Cain and Jaryga

American Symbols

3rd Grade Unit

Integrated Curriculum

Stephanie Cain

Mallory Jaryga

Table of Contents


Grade Level………………………………………………………………………………..1

Background Information…………………………………………………………………..3

American Symbols Themeweb Planning Form…………………………………………...4

Daily Lesson Plans…………………………………………………………………….5-15

Bulletin-Board Sketch………………………………………………………………..16, 17



Background Information

For this 3rd grade unit, students will study American Symbols and their importance to our culture and society. We will focus on five main symbols: the American flag, The Great Seal, American Bald Eagle, Statue of Liberty, and the Liberty Bell. Students will learn important dates, persons, and historical significance associated with each symbol.

In addition to discovering the symbols themselves, other disciplines will be integrated into the daily study of each symbol. For example, when studying the American flag, students will measure the dimensions of an actual flag and then convert the measurements to make a larger to-scale version. Another integrated activity will be the study of the Bald Eagle. We will discuss the Eagle as a symbol but also look deeper into its habitat, physicality, and geographic locations where eagles live and why. Students will study all five symbols in this way; all lessons and activities incorporate different dimensions and disciplines.

By the end of the unit, students will understand what the five main American symbols are, how they came to be, and what their significance is today. They will also have studied various aspects of each symbol in a variety of contexts other than their importance to our nation and people. Not only will students learn what the symbols are, they will also connect concepts like historical significance, geographic location, music, and technology to their daily lives.

American Symbols Themeweb Planning Form

(See pg. 20 for TEKS/Standards)
Lesson Plan: Day One

Topic: Introduction to American Symbols
Grade Level: 3rd Grade / Time: 45 minutes

Materials Needed:

  1. American Symbols folder
  2. modified K-W-L Chart
  3. construction paper
  4. crayons, markers, scissors, glue, etc.
  5. handout of things that need to be included on the timeline

Objectives: Students will be able to…

  1. identify what they already know about American symbols
  2. identify things they want to learn about the American symbols
  3. identify the five symbols presented during the lesson
  4. understand on-going activities that will occur throughout the unit: timeline, song, etc.

Major Instructional Sequence: Teacher will…

  1. introduce unit by asking the question, “What is a symbol?”
  2. allow for some discussion among students until a reasonable definition is found.
  3. ask students, “Can you think of any symbols that represent our country?”
  4. write student responses on the board.
  5. narrow list down and add any symbols that will be discussed throughout the unit.
  6. take student responses and complete chalkboard-sized modified K-W-L chart.
  7. explain timeline and answer any questions.
  8. give students the opportunity to begin creating the timeline on the bulletin board (with provided materials including important dates related to, but not discussed in, the unit).

Lesson Plan: Day Two

Topic: American Flag
Grade Level: 3rd Grade / Time: 45 minutes

Materials Needed:

  1. American Symbols folder
  2. books and/or websites about the American flag
  3. bulletin board materials

Objectives: Students will be able to…

  1. work in groups to find information about the American flag in provided books and/or websites.
  2. discuss with peers about what they learned from their research.
  3. discuss as a class new vocabulary words related to the American flag.
  4. learn the history and significance of the American flag.
  5. relate the American flag to their everyday lives.
  6. place important dates relating to the American flag in the appropriate place on the timeline.

Major Instructional Sequence: Teacher will…

  1. ask students, “What do you do every morning at school?”
  2. lead discussion on the Pledge of Allegiance and the American flag.
  3. allow students to work in small groups to discover facts about the American flag through provided books and/or websites.
  4. ask students what facts they found out and write them on the board.
  5. ask students to talk about any new vocabulary words and write them on the board.
  6. give students additional facts and stories about the American flag.
  7. allow time throughout discussion for students to write and define vocabulary words in their American Symbols folders.
  8. allow for questions and class discussion about the history and significance of the American flag.
  9. have a small group of students work on a date or dates to add to the timeline.
  10. instruct other students to write down any special words or ideas relating to the American flag that they might use later in the unit to write song lyrics.
  11. have small group place the date or dates on the timeline.
  12. close lesson by asking students to put away their American Symbols folder and be ready for further instruction.

Lesson Plan: Day Three

Topic: American Flag Scale Drawing
Grade Level: 3rd Grade / Time: 45 minutes

Materials Needed:

  1. American Symbols folder
  2. small American flag
  3. pencils, construction paper, rulers, crayons, markers, etc.

Objectives: Students will be able to…

  1. measure length and height of a small provided American flag.
  2. convert measurements to a larger scale (2 to 3 times the size of provided flag).
  3. draw a larger to-scale model of the provided American flag.

Major Instructional Sequence: Teacher will…

  1. ask students questions about conversion.
  2. demonstrate the proper way to convert objects to a larger size by showing examples on the board/overhead.
  3. explain their task: to make a to-scale model of the American flag they have in front of them.
  4. pass out American flags and ask students to get all other necessary materials.
  5. allow students to work on making measurements, conversions, and the final larger version of their American flag.
  6. walk around talking with and helping students through the task.
  7. ask students to turn in their flags which will later be hung from the ceiling.
  8. close lesson by asking students to put away their American Symbols folder and be ready for further instruction.

Lesson Plan: Day Four

Topic: Bald Eagle
Grade Level: 3rd Grade / Time: 45 minutes

Materials Needed:

  1. American Symbols folder
  2. feathers – one with natural oils and one without

Objectives: Students will be able to…

  1. understand the American Bald Eagle as a symbol.
  2. understand the American Bald Eagle’s natural habitat and adaptability.
  3. learn about the importance of the American Bald Eagle’s feathers to its survival.

Major Instructional Sequence:

  1. ask students, “What is our national bird?”
  2. have class discussion about what students already know about the bald eagle.
  3. give information about how and why the eagle was chosen as the national bird.
  4. discuss Benjamin Franklin’s idea to have the turkey as the national bird.
  5. lead class discussion about how our culture would be different if the turkey was chosen as the national bird.
  6. give information about the bald eagle’s habitat, nest-building, and diet.
  7. ask students, “Why do birds have feathers?”
  8. give information about how and why birds preen their feathers with oil.
  9. demonstrate how a feather with oil will be water-proof and a feather without will not be water-proof.
  10. allow students to dip feathers into water and observe the effects.
  11. instruct students to put away feathers and other materials.
  12. have a small group of students work on a date or dates to add to the timeline.
  13. instruct other students to write down any special words or ideas relating to the American Bald Eagle that they might use later in the unit to write song lyrics.
  14. have small group place the date or dates on the timeline.
  15. close lesson by asking students to put away their American Symbols folder and be ready for further instruction.

Lesson Plan: Day Five

Topic: The Great Seal
Grade Level: 3rd Grade / Time: 45 minutes

Materials Needed:

  1. American Symbols folder
  2. appropriate books and websites about the Great Seal
  3. bulletin board materials

Objectives: Students will be able to…

  1. work in groups to find information about the Great Seal in provided books and/or websites.
  2. discuss with their peers about what they discovered from their research about the Great Seal.
  3. discuss as a class new vocabulary words related to the Great Seal.
  4. learn the history, significance, and symbolism of the Great Seal.
  5. place important dates relating to the American flag in the appropriate place on the timeline.

Major Instructional Sequence: Teacher will…

  1. ask students, “Does anyone know what the Great Seal is?”
  2. ask students, “Have you seen the Great Seal before? If so, where?”
  3. allow students to work in small groups to discover facts about the Great Seal through provided books and/or websites.
  4. ask students what facts they found out and write them on the board.
  5. ask students to talk about any new vocabulary words and write them on the board.
  6. give students additional facts and explain symbolism of all components of the Great Seal.
  7. allow time throughout discussion for students to write and define vocabulary words in their American Symbols folders.
  8. allow for questions and class discussion about the history, significance, and symbolism of the Great Seal.
  9. have a small group of students work on a date or dates to add to the timeline.
  10. instruct other students to write down any special words or ideas relating to the Great Seal that they might use later in the unit to write song lyrics.
  11. have small group place the date or dates on the timeline.
  12. close lesson by asking students to put away their American Symbols folder and be ready for further instruction.

Lesson Plan: Day Six

Topic:Statue of Liberty
Grade Level: 3rd Grade / Time: 45 minutes

Materials Needed:

  1. American Symbols folder
  2. maps of United States and Europe (France)
  3. bulletin board materials

Objectives: Students will be able to…

  1. understand history and significance of the Statue of Liberty.
  2. see geographical relationships between the United States (New York) and Europe (France).
  3. discuss as a class new vocabulary words related to the Statue of Liberty.

Major Instructional Sequence: Teacher will…

  1. ask students if anyone has been to New York City before.
  2. lead short discussion on famous places in New York City and lead discussion towards the Statue of Liberty.
  3. ask students what they know about the Statue of Liberty and write appropriate facts on the board.
  4. give additional information about the Statue of Liberty.
  5. pass out maps of the United States and Europe (France) and discuss geographic locations related to the Statue of Liberty.
  6. allow time throughout discussion for students to write and define vocabulary words in their American Symbols folders.
  7. allow for questions and class discussion about the history, significance, and symbolism of the Statue of Liberty.
  8. instruct other students to write down any special words or ideas relating to the Statue of Liberty that they might use later in the unit to write song lyrics.
  9. have small group place the date or dates on the timeline.
  10. close lesson by asking students to put away their American Symbols folder and be ready for further instruction.

Lesson Plan: Day Seven

Grade Level: 3rd Grade / Time: 60 minutes

Materials Needed:

  1. American Symbols folder
  2. Styrofoam cups
  3. Tape
  4. Aluminum foil (gold if available)
  5. Construction paper
  6. Markers
  7. Pipe cleaners
  8. Small jingle bells

Objectives: Students will be able to…

  1. understand history, significance, and geographic location of the Liberty Bell.
  2. make a miniature replica of the Liberty Bell.
  3. add important dates relating to the Liberty Bell to the American Symbols Timeline.

Major Instructional Sequence: Teacher will…

  1. introduce lesson by asking students what they already know about the Liberty Bell.
  2. give facts, information, and stories about the Liberty Bell.
  3. instruct students to write down any special words or ideas relating to the Liberty Bell that they might use later in the unit to write song lyrics.
  4. explain that students will be making a miniature replica of the Liberty Bell.
  5. pass out all necessary materials.
  6. give step-by-step instructions on how to create the miniature replica and students will follow along making their own. (See next page for instructions)
  7. ask appropriate questions relating to facts about the Liberty Bell while students are making their replicas.
  8. instruct students to clean up their areas and put away all materials.
  9. lead class discussion on important dates relating to the Liberty Bell.
  10. have a student or students write new dates on the American Symbols Timeline.

Miniature LibertyBell Instructions

  1. Pass out all necessary materials.
  2. Poke a small hole in the middle of the bottom of the Styrofoam cup.
  3. Cut a piece of foil that is big enough to cover the cup and hang over the top and bottom about 1 inch.
  4. Wrap foil around the cup and tape it in place.
  5. Fold the foil that is hanging over the bottom up into the cup and tape in place.
  6. String a small jingle bell onto a pipe cleaner and folder pipe cleaner so that bell stays in place.
  7. String pipe cleaner going inside the bell and out through the top leaving the jingle bell inside the cup.
  8. Tie off pipe cleaner sticking out of base of cup so that pipe cleaner will stay in place.
  9. Fold down remaining foil neatly over the base of the cup.
  10. Have students create their own saying as an inscription for their Liberty Bell.
  11. Write new inscription on construction paper.
  12. Cut inscription out and tape onto the outside of the cup.
  13. Cut a “crack” through the foil and cup representing the crack in the Liberty Bell.

Lesson Plan: Day Eight

Topic:Introduction to Student Songs
Grade Level: 3rd Grade / Time: 45 minutes

Materials Needed:

  1. American Symbols folders
  2. Dr. Clodfelter’s Alphabet Song melody

Objectives: Students will be able to…

  1. work in groups using the notes they made throughout the unit to create song lyrics about one of the American Symbols discussed.

Major Instructional Sequence: Teacher will…

  1. ask students to name a few of the most interesting things they have learned in the past week.
  2. explain that students will work in groupsusing the notes they made throughout the unit to create song lyrics about one of the American Symbols.
  3. divide students into five groups and assign one symbol to each group.
  4. conduct sing-a-long with Dr. Clodfelter’s Alphabet Song so students have the tune in their heads.
  5. allow students to work on their lyrics while circulating the room giving help and guidance where necessary.

Lesson Plan: Day Nine

Topic: Finishing Songs and Creating PowerPoint Slides
Grade Level: 3rd Grade / Time: 45 minutes

Materials Needed:

  1. American Symbols folders
  2. laptop for each student

Objectives: Students will be able to…

  1. finish song lyrics about one of the American Symbols discussed in the unit.
  2. follow instructions to create a PowerPoint slide containing their finished lyrics.

Major Instructional Sequence: Teacher will…

  1. instruct students to get in their groups and finish song lyrics (10-15 minutes).
  2. write PowerPoint steps on the board/overhead while students are working.
  3. distribute a laptop to each student.
  4. go through step-by-step instruction on how to create and save a PowerPoint slide as students follow along.
  5. allow students some time to be creative in placing their group’s song lyrics on the slide.
  6. have students decide whose slide from the group will be used in tomorrow’s class presentation of lyrics.
  7. save all PowerPoint files to floppy disk/flash drive for later use and evaluation.
  8. instruct students to put away all materials.

Lesson Plan: Day Ten

Topic: Presentation of Songs
Grade Level: 3rd Grade / Time: 60 minutes

Materials Needed:

  1. cumulative test over entire unit
  2. PowerPoint slides
  3. master computer and projector

Objectives: Students will be able to…

  1. complete a short cumulative test covering the symbols and concepts from the entire unit.
  2. present songs about American Symbols to their peers.
  3. learn etiquette on how to listen and be a good audience member.
  4. constructively critique and evaluate others’ songs.
  5. finish American Symbols Timeline.

Major Instructional Sequence: Teacher will…