Anandi V. Law

March 2015


Anandi V. Law, B.Pharm., MS, Ph.D., FAPhA


Business Address: College of Pharmacy, Western University of Health Sciences

309 E. Second Street, College Plaza, Pomona, CA 91766-1854

Business Telephone: (909) 469-5645

Business FAX: (909) 469-5539

Email Address:

Home Address: 1054 Thornwood Street, Glendale, CA 91206

Home Telephone: (626) 440-9180


Year / Degree / Institution
March 1998 / Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Major: Pharmaceutical Administration
Minor: Marketing
Dissertation: Evaluation of Health Related Quality-of Life of
Chronic Headache Patients: Influence of
Patients’ Reference Points and Dispositional
Adviser: Prof. Dev S. Pathak / The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
June 1993 / Master of Science (M.S.)
Major: Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Chemistry
Thesis: Gels as delivery systems for local anesthetics.
Other Projects:Study of IV fat emulsions.
Adviser: Prof. Sylvan G. Frank / The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
July 1988 / Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) / University of Bombay, Bombay, India


Year / Title / Institution
July 2012- present / Professor and Department Chair of Pharmacy Practice and Administration / Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA
July 2007-present / Department Chair (and Associate Professor), Pharmacy Practice & Administration / Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA
July 2005-present / Associate Professor (with tenure) of Social and Administrative Sciences / Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA
July 1999-2005 / Assistant Professor of Social and Administrative Sciences / Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA


Year / Title / Institution
April 1998 – 2008 / Adjunct Staff (previously Consultant) / RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA
August - October 1998 / Consultant
/ The Measurement Group, Culver City, CA
November 1997 / Project Consultant November 1997 / Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, IN
Summer 1995 / Student Intern / GlaxoWellcome Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC
Dec. 1988 – Jun 1989 / Medical Representative / Dalmia Dairy Corporation, Bombay, India.
1987 / Summer Intern / German Remedies, Bombay, India.


Year / Award / Organization
2013 / Fellow of American Pharmacists Association / APhA
2009-2010 / Academy Leadership Fellows Program / AACP
2010 / Inducted as member / Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society (Gamma Nu)
2009 / Certificate of 10-year completion / Western University of Health Sciences
2007 / Inducted as member / Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society (Gamma Sigma)
2006-present / Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare / Marquis
2004 / Certificate of 5-year completion / Western University of Health Sciences
1989-1993 / Graduate Teaching Assistant / The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy, Division of Pharmaceutics
1993-1997 / Graduate Teaching Assistant / The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy, Division of Pharmaceutical Administration
1997 / Graduate Student Alumni Research Award – Competitive award to support dissertation work / The Ohio State University
1997 / Benjamin Balshone Graduate Student Award – Competitive award to support dissertation work / The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy

V.  RESEARCH AND/OR CREATIVE PRODUCTIVITY (most recent to least recent)

My research interests are in improving outcomes for patients with chronic conditions via pharmacist interventions in collaboration with physicians, in the community setting. My focus is on designing such protocols, working on strengthening methodology and measurement of such pharmacist-driven programs and disseminating information on pharmacist impact to the profession, the health care community at large, and policymakers via publications and professional networks. These areas of interest are a synergy of my training in health outcomes with my background as a pharmacist. I also have an interest in extending my research into advocacy.

A.  Research Grant Information

1.  Grants: Pending or Funded

1.  “Community Engagement : A Proposal for Needs Assessment.” PI: AV Law. Co-PI: Daniel Robinson. Extramural Award from NACDS Foundation Pharmacy Partners Program. Award Period: 2014-2015. Amount of Award: $20,000.

2.  “Addressing Primary Medication Non-Adherence through Implementation of a Medication Therapy Management Program.” PI: Karl Hess. Extramural award from National Community Pharmacists Association. Award Period: 2011-2012.

Amount of Award: $35,000.

3.  Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceived Barriers of Elderly Patients and Primary Care Providers Regarding Shingles and Shingles Vaccine Administration.” Chairat Supsin, Karl Hess and Anandi V. Law. Extramural award from APhA Foundation Incentive Grant for Residents and their Preceptors. Award Period: 2011.

Amount of award: $1000.

4.  “Patient Acceptance Rates of Pre-Travel Recommendations at a Pharmacist-Run Travel Health Clinic.” PI: Chih-Wei Dai. Co-I:Roger Klotz, Karl Hess and Anandi V. Law. Extramural award from APhA Foundation Incentive Grant for Practitioner Innovation in Pharmaceutical Care. APhA Foundation. Award Period: 2008 to 2009. Amount of Award: $1000 (Funded)

5.  “Prompt initiation of caspofungin for invasive candidiasis: impact on clinical and economic

Outcomes.” PI: Don Hsu. Extramural contract from Merck & Co. June 2008. Amount of award: $30,000.

6.  “Examining patient perception of Medication Therapy Management: a study of California Medicare enrollees.” PI: Anandi V. Law. Unsolicited grant funding from Indian Pharmacists Association January 2007. Extramural. Amount of award: $5000

7.  “Community pharmacy-based programs that exemplify best practices for improving the care of patients with diabetes mellitus.” PI: Katherine K. Knapp. Proposal submitted March 2004 to the California HealthCare Foundation, for $70,000. Extramural.

Amount of award: Up to $70,000 plus $25,000 for report preparation, Apr-Dec 2004

8.  “Evaluation of outcomes of community based disease state management programs: asthma and diabetes.” PI: Anandi V. Law . Proposal submitted September 2003, to the Community Pharmacy Foundation, for $75,000. Extramural

Amount of award: $69, 609, January 2004-January 2006

9.  “Assessing the prevalence of pharmacist-directed disease state management programs in community settings in California.” Proposal sent in June 2002 to Western University Intramural Grant Program for $11, 283.00. PI: Anandi V. Law, co-PI: Mark P. Okamoto.

Amount of award: $5,000, January 2003-January 2004.

10.  “Effectiveness of a pharmacist-directed clinic in improving screening, awareness and follow-up of osteoporosis in the community.” Procter & Gamble, Inc. PI: Karen Shapiro. Co-PI: Anandi V. Law. Extramural

Amount of award: $3,000+ equipment, September 2001 – September 2002,.

11.  “Inclusion of the indication for use of medication on the prescription label: impact on adherence and satisfaction of elderly patients.” Western University of Health Sciences Intramural Grant Program, PI: Anandi V. Law Co-investigator: Craig Hitchman.

Amount of award:$2026.98, June 2001 – June 2002, Extension granted until December 2002.

12.  “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Pharmacy Practice Model in Improving the Outcomes of the Medication Use System. Phase 1: Identifying unmet needs in the medication use process.” Merck & Co. Inc. PI: Anandi V. Law. Co-investigator: Max D. Ray. Extramural

Amount of award: $20, 500, October, 1999 – February 2002.

2.  Grant Submission Experience

1.  “An Educational Intervention to Improve Prescription Label Comprehension and Functional Health Literacy.” PI: Anandi V. Law. RO1 submitted to NINR for $547,501, June 15, 2013. Status: Pending resubmission.

2.  “Providing Interprofessional Education about Covered California through the use of Student Pharmacists.” PI: Micah Hata and Anandi V. Law. Provider Education Grant Application for the Covered California Program for $789,933. Submitted, July 26, 2013. Status: Not approved for funding.

3.  “Medication Expectations: Developing a Patient-Centered Adherence Model and Checklist.” PI: Marcia Worley. Submission to Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute, May 2013, for $139,430. Status: Not approved for funding.

4.  “Patient expectations of medications: Developing and testing a predictive model of patient likelihood to adhere.” Marcia M. Worley (PI) and Anandi V. Law (co-PI). Extramural. Submitted to the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). Funding amount: $275,000. Submitted December 1, 2011. Scored but not approved for funding.

5.  “Improving functional health literacy and prescription label comprehension.” Anandi V. Law (PI), Kathleen Bungay and Prashant Sakharkar. Extramural. Submitted as an R21 to National Institutes of Health (NIH/R21 PA-11-135). Funding amount: $ 421,642. Status: Not approved.

6.  “Pharmacists’ Cultural Competence and Perception of Care by Racial/Ethnic Minorities.” Anandi V. Law (PI), Margarita Echeverri and Prashant Sakharkar. Extramural. Submitted as an R21 to National Institutes of Health (NIH/R21 PA-11-163). Funding amount: $330,401. Status: Not approved.

7.  APhA Project IMPACT Diabetes Implementation Grant. Law AV, Phung O, Schwartzman E, Robinson DC, Mireles R and Cundari A. Application to the APhA Foundation, March 2011. Status: Not approved.

8.  “Prescription medication wastage in US Households: extent, causes and possible solutions.” PI: Anandi V. Law; co-Is: Amir Zargarzadeh. Application to the Drug Information Association; submitted September 2010; for $32,800. Status: Not approved for funding.

9.  “Evaluating the Quality and Impact of Medication Therapy Management Services.” PI: Micah Hata. Co-I Roger Klotz and Anandi V. Law. Submitted to the Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA); June 2010 for $90, 638.

10.  “Measuring the Impact of Pharmacists Providing Direct Patient Care Services in a Community Pharmacy: A Demonstration Project.” PI: Micah Hata. Co-Is: Roger Klotz, Anandi V. Law, Amir Zargarzadeh. Proposal submitted to WesternU intramural grant, for $14,000. 2010.

11.  “Use of a Novel Cell Phone Technology to Improve Monitoring and Management of Complex Patients.” PI: Anandi V. Law. Co-I: Mark Bounthavong, Roger Klotz, Dev S. Pathak, Jack Patro. Proposal submitted to Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), for $300,750. 2008. Awaiting resubmission.

12.  “Consumer Assessment of Pharmacist/Pharmacy Services.” PI: Suzan N. Kucukarslan. Co-I: Anandi V. Law and Mark Bounthavong. Proposal submitted in response to a RFP from the Pharmacy Quality Alliance, for $110,213. 2007.

13.  “Examining patient perception of Medication Therapy Management: a study of California Medicare enrollees.” PI: Anandi V. Law, co-I: Mark P. Okamoto. Proposal submitted to the California Healthcare Foundation for $79,052.00, November 2006.

14.  “Evaluation of outcomes of community based disease state management programs: osteoporosis.” PI: Anandi V. Law, co-PI: Mark P. Okamoto, co-I: Fred Cho. Proposal submitted to American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy New Investigator Program for $10,000, May 2003.

15.  “Planning Grant for a Randomized, Controlled Study of the Effectiveness of Community-Based Pharmacy Services”. PI: Katherine K. Knapp, co-I: Craig Hitchman, Anandi V. Law, Mark P. Okamoto, Max D. Ray, Karen Shapiro, Sam Shimomura. Proposal sent to the Merck Company Foundation for $27,000, August 2002.

16.  “Disease state management programs in community pharmacy settings in California: Development of a database of existing programs.” PI: Anandi V. Law, co-PI: Mark Okamoto. Proposal sent to American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy New Investigator Program for $10,000.00, May 2002.

17.  “Assessing the current and potential functioning of Disease State Management programs in community pharmacy settings in California”, PI: Anandi V. Law, co-PI: Mark Okamoto. Proposal to the California Healthcare Foundation for $300,000, February 2002.

18.  “The Community Pharmacist Intervention in Osteoporosis: A Demonstration Project. PI: Anandi V.Law, co-I: Karen Shapiro, Fred Cho.Proposal to The Archstone Foundation for $40,000, October 2001.

19.  “Measuring satisfaction with change in health status in chronic headache patients”. PI: Anandi V. Law,Co-PI: Karen Shapiro. Proposal to American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, New Investigator grant for $10,000, May 2001.

20.  “Expanding Health Care Services in Pharmacies: An Innovative Strategy For Improving Health Care Access?” PI: Katherine K. Knapp. Co-Investigators: Maja Altarac, Craig Hitchman, Anandi V. Law, Skip McGinty, Mark Okamoto, Karen Shapiro. Proposal to California Healthcare Foundation for $225,000, February 2001.

21.  “Change and the pharmacy profession: developing the understanding to lead, manage, and adapt effectively.” PI: Nancy E. Kawahara. Co-Investigators: Anandi V. Law, Craig Hitchman, Mark Okamoto. Proposal to Procter & Gamble for $47,250, January 2001.

22.  “Inclusion of the indication for use of medication on the prescription label: impact on adherence and satisfaction of elderly patients.” An extension project. PI: Anandi V. Law, co-PI: Craig Hitchman, Proposal sent to Drug Information Association for $25,000, December 2000.

3.  Current Research Projects

o  Examining Effectiveness of an Educational Intervention to Improve Prescription Label Reading Comprehension and Functional Health Literacy.

o  Examining prevalence and extent of response shift in oncology patients with City of Hope.

o  Validating QOL tool.

o  Survey to compare patient perception and preferences for Mail order versus community pharmacy services

o  Examining pharmacist attitudes and knowledge about medication disposal.

B.  Publications

1.  Peer-reviewed journal articles

Pharmacist services

1.  Anandi V. Law, Eric Gupta, Micah Hata, Karl Hess, Roger Klotz, Quang Le, Emmanuelle Schwartzman and BikWai Bilvick Tai. Collaborative Pharmacy Practice: An Update. Invited publication for Integrated Pharmacy Research and Practice. Date June 2013 Volume 2013:2, Pages 1 - 16. DOI:

2.  Karl Hess, Chih Wei-Dai, Brian Garner and Anandi V. Law. “Measuring Outcomes of a Pharmacist-Run Travel Health Clinic Located within an Independent Community Pharmacy.” Journal of the American Pharmacists Association Public Health theme issue. JAPhA 2010; 50:174-180. PMID:20199959

3.  Law AV, Okamoto MP and Brock K "Ready, Willing and Able to Provide MTM Services?: A Survey of Community Pharmacists in the USA" Res Social Adm Pharm. 2009 Dec;5(4):376-81.Epub2009 Apr 28. PMID:18826904

4.  Anandi V. Law. “Community pharmacy based disease management: Where are we and where are we headed?” US Pharmacy Review 2006, (ISBN: 1-905052-82-0). [INVITED PUBLICATION].

5.  Law AV, Okamoto MP and Brock K.“Perception of Medicare Part D enrollees of pharmacists and their role as providers of Medication Therapy Management” Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. September/October 2008; 48(5): 648-653. PMID:18826904

6.  Law AV, Okamoto MP, Chang P. “Prevalence and Type of Disease Management Programs in Community Pharmacies in California.” Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy. 2005;11(6):505-512. PMID:15998168

7.  Law AV, Shapiro K. “Impact of a community pharmacist-directed clinic in improving screening and awareness of osteoporosis” Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (2005) 11(3),247-255. PMID:15869555

8.  Law AV, Ray MD, Knapp KK, Balesh JK. “Unmet needs in the medication use process: Perceptions of physicians, pharmacists and patients.” Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2003: (43)394-402. PMID:12836790

9.  Knapp KK, Law AV, Hitchman C. Letter to the editor in response to “Pharmacy compliance with a

prescription drug-discount program.” N Engl J Med; July 11, 2002, 347(2): 146. PMID:12110750