal

Public Works Department

Driveway Permits $40.00 each Driveway

Lot Cutting Fees Cost plus $250 Administrative Fee

Debris Removal & Special Collections


Roanoke Rapids City Council

June 12, 2012

Collection Costs

Small Pickup $25.00 per load

35 Foot Trailer $55.00 per load

Disposal Fees

Transfer Station $46.97 per ton

Landfill $45.00 per ton

Tub Grinding $3.00 per cubic yard

Permit to Dig in Street (Utility Cuts) $400.00 per cut

Cemetery Lot Fees Resident:

Section H-$250 per Space

Sections A-E-$1,000 per 4 Grave Plot

Section I-$500 per Space

Section K-$2,000 per 4 Grave Plot

Section G-$800 per Site

Section J-$1,000 per 2 Grave Plot


Section H-$500 per Space

Sections A-E-$2,000 per 4 Grave Plot Section I-$800 per Space

Section K-$3,750 per 4 Grave Plot

Section G-$1,600 per Site

Section J-$2,000 per 2 Grave Plot

Cemetery Grave Preparation (Residents & Non-Residents) Monday-Friday: $700*

Weekends and Holidays: $900

*Overtime charge of $75.00 per hour after 2:00 p.m. on weekdays.

Foundation Fees (Residents & Non-Residents) $150.00

Note: Urn burials are one-half (½) the regular fee.

Cemetery Deed Fee Fee corresponds with Fees Set by

Halifax County Register of Deeds


Library Non-Resident Borrower Card $20.00 per year

Replacement of Lost Card $ 5.00 each

Photocopies $ .20 per copy/Letter Size

$ .25 per copy/Legal Size

$ .30 per copy/Oversize

Computer Printouts $ .40 each

Videocassette Rental $ .50 each

Fines: Juvenile Books $ .15 per day (Max. $3.00)

Juvenile Cassettes $ .15 per day (Max. $3.00)

Adult Books $ .20 per day (Max. $4.00)

All Magazines $ .20 per day (Max. $3.00)

Adult Audiobooks $ .30 per day (Max. $6.00)

Adult Music Cassettes $ .25 per day (Max. $5.00)

Videocassettes $ 1.00 per day (Max. $12.00)

Video Not Rewound $ 1.00 each


Roanoke Rapids City Council

June 12, 2012

Video in Bookdrop $ 2.00 each

Equipment $ 2.50 per day

Long Overdue Fine $10.00 each

Interlibrary Loan: Postage Fee $ 3.00 per item*

Overdue Fine/Copies Varies*

*Established by and payable to Lending Library.

Lost or Badly Damaged Items Replacement Cost for Item plus $5.00

Non Refundable Processing Fee

Damaged Material: Adult Audiobook Cassettes $ 8.00 each

Adult Audiobook CD’s $10.00 each

Adult Audiobook Cases $ 6.00 each

Adult Audiobook CD Cases $10.00 each

Audio Cassette Box $ 1.00 each

Barcode $ 1.50 each

Blue Music Pouches $ 1.00 each

Book Covers $ 2.00 each

Cleaning Fee $ 2.00 each

Juvenile Book/Cassette Bags $ 2.00 each

Pockets $ .50 each

Repair of Torn Pages $ .50 each

Video Black Cases-Single $ 2.50 each

Video Black Cases-Double $ 4.00 each

Sale Books & Videos (Unusable gift books or books deleted from our collection)

Magazines $ .10 each

Paperbacks $ .25 each

Hardbacks $ .50-$3.00 each (Depending on age

condition of book)

Audiobooks $ 1.00-$5.00 each (Depending on age,

condition & # of cass./cds)

Videos $ 2.00-$5.00 each (Depending on age,

condition & # of cass./dvds)