February 11-12, 2013

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Officers 2012-2013
Dana Mingo
Vice President
Jason Young
President Elect
Melet Leafgreen
Past President
Harold Whitis
Becky Wilson
Shannon Followill
Board Members
Mike Carranza
Laurie Coulter
Jeannie Gage
Raul Lerma
Ed Turney
Devon Wiggins
Cathleen Wright

President-Elect Report – Melet Leafgreen

§  Appointment of vice chairs and reappointment of chairs.

§  Melet recommended the following for 2013-14:

The following current committee Chairpersons would like to serve in that capacity again for 2013-2014:

Nominations & Elections Pam Shuttlesworth & DeCha Reid

Training Marcos Mendez

Constitution & ByLaws Shannon Followill

Site Selection Curt Eley

Legislative Issues Chris Murr

The following individuals have volunteered to serve as Vice Chair for the current year, and then serve as Chair in 2013-2014:

Fall Conference Eric Cooper

Membership Beth Reid

Regional Training Delisa Falks

Harold Whitis made a motion to approve the recommendations set forth by Melet Leafgreen. Raul Lerma seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carries.

The following committees do not currently have a Vice Chair:

§  Awards & Scholarships

§  Early Awareness

Communication Network [Web Services] - Alan Ahmad will serve as Chair of this committee again if not nominated /elected as a Board member.

Newsletter [Communications & Social Media] – Steve Brower will consider serving as Chair of this committee again, pending Board decisions on duties of the committee.

§  Discussions regarding Newsletter reference in the TASFAA Constitution and Bylaws – Bylaws, Duties of Officers and Committees, Section 6 – resulted in the following action:

o  Removal of Section 6 as the newsletter is no longer published, and the section does not belong under Duties of Officers and Committees.

o  Amendment will be posted to TASFAA ListServe for 30-day comment period.

o  Secretary will work with Web Services to initiate online ballot at the end of the 30-day comment period.

Melet Leafgreen moved for 30-day discussion period for Amendment to TASFAA Constitution and Bylaws. Raul Lerma seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carries.

Past President’s Report – Harold Whitis

§  Emphasized record-keeping practices.

§  Reviewed Strategic Plan – See posted document on TASFAA site.

o  Added a new section after goals – President’s Comments

§  TASFAA Policy and Procedures and Strategic Plan Template will be updated to reflect this change.

o  Early Awareness is the best committee. Training – Do more with less.

o  SWASFAA involvement.

o  Board representation on TG Council – push information to the framework who can deliver the information. The Board discussed possibly getting institution government relations people involved – invite them TASFAA.

o  Relook mission, purpose, and vision – is that what we are doing?

Treasurer’s Report – Becky Wilson

§  See posted reports on TASFAA website.

o  Balance Sheet 1-31-2013

o  TASFAA Budget vs. Actual – 1-1-2013

§  Becky reported ATAC expenses for last fiscal year were $5,380. The current TASFAA budget reflects $5,000.

Partner’s Reports:

Rodger’s Capital – Gary Rodgers

§  Handouts distributed to Board of Directors prior to meeting.

§  Gary made the following recommendation for the TASFAA Board to consider:

Harold Whitis made a motion to accept Gary’s recommendations on investments. Mike Carranza seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carries.

§  Becky with notify Gary of the approved recommendations.

ATLE – Debbie Urias

§  No report submitted.

THECB – Lyn Kinyon

§  Handouts distributed to Board of Directors and uploaded to TASFAA website under Officer Reports.

o  Partner Report – THECB – 02-11-2013

§  Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG) amounts that were erroneously left off of report. It is currently anticipated to be level funded.

2012-13 Base / HB1 2014-15 / SB1 2014-15
$168,845,654 / $168,845,654 (0%) / $168,845,654 (0%)

o  Introduced Bills Related to Financial Aid/Cost of Attendance

o  Apply Texas FAFSA Initiative Memorandum dated 11-1-2012

TGSLC – Kim Alexander

§  See posted report on TASFAA Website.

DOE – Kevin Campbell (phoned in)

§  Current fiscal situation:

o  Sequestration – automatic 10% cut across the board. VA is exempt. March 1, 2013.

o  Raise the debt ceiling – Temporary legislation. May 18, 2013 – debt ceiling must be raised.

o  Expiration of the continued resolution – March 27, 2013 – When this expires, the government will shut down. The last time this happened was in 1995.

o  These three things together provide a dire outlook – inability to administer Title IV aid.

§  Beginning March 11, 2013, the DOE is implementing systems requirements to accept rules of behavior – security training on an annual basis.

§  Pell payment schedules.

§  Congress funds the fiscal year, not the award year. October 1 – September 30.

Committee Reports:

Awards & Scholarships – Laurie Coulter

§  See posted report on TASFAA website.

§  Service pins are in the mail.

§  Laurie will resign as Chair and Cathleen will take over. Melet to get co-chair.

§  Scholarship application will be put on TASFAA website.

§  Service pin inventory - $1087.50 + $400(awards) – Board indicated to go ahead with order of $1087.50 to replace inventory.

Communications – Alan Ahmad

§  See posted report on TASFAA website.

Constitution & Bylaws – Shannon Followill

§  See posted report on TASFAA website.

§  Organize committee responsibility sections in appendix to include activity calendar duties. Have Board members review who have served on various committees and send to committee chairs to review.

Early Awareness – Vitoria Rae-North

§  No report submitted.

Fall Conference – Denise Welch

§  See posted report on TASFAA website.

Legislative Issues – Chris Murr

§  See posted report on TASFAA website.

Membership – Alex Hellinger

§  See posted report on TASFAA website.

§  Reaching out to Directors and Presidents for membership and value/importance of membership.

§  In May of last year, 182 institutions were current.

§  Possibly create a spreadsheet from year to year to illustrate current membership numbers compared to prior years.

Newsletter – Steve Brower

§  See proposal posted on TASFAA website in regards to changing name of committee as well as Communications committee.

§  Discussion among the Board resulted in the Newsletter Committee and Communications Committee being renamed the following:

o  Web Services – formerly Communications Committee

o  Communications & Social Media Committee – formerly Newsletter Committee.

§  Policies and procedures will be updated to reflect changes and Board/Peers will review for changes/duties of committee.

Nominations & Elections – DeCha Reid & Pam Shuttlesworth

§  See posted report on TASFAA website.

§  Working on getting nominations and elections published to website.

§  Nominations open to President-Elect and three Board Members at large.

Regional Training – April Gonzales

§  See posted report on TASFAA website.

§  Signage – ensure all three agencies are being identified on all signs.

§  Target audience during registration.

§  Positive feedback received for trainings completed.

§  April Gonzales will not chair next year – DaLisa Faulks at Texas A&M will chair.

Site Selection – Curt Ely

§  2013 – Galveston; 2014 – El Paso

§  2015 dates – October 7-9, 2015; Board of Directors Meeting will be October 6-7, 2015; ABCs Workshop will be October 5-6, 2015.

§  Discussion of possible site rotation among three areas – Dallas, Houston, & San Antonio. Austin was mentioned but too expensive. NAOW travel with conference to negotiate contracts.

§  Discussion of possible 2015 site – San Antonio. The Board recommends near a major airport, easy transportation to and from, complimentary parking at hotel, and complimentary WIFI.

§  Melet will relay recommendation to Curt.

Training – Marcos Mendez

§  See posted report on TASFAA website.

§  NAOW – May 13-15 at the Sheraton in Arlington

§  Attendees pay for own rooms.

SWASFAA – Raul Lerma

§  See posted report on TASFAA website.

§  SWASFAA is pushing membership.

§  NASFAA U – Ask Regs

§  Advocacy

§  Next meeting in Arlington April 29-30, 2013.

Meeting adjourned at 4:45 until Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 12, 2013

Members Present: Dana Mingo, Jason Young, Melet Leafgreen, Harold Whitis, Becky Wilson, Shannon Followill, Mike Carranza, Laurie Coulter, Jeannie Gage, Raul Lerma, Ed Turney, Devon Wiggins, Cathleen Wright

Guests Present: Kim Alexander (TGSLC)


The meeting of the TASFAA Board of Directors was called to order at 8:48 a.m. by President Dana Mingo.

The NAOW fees were approved by the Board via Email vote January 27, 2013.

Unfinished Business:

§  Membership update on database – Membership committee contacted institution primary contacts to update profiles and members.

§  ATAC web application revision for years of service with TASFAA completed by Alan.

§  FUZE and Survey Monkey user guides published on TASFAA website by Alan.

§  TASFAA final position paper to Higher Ed committee – Harold will get with Chris. Revisions will be based on legislative items on table. Secretary will add appendix to policies and procedures for all TASFAA position papers for future reference.

§  Third party bookkeeper contract signed by Tia Clary.

§  2012-13 budget revisions – will review again at May Board Meeting.

§  TASFAA Timeline – Constitution and Bylaws committee will incorporate timeline into committee responsibilities appendix within the policies and procedures. Committee will work with former Board Members who were chairs of committees to ensure duties and responsibilities fit description of committee. Committee will present to Board at May meeting.

§  TASFAA Fall 2012 Conference survey results. Survey resulted in the conference being overall a good conference. Common areas of concern were food choices and the small rooms. These concerns are consistent with all conference held prior.

§  Clarification of end of the year audit – Concerns of possible immediate action of investments arose at the end of 2012 with the economy, election results, etc. No action was necessary and audit conducted represented fairly the generally accepted accounting principles.

§  Regional training committee fees - Discussion of possible fees for non-members to cover lunch. Allow for priority seating for TASFAA members – early registration. THECB agreed for fee as long as TASFAA managed cash. *** In May, Board will vote and make decision moving forward.

New Business:

§  SWASFAA Committee Volunteers – Dana stressed to the Board the importance of volunteering for SWASFAA and the representation needed. Dana will contact Lisa with names of volunteers – Shannon Followill and Jennifer Fisk.

§  TASFAA Secretary Reappointment - A new TASFAA Secretary was appointed this past November- Shannon Followill, her organization and dedication to the Association will continue to be an asset for the group. She previously has served as Vice-President and Board member with TASFAA over the past years.

§  Strategic Plan and Goals for the New Year – Dana is working on her goals for her term and will distribute to the Board. Possibly include responsibilities of timeline into planning as part of goals.

§  TASFAA Calendar Updates – The next Board of Director’s Meeting will be held in Arlington May 13-14th, and the July 23rd meeting will be done via FUZE.

§  El Paso Contract – Contract has been signed. Research a place on TASFAA website to store contracts for future use and historical reference.

§  ATAC blog discussion – The Board discussed options for a blog discussion on the TASFAA website. Discussion topics would include hot topics, professional development. There would be no additional cost for this feature to our website. The Board also discussed a TASFAA website facelift – the website has been revamped within the last year. The Board researched other association websites – Ohio (slide show on Top 5 reasons to be a member of the association), Oklahoma (included a statement of purpose), and California. Charge new committee with researching new website look.

§  Refund for TASFAA Conference Fee for University. Secretary will review policy in TASFAA policies and procedures and send draft to President for review to address this issue.

Dana Mingo made a motion to adjourn the meeting of the TASFAA Board of Directors at 12:08 p.m. Melet Leafgreen seconded. No discussion. Motion carries.


The minutes of the TASFAA Board of Directors meeting held February 11-12, 2013 are respectfully submitted by Shannon Followill, TASFAA Secretary.