Setting Offer: City of Bath College

  • The College is suitable for learnersaged 16+ that ready to take the next steps towards independence
  • There are very good transport links and support with travel training and reduced cost bus travel
  • The college campus occupies a city centre position with unrestricted access into and out of the building
  • City of Bath Collegeis a busy college environment with large numbers of students
  • There are quiet spaces and lunch clubs to support our more vulnerable learners

What can I study?

  • City of Bath College offers a wide range of qualifications, from Entry levels, through levels 1, 2 and 3 to Higher Education (HE) covering a variety of vocational subjects, please refer to the website for a an up-to-date list of options

How am I going to find out if City of Bath College is right for me and my family?

  • Come and see for yourself if this could be the right place for you. Visit one of our open days
  • You will be supported with appropriate advice and guidancefrom a range of advisers and specialists at the college.
  • We can arrange for you to meet staff and current students to help you get a feel of college life.
  • Opportunity to work with support team to create an individual support plan for time in college
  • Liaison with other professionals and links to existing plans (My Plan/EHC Plan,LDA/SEN Statement/ etc.)
  • We offer transition planning and meetings

What are the progression routes through college programmes and out into the world of work?

  • All the courses at college have progression routes and embed employability skills
  • City of Bath College offers progression onto Project SEARCH. This programme is entirely embedded within various departments of B&NES Council offering supported internships for young people with learning difficulties and disabilities. Other Foundation programmes at college offer real and simulated work experience opportunities as well as a well-established volunteering programme.

How will my additional learning support be funded?

  • Additional learning support is funded through college, the Local Authorities and the Education Funding Agency

For more information please contact

Sally Eaton

Tel: 01225 328563

City of Bath College
Avon Street
United Kingdom

Main switchboard01225 312191

Student Advice Centre 01225 328715 or 328716

Fax 01225 444213

Location(s) / Avon Street, Bath BA1 1UP
Lead Contact Person / Sally Eaton

Tel: 01225 328563
Contacts Tel:
website / City of Bath College
Avon Street
United Kingdom

Main switchboard01225 312191
Student Advice Centre 01225 328715 or 328716
Fax 01225 444213
Number of places offered per year: / Not limited
Start and finish times per day: / College classes take place between 9.00am and 9.00pm Monday – Thursday and 9.00am to 5pm on Friday. Some work placement programmes begin at 8.30 am
Number of days Study Programme(s) run per week: / Full time programmes are 3 days typically, with some provision being extended to 4 or 5
Number of weeks Study Programme(s) run per year: / 36 weeks typically
Number of years Study Programme(s) run: / Typically, study programmes last for one year, with programmes at level 3 and above continuing into a second year where required.
Age or age range students could start Study Programme(s): / Typically, learners are aged between 16-24 but arrangements may be made with local authority for 14-16s and adults study at the college at any age
Packages offered combining centre-based study with vocational or community placements: / The college offers two work place based 1 year internship programmes for up to 12 students in each location
Minimum cohort size Study Programme(s) needs to be viable: / 8
Groups and Staffing
Number of students in a typical group: / At foundation level, 8-12.
At levels 2 and 3, 14-20
At level 4 and above 8-20
Number of teachers/instructors who would support a typical group: / One teacher/instructor per group
Number of support staff who would work with a typical group: / At foundation level, 1 or more student support workers depending on student needs. Further technician support depending on vocational area.
At higher levels, dependent on needs of individuals within the group
Qualifications staff hold: / Curriculum staff hold relevant teaching qualifications
Support staff hold a range of relevant qualifications including specialist qualifications up to Masters level in autism, special education, dyslexia assessment and specialist teacher status.
Other relevant skills staff have: / Wide range of teaching, vocational and student support experience.
Physical accessibility available:
. / The main city campus is fully accessible with lift access and ramps. Disabled parking is available, individual needs would be assessed prior to the start of the course.
Transport assistance offered to and from site: / City Of Bath College is well served by local transport links and the college shop offers bus passes with a student discount. Project SEARCH learners are able to access funds to help pay for bus travel.
Level of security and supervision in terms of learners with limited awareness of personal safety, might abscond, need support or supervision during break times: / City of Bath College is best suited for learners who are ready for a degree of independence and can thrive in a busy college environment. The city centre sites have open access and learners come and go without restriction.
City of Bath College has a team of security staff on duty during the working day who also act as first aiders.
Vulnerable learners have access to supervised lunch clubs and may be supported individually outside of class, whilst at college, as appropriate.
Residential provision availability: / Not generally available, however accommodation is provided for overseas students and occasionally wider college learners can access this provision.
Range of communication needs supported: / City of Bath College employs Communication Support Workers to facilitate learners with British Sign Language.
Range of support for students with challenging behaviours: / City of Bath College has a number of ways to help support learners with challenging behaviours that include a counselling service, access to a student mentor, time-out in the Quiet room, clear expectations as described in the disciplinary policy.
Types of needs unable to meet in terms of site and study programme(s): / We are unlikely to be able to meet the needs of learners who have profound and multiple disabilities or who need high levels of personal care. We do however have access to regular Speech and Language therapy
Staff expertise and environment to support students with sensory impairments: / City of Bath College has experience in working with learners with both visual and hearing impairments. CSW has level 6 BSL and interpreter qualification.
Staff expertise and environment to support students with autism: / City of Bath College Staff have a range of experience supporting learners on the spectrum and qualifications up to Post Graduate Diploma level in Autism.
Staff expertise and environment to support students with health needs: / City of Bath College works in partnership with the NHS to have a college nurse on site part time
Staff expertise and environment to support students with personal care needs: / On an individual basis, facilities can be made available for learners who have particular personal care needs, this may take the form of adapted facilities and/or training for support workers.
Academic level of Study Programme(s) offered: / Wide range of programmes ranging from Entry levels, through levels 1, 2 and 3 to Higher Education (HE)

English and maths teaching: / Wide range of programmes that includes entry level 1, entry level 2, entry level 3 and level 1 Functional Skills and GCSE
Qualifications students gain: / Wide range of qualification ranging from Entry levels, through levels 1, 2 and 3 to Higher Education (HE) ina variety of vocational subjects, please refer to the website for a full list of options

Enrichment and Non Qualification learning offered and how these aid progression: / City of Bath College has a wide range of enrichment and student participation activities that includes an active Students' Union (SU) on site at the heart of the College campus, Duke of Edinburgh's Award and a series of sporting and leisure activities

Vocational and work experience offered: / Project SEARCH is entirely embedded within various departments of B&NES Council. Other Foundation programmes offer real and simulated work experience opportunities as well as a well-established volunteering programme.
Methods Study Programme(s) can be personalised to meet individual needs: / Study programmes on the Foundation Learning courses are all personalised. In addition there are additional resources available should a learner need extra time in college (5th Day Provision) so that the college week can be adapted to suit individual need.
Study Programme(s) information advice and guidance offered to prospective students and their families or carers: / Information available from
  • Student advice centre
  • Course leaders and tutors
  • Additional Learning Support team

Support offered to new students and their families or carers to achieve a positive transition while on the Study Programme(s): / Individual transition plans are negotiated, depending on need
On-going support offered to students and their families or carers in terms of getting the best from the Study Programme(s) and accessing other forms of support: / Link Tutors/ Personal Tutors, Teachers, Course Leaders and Heads of Departments are all involved in making sure that support packages are planned and reviewed to maximise the chances of success for the learners.
Progression opportunities in terms of access to employment, Apprenticeships and supported internships: / Progression routes are offered through college to build skills and employability. There is a Project SEARCH programme run in partnership with Sirona and B&NES Council
Support to develop skills for life as an adult: / The Life and Independent Living Skills programme is specifically designed for young people with learning difficulties and disabilities to work towards independence.
Development of Joint Practice Development with partner organisation: / N/a
Partner organisation(s):
Planned outcomes from Joint Practice Development:


Groups and Staffing

Meeting Students’ Needs


Information and Transition


Joint Practice Development