NameDue Date11/18/14

Pilgrim Tri-FoldCollage Poster Info Sheet with Rubric for The Canterbury Tales

A collage is a visual representation of ideas, emotions and understanding in response to a specific topic, concept, situation or issue. Although a collage may include some words, it is usually composed of a variety of visual materials such as photographs, magazine pictures, clip art, quotes, scraps of cloth and paper, beads, items pertaining to the poster’s subject, etc.
Assignment: Create a tri-fold collage poster for your pilgrim from The Canterbury Tales.
  • Remember, your audience is not familiar with your pilgrim.
  • The poster needs to be set up to help you with your presentation.
  • All visuals need to be school appropriate.
  • Make sure that students can easily see items, headings, etc. on your poster.
  • The poster size minimum is 36" x 48" open and 36" x 24" closed (which is standard tri-fold poster size that you can purchase at Office Depot, Office Max, Staples, Walmart, Target, etc. for around $8). Failure to meet this requirement is a 10 point deduction.
  • I will take up to 5 points off for grammatical errors, so please proof your work. Nothing is worse than having a beautiful poster with typos.
  • This project is a major test grade; therefore, the project needs to reflect time and effort worthy of a test grade.
  • The due date for the project is 11/18/14. There will be a 10 point deduction per day late.
  • The rubric needs to be turned in with the project.

NameDue Date11/18/14 Score

Pilgrim Tri-FoldCollage Poster Rubric for The Canterbury Tales

CATEGORY / Exceeds Standards / Meets Standards / Average / Needs Work / Unacceptable
Originality of and Visuals Chosen for Collage
80 Points / Collage shows considerable originality and inventiveness with the images and quotes selected. The content and ideas are presented in a unique and interesting manner. Visuals and quotes are a strong reflection of the pilgrim and key elements of The Canterbury Tales. The collage has a variety of images. The student has creative choices - evidence that symbolic thought of the pilgrim has taken place. / Collage shows originality and inventiveness with the images and quotes selected. The content and ideas are presented in an interesting way. Visuals and quotes are a good reflection of the pilgrim and the key elementsThe Canterbury Tales with a variety of images chosen to reflect the pilgrim. There are creative choices and evidence that symbolic thought of the pilgrim has taken place. / Collage shows an attempt at originality and inventiveness with the images and quotes selected. Visuals and quotes are a satisfactory reflection of the pilgrim chosen. / Collage is predictable. Very little attempt at originality. Visuals and quotes are a poor reflection of the pilgrim. Not a huge variety of images chosen to reflect the pilgrim. / The project needed revision and is poorly designed. Overall final product portrays little to no effort; expectations not met for English 4 test quality.
Presentation of Visuals and Quotes
20 Points / All of the visuals and quotes used on the poster reflect an exceptional degree of student creativity in their display. Collage like - overlap of visuals – little to nobackground showing. / Several of the visuals and quotes used on the poster reflect a good degree of student creativity in their display. Collage like - overlap of visuals - little background showing. / Some of the visuals and quotes used on the poster reflect somewhat of the student’s creativity in their display. Collage like - overlap of visuals - some background showing. / A few of the visuals and quotes used on the poster reflect any degree of student creativity in their display. Collage like - overlap of visuals – more background showing than collage graphics. / The project needed revision and is poorly designed. Expectations are not met for English 4 test quality.