Currituck County High School Media Center Barnes and Noble Nook Permission and Acceptable Use Form


The Barnes and Noble Nook is a portable, lightweight reading device. It is small, thin, and holds up to 1500 electronic books. Students can bookmark pages, look up words in the Nook dictionary, and make notes about book passages. The chance to use this device is a privilege that our library is able to provide its patrons provided that students use these devices with extra care, responsibility, and caution. Each Nook and its accessories are valued at $190.00. These Nooks also have Internet ability that is very limited in scope and usability—however, we want parents and students to be aware of this and to remember that all web use must be educational in nature and meet all guidelines contained in our School Board Acceptable Use and Internet Policy. For these reasons we require a parental signature before a Nook can be assigned to a student.

Parent Responsibilities and Permission

I am authorizing the assignment of a Nook, a charger, and a case to my student. I understand that it is to be used for a tool for reading and learning and that my student will comply with the Currituck County Schools Acceptable Use Policy. I will help ensure the safe and timely return of the Nook within the library’s loan period of one week, with renewal available. I also understand that I am financially responsible for any willful, malicious, or accidental damage to the Nook. I further understand that the web browser will be used for educational content only, and that my student my not download content to the Nook. I understand that my student may lose future loan privileges of the device if the Nook is either damaged or not returned in a timely manner.

Your signature below authorizes your student to check out a NOOK and be responsible for a $190.00 Nook replacement fee if Lost/Stolen/or Damaged.

Parent/Guardian Name (please print)______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______

Parent/Guardian Contact Info (phone and email)______


Student Responsibilities and Permission

I agree to take extra care of the CCHS Media Center Nook while it is in my possession. I will not throw, drop, or damage the Nook in any way. I will NOT give the Nook to another student for his/her use. I will use the Nook in an appropriate manner. I will NOT download any content to the Nook. I agree to return the Nook in good condition at the end of the one week loan period, at which time it can be renewed. I understand that my ability to check out a Nook is dependent upon Library staff discretion and availability of the Nooks.

Student Name (Printed)______

Student Signature______Date______

Media Center Staff Only

Date Received______

Staff Signature______

This form adapted with permission from the original creation by Kathy Parker at