EME 3410 - Programming the Graphing Calculator

Application Program

Before you begin:

A. Type your name here:

B. Save this document to your folder

1. For this assignment you will need a TI83+ calculator. You will be entering programs as you proceed through the tutorial. If you use one of Chipola's calculators make sure you can identify the calculator so that you can complete the lesson at the next class.

2. Go to the website

This is a tutorial for basic programming on the TI83+. I have also printed a copy for you to use, but the site contains links to supportive data. Do a little exploring before you begin.

3. READ through the "Beginning Topics" section of the tutorial (on line by linking to the table of contents or by using the paper copy). Stop when you get to the "Review".

4. You will be writing a program to fit your academic area. To begin, turn on your calculators and enter the programming mode on your calculator by pressing:

PRGM, Select NEW, then 1 for CREATE NEW.

You must type a name for your program using the alpha keys (the calculator is in alpha lock so you do not need to press the green alpha key for each letter).

Type the name PRGMA, then press ENTER.

You should see PROGRAM:PRGMA


You are now ready to type your program. After each command you type, press ENTER and you will see a colon (:) on a new line and you will be ready for another command. The first command is described below. After that you are on your own.

5. Assignment: Write the following program (rather than one of the three suggested in the tutorial), however you may want to look at the "answers" for the programs assigned in the tutorial as a guide to completing your program.

All students

Your program must contain a menu that includes an option to "Continue" or "Quit".

Your results must be displayed on the center of an otherwise clear screen and must contain the message, "The solution is ", followed by the answer.

Your answers must be rounded to the nearest hundredth.

To do this, for the FIRST line of your program, press the MODE command and use your arrows to move to the 2 following the FLOAT options and press ENTER.

When you finish writing your program (described below), connect your calculator to the computer via TI Connect and import the screen into this document for each of the test problems below your assignment. Then resave the document.

Math students: Write a program that will allow students to enter a, b and c in a quadratic equation of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0, and then calculate and print the real solutions to the nearest hundredth. (Assume the equation has two real solutions – we will cover imaginary solutions later).

Use the following to test your program:

3x2 + 5x – 2 = 0, solutions = -6.00, 1.00

3x2 + 7x – 2 = 0, solutions = 0.26 and -2.59

Screen 1:Screen 2:

Science students: Write a program that will convert Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit or vice versa. Use the following to test your results:

0oC = 320F

72oF = 22.22oC

Screen 1:Screen 2:

Classroom Management Program

1. Read the IF/THEN/ELSE section of the tutorial.

2. Write a program that will allow an instructor to put in the total number of questions on a test. Then allow the instructor to put in the number of questions a student missed, and print the percentage score based on 100% for the student's grade. The program should then ask the instructor "Continue Y or N?". and should proceed accordingly.

3. As a test student, enter the number of questions as 25, the number missed as 3, and then import the screen here with the student's score printed.

Classroom Management – Graphing Approach

1. Store the value 25 into the variable Q (25 STO ALPHA Q)

2. Set your window to:

XMIN = 0


XRES = 1

YMIN = 0

YMAX = 100

YRES = 1

2. Go to the Y= screen on your calculator.

3. Enter the function Y1 = 100 – (x/Q*100)

4. Press GRAPH.

5. Press TRACE

6. Type 2 and record the Y (score): ______

7. Type 5 and record the Y (score): ______

8. If your test had 42 questions, what would you change in the above example to use this graphing approach to score your students papers?

9. Make that change and obtain the score for students that miss 4, 12, and 17 questions out of 42 and record the results below.

Missing 4 = Missing 12 = Missing 17 =

10. Save your document and link it to your electronic portfolio for a class grade. If you want to enter it into your actual portfolio, complete a reflection for FEAP 12.5 and one for FEAP 12.6 and link the reflection to your electronic portfolio.

To be used as an artifact, the activity will be scored on the following rubric:

EME 3410 - Programming

Scoring Rubric

*Optional Artifact – FEAP 12.5 and 12.6

Name: ______Submission #: ____

Decision for A.P. on this Task (check one):

Demonstrated:0-3 ratings are flawed; none are unacceptable.

Partially Demonstrated:4 or more ratings are flawed; none are unacceptable.

Not Demonstrated:1or more ratings are unacceptable.

Rating Scale Key: T= target; F = flawed; U = unacceptable

Element / # / Criterion for “target” rating / Rating
Document / 1 / The saved document contains the required screens imported from the calculator. / __ T __ F __ U
2 / The document is linked to the electronic portfolio. / __ T __ F __ U
3 / The finished document is professional in appearance. / __ T __ F __ U
Academic Programming
FEAP 12.5 / 4 / The program performs the required calculation accurately. / __ T __ F __ U
5 / The input and output screens exhibit the characteristics described in the assignment. / __ T __ F __ U
Management of Student Learning
FEAP 12.6 / 6 / The program calculates the student's grade correctly. / __ T __ F __ U
7 / The input and output screens exhibit the characteristics described in the assignment. / __ T __ F __ U
8 / The graphical approach calculates the student's grade correctly. / __ T __ F __ U

Improvements Needed:
