Professor Kulbhushan Warikoo is an eminent educationist, author and scholar, who has been teaching for over 28 years at the Central Asian Studies Programme, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Internationally known for his distinguished service to Himalayan, Central Asian, Eurasian and Silk Route Studies, Prof. Warikoo is a leading thinker and writer having published 20 books, most of them of pioneering nature. These include The Other Kashmir: Society ,Culture and Politics in the Karakoram Himalayas;Himalayan Frontiers of India;Religion and Security in South andCentral Asia;Cultural Heritage of Jammu and Kashmir; Cultural Heritage of Kashmiri Pandits; Afghanistan:Challenges and Opportunities;Bamiyan: Challenge to World Heritage;Central Asia and Kashmir: A Study in the Context of Anglo-Russian Rivalryand Central Asia: Emerging New Order. He is the Founder Editor of HimalayanandCentral Asian Studies, a quarterly journal being published regularly and uninterruptedly since 1997, devoted to the study of various issues pertaining to the Himalayan and Trans-Himalayan region in South and Central Asia.This journal (all back files) is included within the ProQuest Products. He has supervised more than 30 Ph.D and 50 M.Phil research scholars, thus inspiring, guiding and training the young generation in the field of Himalayan and Central Asian studies.

Prof. Warikoo has actively contributed to promotion of academic and cultural linkages with neighbouring Central Asian Republics, China, Mongolia and Siberian Region of the Russian Federation. He has conducted extensive field studies in the Central Asian countries of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan; Mongolia; Xinjiang and Tibet regions of China; Afghanistan and Siberia. He has been making strenuous and sustained efforts, through his writings, lectures and by organizing national and international Seminars for promoting ethno-cultural, literary and historical heritage of Central Asia and Eurasia and its deep rooted linkages with India.

Prof. Warikoo is the recipient of NAIRAMDAL Friendship Medal of Mongolia (2002), the highest Mongolian Award for foreigners and UNESCO’s Hirayama Silk Route Award (1992). He has been International Observer to Parliamentary Elections in Uzbekistan (2004), Presidential Elections in Kazakhstan (2005) and Presidential Elections in Uzbekistan (2007).

Prof. Warikoo has been Visiting Professor,Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan (2007,2008,2010,2011,2013); Member, Executive Council, Maulana Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata (1998-2005);Scientific Committee, Central Eurasian Reader, CNRS, Paris(2007 onwards);Board of Management, Academy of Third World Studies,Jamia Millia Islamia,New Delhi(2009-10); Board of Research Studies,University of Kashmir,Srinagar (2008-2010); Board of Studies, School of Social Sciences,Pondicherry University (2012-); Member, Advisory Committee, Area Studies Centre for Afghanistan Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi;Board of Studies, Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi(2010 onwards);Board of Studies, School of International Studies, JNU (1997 onwards); Academic Council, JNU 2001-02,2008-09); IDSA Task Force on Water Security (2009-10); Expert Committee, “Cultural Heritage of Himalayas”, Ministry of Culture, Government of India (1998-99, 2004-08); Central Institute of Buddhist Studies,Leh (2008-10).

As regards his administrative experience, Prof. Warikoo has the unique experience in administration having headed the Reference & Research Division, Department of Information, J&K Government for over 14 years (1972-March 1987) before joining JNU. Later on he has served as Warden, Senior Warden, Provost ,Chairperson of Centre for South, Central & Southeast Asian Studies, at JNU during the years 2001-02.



Contact Details:

Email: Residence:
Cell no: +91 991088490820, Dakshinapuram
Tel.: +91-11-26742763Jawaharlal Nehru University
Fax: +91-11-26742843New Delhi – 110067


Broad Field of Specialisation:

Himalayan and Central Asian Studies

Main Areas of Specialisation:

a)Indo-Central Asian Relations

b)Silk Route Studies; Trans-Himalayan Trade and Cultural Movements

c)Ethnicity, Religion and Politics in Central Asia, Afghanistan, Xinjiang

d)Society, Culture and Politics in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh

e)Indian Himalayan Frontiers in Modern and Contemporary Times.

Awards Received:

NAIRAMDAL Friendship Medal of Mongolia, 2002(Highest Mongolian Award for foreigners).

UNESCO Award of Hirayama Silk Road Fellowship, 1992.

Positions Held:

a)Headed Reference and Research Division,
Jammu and Kashmir Government, Srinagar,
from December 1972 to March 1987.

b)Professor and Director
Central Asian Studies Programme,
School of International Studies,
Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi – 110067. (1987-2010)

c)Founder Editor, Himalayan and Central Asian Studies
(Quarterly Journal published since 1997)

d)Member, Board of Studies

School of International Studies
JNU, New Delhi (1997 onwards)

e)Member, Board of Management (2009-10)

Academy of Third World Studies

Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi -110025

f)Former Member, National Security Advisory Board, Government of India (2003)

g)Member, Executive Council,
Maulana Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata (1998-2005)

Centre for South, Central Asian & South East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (2001-02)

i)Member, Academic Council
Jawaharlal Nehru University (2001-02, 2008-09)

j)Member, IDSA Task Force on Water Security (2009)

k)Member, Expert Committee “Cultural Heritage of Himalayas”, Department of Culture, Govt. of India (1998-1999, 2004 -2008).

l)International Observer, Parliamentary Elections in Uzbekistan,
26 December 2004.

m)International Observer, Presidential Elections in Kazakhstan,
4 December 2005.

n)International Observer, Presidential Elections in Uzbekistan, December 2007.

o)Member, Research Committee, Central Institute of Buddhist Studies, Leh, Ladakh (2008-2010)

p)Member, Scientific Committee, Central Eurasian Reader, CNRS, Paris (2007 onwards)

q)Visiting Professor, Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan (June 2007, June 2008, December 2010, November 2011,December 2013)

Experiences in Other Fields:

a)As Head of the Reference and Research Division, Government of Jammu and Kashmir for more than 14 years, developed rare and unique collection of press clippings, newspapers, books, official documents etc. on the Area Studies of Jammu and Kashmir, Indian Himalayan frontiers, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia.

b)Maintains close contacts with foreign academics and institutions which are specialised / working on Asian Studies. Conducted extensive field studies in the Central Asian countries of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia and Xinjiang and Tibet regions of China and Siberian region of Russia.

c)Participated in first ever Indian Overland Central Asia Cultural Expedition (May-July 1994) covering 15,000 kms. by road through Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan; Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai and Tibet regions of China; Nepal.

d)Founder Member and Secretary General (Hon’y), Himalayan Research and Cultural Foundation (an NGO in Special Consultative Status with United Nations). The Himalayan Foundation is devoted to the area study of Himalayan and Central Asian region. In recognition of its contribution to preserving and enriching the ethno-cultural, literary and historical heritage of the Himalayan region, United Nations granted Special Consultative Status to this Foundation.

Teaching Experience:

More than 28 years of teaching experienceat MA, M. Phil levels in Central Asian and Himalayan Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Supervised 51 M.Phil and 33Ph. D research scholars.


Books Published

  1. Xinjiang:China’s Northwest Frontier. (Being published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis, UK, 2016). 256pp.
  2. Tajikistan in the 21st Century. Edited with Prof Kh. Umarov, New Delhi, Pentagon Press, 2015. 300pp.
  3. The Other Kashmir: Society, Culture and Politics in the Karakoram Himalayas. New Delhi, IDSA/Pentagon Press, 2014. xiv, 341pp.
  4. Central Asia and South Asia: Energy Cooperation and Transport Linkages (Editor). New Delhi, Pentagon Press, 2011. 293pp.
  5. Religion and Security in South and Central Asia (Editor). UK, USA, Canada, Routledge, 2010. 220pp.
  6. Mongolia in 21st Century : Society, Culture and International Relations(Co-Editor). New Delhi and London, Pentagon, 2010. 374 pp.
  7. Himalayan Frontiers of India: Historical, Geopolitical and Strategic Perspectives. (Editor), UK, USA and Canada, Routledge, 2009, xv, 220 pp.
  8. Cultural Heritage of Kashmiri Pandits. (Editor), New Delhi, Pentagon, 2009, 363 pp.
  9. Cultural Heritage of Jammu and Kashmir. (Editor), New Delhi, Pentagon, 2009, 338pp.
  10. Afghanistan: The Challenge. (Editor), New Delhi, 2007, 377pp.
  11. Central Asia since Independence. (Editor) New Delhi, 2004, xii, 356pp.
  12. The Afghanistan Crisis: Issues and Perspectives. (Editor) New Delhi, 2002. xxx+523pp.
  13. Bamiyan: Challenge to World Heritage. (Editor) New Delhi, 2002. 317pp.
    64 Photographs.
  14. Gujjars of Jammu and Kashmir. (Editor) Bhopal, IGRMS, 2001. 318 pp.
  15. Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh : Linguistic Predicament (Editor). New Delhi,
    Har Anand, 1996. 225 pp.
  16. Central Asia: Emerging New Order (Editor). New Delhi, Har Anand, 1995.
    351 pp.
  17. Society and Culture in the Himalayas (Editor). New Delhi, Har Anand, 1995. 317pp.
  18. Afghanistan Factor in Central and South Asian Politics. New Delhi, 1994. 80pp.
  19. Ethnicity and Politics in Central Asia (Edited by K. Warikoo and Dawa Norbu). New Delhi, South Asian Publishers, 1992. 292pp.
  20. Central Asia and Kashmir: A Study in the Context of Anglo- Russian Rivalry. New Delhi, Gian, 1989. 270 pp.
  21. Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh: A Classified and Comprehensive Bibliography. New Delhi, Sterling, 1976. 576 pp.
Chapters in Books
i.Nationality Question in USSR: A Case Study of Alma Ata Riots, 1986. In Perestroika and the Nationality Question in the USSR, Edited by Shams-ud-din. New Delhi, 1992. pp.127-40.
ii.China and Central Asia: Review of Ching Policy in Xinjiang, 1755-1884. In Ethnicity and Politics in Central Asia. Edited by K. Warikoo and Dawa Norbu. New Delhi, 1992. pp.2-20.
  1. Soviet Central Asia in Ferment. In Ethnicity and Politics in Central Asia. Edited by K. Warikoo and Dawa Norbu. New Delhi, 1992. pp.62-86.
  2. Ladakh’s Trade Relations with Tibet under the Dogras. In Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 5th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Narita, 1989. Japan, Naritasen Shinshoji, 1992. vol.2, pp. 853-861.
  3. The Shahidulla Affair: British Policy towards Kashmir’s Claims across the Karakoram. In Society and Culture in The Himalayas. Edited by K. Warikoo. New Delhi, Har Anand, 1995 pp. 112-124.
  4. The Resurgence of Central Asia. In Russian Dilemma : The Ethnic Aftermath. Edited by P.L. Dash. Cuttack, 1994. pp. 74-86.
  5. Central Asia : Emerging Scenario. In Central Asia : Emerging New Order, Edited by K. Warikoo. New Delhi, 1995. pp. 17-34.
  6. Cockpit of Central Asia : Afghanistan Factor in Tajikistan’s Crisis. In Central Asia : Emerging New Order. Edited by K. Warikoo. New Delhi, 1995, pp. 193-225.
  7. Mongolia and Central Asia : Emerging Relations ( Co-author ). In Central Asia: Emerging New Order, Edited by K. Warikoo. New Delhi, 1995. pp.339-345.

x.Gateway to Central Asia : Trans Himalayan Trade of Ladakh, 1846-1947. In Recent Research on Ladakh - 4 & 5. Edited by Henry Osmaston and Philip Denwood. Delhi, Motilal Banarasidas, 1996. pp.235-252.

xi.Uzbekistan and Northern India : Diplomatic, Commercial & Cultural Contacts. In Historical and Cultural Links between India and Uzbekistan. Patna, Khuda Baksh Oriental Public Library, 1996. pp.93-101.

xii.India and Central Asia. In India and the Muslim World. Edited by Riyaz Punjabi and A. K. Pasha. Delhi, 1997.

  1. Revival of Ethno-Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Central Asia : Relevance for India. In Culture Society and Politics in Central Asia and India. Edited by N.N. Vohra, New Delhi, 1999. pp.278-283.
  2. Kashmiri Pandits in Retrospect and Prospect. In Kashmiri Pandits: Looking to the Future. Edited by M.K. Kaw and others, New Delhi, 2000, pp.223-240.
  3. Perspectives of the Indus Waters Treaty. In Peace as Process: Reconciliation and Conflict Resolution in South Asia. Edited by Ranabir Samaddar and Helmut Reifeld. Delhi, Manohar, 2001. pp.281-298.
  4. Shadow of Afghanistan over Kashmir. In The Afghanistan Crisis: Issues and Perspectives. Edited by K. Warikoo, New Delhi, 2002, pp.351-381.
  5. India’s Gateway to Central Asia: Trans-Himalayan Trade and Cultural Movements through Kashmir and Ladakh, 1846-1947. In The Eurasian Vision, Edited by Mahavir Singh and Victor Krassilchtchikov, Delhi, 2002, pp.163-175.
  6. Russians in post-Soviet Central Asia: Issues and Concerns. In Central Asia and the Caucasus: Transnationalism and Diaspora. Edited by Touraj Atabaki and Sanjyot Mehendale, London and New York, Routledge, 2005, pp.66-79.
  7. Political Linkages between Ladakh and Eastern Turkestan under the Dogras during the 19th Century. In Ladakhi Histories: Local and Regional Perspectives. Edited by John Bray. Leiden, Brill, 2005.pp.235-248.
  8. Great Game on the Kashmir Frontiers. In Himalayan Frontiers of India: Historical, Geopolitical and Strategic Perspectives. Edited by K. Warikoo, UK, USA and Canada, Routledge, 2009, pp. 14-35.
  9. Shrines and Pilgrimage Places of Kashmir. In Cultural Heritage of Jammu and Kashmir. Edited by K. Warikoo, New Delhi, Pentagon, 2009, pp. 149-166.
  10. Language and Politics in Jammu And Kashmir : Issues and Perspectives. In Language and Politics in India, Edited by Asha Sarangi. New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2009. pp. 243-266.
  11. Buryatia and Russia: Interaction and Linkages. In Asiatic Russia: Partnerships and Communities in Eurasia, Delhi, Shipra, 2009, pp. 116-122.
  12. Tradition and Culture in Buryatia. In Mongolia in the 21st Century, Edited by K. Warikoo and Sharad K. Soni. New Delhi, Pentagon Press, 2010.
    pp 323-335.
  13. The Xinjiang Issue: Indian Perspectives on Chinese Strategies in the Far West. In Mapping Central Asia :Indian Perceptuions and Strategies. Edited by Marlene Laruelle and Sebastien Peyrouse. U.K and USA, Ashgate, 2011. pp215-238.
  14. Islamist Extremism in Kashmir. In Religion and Security in South and Central Asia. Edited by K. Warikoo. London and New York, Routledge, 2011.
    pp 67-82.
  15. Ethnic-religious Separatism in Xinjiang: Challenge to China’s Security.
    In Religion and Security in South and Central Asia. Edited by K. Warikoo. London and New York, Routledge, 2011. pp 164-182.
  16. Ladakh: India’s Gateway to Central Asia. In Central Asia and South Asia: Energy Cooperation and Transport Linkages. Edited by K. Warikoo.
    New Delhi, Pentagon Press, 2011. pp 240-247.
  17. India and Central Asia: Potential Implications for Power Rivalries in Eurasia. In India and Central Asia:Two decades of Transition. Edited by P.L.Dash. New Delhi, Oxford University Press,2012. pp 98-116.
  18. Central Asia-China Cooperation: Lessons for India. In Central Asia and Its Neighbours: Prospects of India’s Cooperation. Edited by Rashpal Malhotra, S.S.Gill and Davinder K. Madaan. Chandigarh, CRRID,2014. pp 145-152.
  19. Karakoram Himalayas and Central Asia: The Buddhist Connection : In The Other Kashmir: Society, Culture and Politics in the Karakoram Himalayas. New Delhi, IDSA, Pentagon Press, 2014. pp13-34.
  20. The Making of a Frontier: The Relationship between Kashmir and its Frontier Territories. In The Other Kashmir: Society, Culture and Politics in the Karakoram Himalayas. New Delhi, IDSA, Pentagon Press, 2014. pp 98-124.
  21. Geo-strategic Importance of Gilgit - Baltistan. In The Other Kashmir: Society, Culture and Politics in the Karakoram Himalayas. New Delhi, IDSA, Pentagon Press, 2014. Pp 125-145.
  22. Afghanistan and Central Asia: Challenges and Opportunities.
    In Afghanistan after 2014. Edited by S. Paranjpe and R. Abhyankar. New Delhi, Kalinga Publishers, 2014.
  23. Call for Reviving Civilisational links between India and Eurasia. In Eurasia: Theoretical Potential and Practical issues. Edited by A.V. Ivanova. Barnaul, Altai State University, 2014. pp71-75.
  24. Afghanistan Factor in Tajikistan Crisis, 1992-1997. In Tajikistan in the 21st Century. Edited by K.Warikoo and Khojamahmad Umarov. New Delhi, Pentagon Press, 2015. pp 66-84.
  25. Development of Trade and Economic Relations between India and Tajikistan. In Taikistan in the 21st Century. Edited by K. Warikoo and Khojamahmad Umarov. New Delhi, Pentagon Press, 2015. pp 187-195.
  26. On the High Road to Pamirs: Travel experiences in Gorno-Badakhshan Region of Tajikistan.In Taikistan in the 21st Century.Edited by K.Warikoo and Khojamahmad Umarov. New Delhi, Pentagon Press, 2015. pp 258-267.
Research Papers in Journals

i.Chinese Turkestan during the Nineteenth Century: A Socio-Economic Study. Central Asian Survey, Oxford, vol. 4, no. 3, 1985. pp. 75-114.

ii.Central Asia and Kashmir: A Study in Political, Commercial and Cultural Contacts. Central Asian Survey, Oxford, vol.7, no.1, 1988. pp. 63-83.

iii.Mir Abdul Majid: The Kashmiri Revolutionary in Central Asia. Shiraza, vol. 1, no. 1, October 1987. pp. 42-46.

iv. Muslim Migrations from Xinjiang to Kashmir, 1931-1941. Strategic Analysis, vol. 14, no.1, April 1991. pp. 17-34.

v.Dynamics of Change in Soviet Central Asia. World Affairs, vol.3, December 1991. pp.44-52.

  1. Ethnic - Religious Resurgence in Xinjiang. Eurasian Studies, Ankara vol. 2, no. 4, Winter 1995/96. pp. 30-43.
  2. Trade Relations between Central Asia and Kashmir Himalayas during the Dogra period (1846-1947). Cahiers d’Asie Centrale, Tashkent/Paris.Nos.1-2, 1996. pp. 117-124.
  3. Importance of India - Iran - Central Asia Cooperation for Revival of Silk Roads. Man & Development, vol. 18, no. 3, September 1996, pp.130-135.
  4. Jammu and Kashmir : People’s Verdict (Assembly Elections, 1996). Bulletin of Himalayan Research and Cultural Foundation, vol.1, no.3, Fall 1996. pp. 2-8.
  5. Mercenaries and Terrorism in Kashmir. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, April-June 1998. pp.35-57.
  6. On the Trail of Silk Route : Travel Experiences in Kyrgyzstan. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol. 2, Nos. 3-4, July-December 1998, pp.83-96.
  7. Eco-Cultural Heritage of Kashmir. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, April-June 1999, pp.39-49.
  8. Kargil Conflict: View from Kashmir. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol. 3, Nos. 3-4, July-December 1999, pp.28-43.
  9. Tribal Gujjars of Jammu and Kashmir. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, January-March 2000, pp.3-27.
  10. Muslim Separatism in Xinjiang, Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol.4, Nos.3-4, July-December 2000, pp.32-55.
  11. Indus Water Treaty: View from Kashmir, Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol.6, No.2, April-June 2002, pp.3-22.
  12. Parliamentary Elections (2004): Jammu and Kashmir, Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol.8, Nos.2-3, April-September 2004, pp.87-100.
  13. Tradition and Modernity in Uzbekistan, Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol.9, Nos.1-2, January-June 2005, pp.71-80.
  14. Indus Waters Treaty: View from Kashmir, Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol.9,No.3, July-September 2005, pp.3-26.
  15. Security Challenges in South and Central Asia, Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol.10, No.1, January-March 2006, pp.3-16.
  16. Russia’s Policy towards Kazakhstan during Yeltsin Period, Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol.10, No.4, October-December 2006, pp.20-34.
  17. Security Challenges in South and Central Asia, Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol.10, No.1, January-March 2006, pp.3-16.
  18. On the Trail of Silk Route: Travel Experiences in Kyrgyzstan. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies Vol. 10, Nos. 2-3. April-September 2006, pp 64-75.
  19. China’s Policy in Xinjiang and India’s Experience in Kashmir. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol. 14, No. 4, October-December 2010. pp 3-43.
  20. The Afghanistan Conundrum: Implications for India. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies Vol. 15, Nos. 1-2, January-June 2011, pp108-119.
  21. Religious Extremism and Terrorism in Pakistan and Its Implications. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies Vol. 15,No. 2, July-September2011,pp 4-23.
  22. India-Kyrgyzstan Relations in Contemporary Times. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies Vol. 16,No. 1, January-March 2012, pp 43-50.
  23. Tradition and Modernity in Uzbekistan: The Role of Mahalla in Local Self-governance. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies Vol. 16, No. 3-4, July-December 2012, pp 31-39.
  24. Spirit and Letter of Strategic Partnership of India and Uzbekistan. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies Vol. 16,No. 3-4, July-December 2012, pp 161-171.
  25. On the Trail of Silk Route: Pilgrimage to Sumeru, Altai. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies Vol. 18,Nos. 3-4, July-December 2014,pp 16-36.
  26. Historical-Cultural Heritage and Tradition in Uzbekistan. Himalayan and Central Asian Studies Vol. 19, Nos. 3-4, July-December 2015, pp16-23.

Participation in Conferences

i)Presented a paper Geopolitics of the Siachen Glacier at the International Conference on Geopolitics of Peace, 14-16 January 1988, India International Centre, New Delhi.