
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Section 14(1) & (2)

The Surrey County Council

Public Footpath Nos. 82 (Woking) & 5 (Ockham)

Temporary Prohibition Of Traffic Order 2014

On 31 January 2014 Surrey County Council made the temporary order to prohibit all traffic on foot or by any other means from entering or proceeding along Public Footpath Nos. 82 (Woking) & 5 (Ockham) at Pigeon House Footbridge (Grid ref: TQ 0542 5844)

The Order is necessary due to an unsafe footbridge. It will be in operation from 3 February 2014 until 12 July 2014. The Secretary of State for Transport if required can extend that period.

The temporary closure will only operate while the County Council, or an authorised person acting on its behalf, displays signs prohibiting the said movements.

The alternative route from the northern end of the closure will be: Proceed in a north-westerly direction along Public Footpath 83 (Woking) to its junction with Public Footpath 131 (Woking). Turn right and proceed in a north-easterly direction along Public Footpath 131 (Woking) and Public Footpath 82 (Woking), bearing left and continuing along Public Footpath 82 (Woking) in a easterly and then north-easterly direction to its junction with Warren Lane. Turn left on Warren Lane, and the immediately left again onto Public Footpath 81 (Woking) in a generally southerly direction to its junction with Public Footpath 123 (Woking). Turn left onto Public Footpath 123 (Woking) and cross the Wey Navigation, and then proceed in a generally south-westerly direction to its junction with Public Footpath 34 (Ripley). Cross the River Wey and continue in a south easterly and then southerly direction along Public Footpath 32 (Ripley) to its junction with Public Footpath 532 (Ripley). Turn left onto Public Footpath 532 (Ripley) and continue in a south-easterly direction to its junction with Public Footpath 531 (Ripley). Turn left onto Public Footpath 531 (Ripley) and proceed in a north-easterly direction to its junction with Public Bridleway 33 (Ripley). Continue in a north-easterly direction along Public Bridleway 33 (Ripley) and then Public Bridleway 33 (Ockham) to its junction with Mill Lane. Turn left onto Mill Lane and proceed in a north-westerly direction to its junction with Public Footpath 5 (Ockham). Turn right onto Public Footpath 5 (Ockham) and continue in a generally north-westerly direction to the southern end of the closure. From the southern end of the closure, the alternative will be the reverse of the route described above.

‘The Surrey County Council Public Footpath Nos. 82 (Woking) & 5 (Ockham) Temporary Prohibition Of Traffic Order 2014’ was made by the County Council under Section 14(1) & (2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

DATED: 6 February 2014 / Ian Boast
Assistant Director – Environment
Surrey County Council
Enquiries relating to this notice should be directed to: /
Countryside Access Team, Surrey County Council,
Whitebeam Lodge, Merrow Depot,
Merrow Lane, Guildford GU4 7BQ.
Tel: 03456 009009 Email: .