The Modesto USBC Memorial Hall of Fame Scholarship is named in recognition of all the Modesto USBC Hall of Fame Honorees. Men and women whose exceptional skill and/or service to the bowlers of the Modesto area, has helped to perpetuate and improve our sport. Their dedication has earned for them the gratitude of recognition of their peers. Without the dedication and efforts of these individuals, these scholarships may not be possible.

This scholarship is designated for amateur high school seniors who have compiled a strong USBC Youth sanctioned bowling record at the local, regional, state, and national levels, in addition to displaying solid scholastic aptitude and school involvement.

This scholarship is sponsored by the Modesto USBC Association and administered by a committee comprised of Modesto USBC officers and directors, civic, business and industry leaders.




The final date for the filing of applications for a scholarship shall be April 15th, of each calendar year.

The applicant(s) must currently be a member in good standing of USBC Youth, and must have been a member for at least the past three (3) years.

Applicant(s) must be a full time student within the jurisdiction of this association.

The recipient must enroll in an accredited college or trade school within one (1) year after graduation from high school.

The applicant must submit a written essay about themselves, their goals, and college plans. Also two (2) letters of recommendation from two (2) people in the professional field, such as teachers, business leaders, etc.

Applications will be considered on a point basis and weighted as follows:

A. 60% bowling ability, sportsmanship, attitude, etc.

B. 20% scholastic, based on evaluations from school officials or counselors.

C. 10% on individual essay which is to include specific goals and college plans. Consideration will also be given to organization and logic.

D. 10% need.

Education and bowling achievements are to be verified by high school or college officials and USBC Youth directors.

Return completed application to:



Last Name ______First Name ______MI _____

Date of Birth ______Sex Male/Female

Address ______City ______Ca Zip ______

Telephone ______

Do you have a job? Yes/No

If yes, what type of work do you do? ______

Average number of hours worked each week? ______

Do you do volunteer work? ______

Explain ______


Current School and Class ______

Grade Point Average ______(Please provide a current school transcript)

Scholastic Honors/Extra Curricular Activities (Class Officer, Music, Sports, Clubs, etc)




What school of college do you plan to attend? ______

Address ______City ______State _____

Have you applied? Yes/No Have you been accepted? Yes/No

What is your proposed major(s)? ______


I certify all information given on this form is complete and correct and that I am a amateur bowler as defined by USBC Youth Division eligibility rules.

I authorize the release of academic information requested below to the Hall of Fame Memorial Scholarship Committee of the Modesto USBC Association for the purpose of verifying my eligibility as a scholarship applicant.

Applicant’s Signature ______Date ______

Parent or Guardian Signature ______Date ______


Except where noted, only credit hours from the institution currently being attended may be used in determining eligibility.

1. Is this student on a system of weighted, honors, or advanced placement?

Yes/No If yes please specify: ______


2. Name of school enrolled in for Fall.______

(High School, Jr. College, Trade School, College or University)

3. Student’s last cumulative G.P.A. ______

4. Information given reflects applicant’s academic status as of (Date):______

School ______

Address ______Signature of Registrar


______Telephone ______


Last Name ______First Name ______

How many years have you been bowling? ______

High Game ______High Series ______

High Average ______

Tournaments you have bowled and placed in top five (5).






(If more room is needed, please use other side of form or add another sheet)

What is your goal you would like to reach in bowling? ______



What is your greatest accomplishment that you are most proud of? ______



What tip, if any, from another bowler or coach significantly improved your game and what is their name? ______



Who or what event has inspired you the most in your bowling career so far? ______



The Modesto USBC would like to thank you for your application

and wishes you the best of luck.