July 19, 2017

Members Present:Melissa Nelson, Paulette Webb, Tonya Weber, Shari Fleshman, Marcia Munford, Donna Miller, Judy Russell, Julie Lang, Lisa Reid

Ad Hoc Members Present:Ashley Otte

Members Absent:Jenn Verhurslt, Dick Sievers

Meeting was called to order byat8:58 a.m.byTonya Weber. The mission was read by Paulette Webb.

Agenda Items / Agenda Item / Discussion/Action Taken/Task Assignment
Approval of Agenda / Melissa Nelson moved to approve the agenda.Shari Fleshman seconded. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes / Marcia Munford moved to approve the minutes. Donna Millerseconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report / Fiscal report / Paulette Webb moved to accept the fiscal report.Tonya Weber seconded. Motion carried.
Committee Reports / None.
Old Business / Board Elections
Region VII Board membership
PD Schedule / Board members will make calls and get back to Ashley Otte by July 31.
Tonya Weber moved to approve Jennifer Clanton as the parent representative on the Region VII Head Start board. Shari Fleshman seconded. Motion carried.
Two disability networking sessions are listed (Feb and Dec) Ashley Otte will clarify. The board requested the schedule be sent ASAP and then updated after dates are secured with the TA system.
New Business / Institute Planning
FY18 Budget
Early ACCESS council
Parent Leadership / Need markers for the Power of Head Start activity. Board members need to sign up to staff the exhibit table. Shari Fleshman moved to pay the $70 registration fee for the 3rd presenter. Paulette Webb seconded. Motion carried.
Tonya Weber moved to approve the budget. Shari Fleshman seconded. Motion carried.
Paulette Webb moved to approve Chris Izer as the Early ACCESS council rep. Donna Miller seconded. Motion carried.
The event will be held on Saturday, October 28, 2017. A save the date needs to be created and sent.
Partner Reports / RVII HSA / Regional conference was excellent.
Messages /
  • PD schedule
  • Parent Leadership
  • Institute Registration
  • Board openings
  • Annual meeting/luncheon
  • Pre-conference

Next Meeting / September 22, 2017, November 15, 2017, January 17, 2018, March 21, 2018, May 16, 2018 and July 18, 2018
Adjourn / Meeting was adjourned at9:50 am