Agriculture, Midsayap, Cotabato
Child Protection Policies
Agriculture High School has developed a policy on Child Protection and on conflict resolution to help address these vital school safety concerns.
The School believes that all students have a right to a safe and healthy school environment. The district, schools, and community have an obligation to promote mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance.
The School will not tolerate behaviour and situation that infringe on the safety of any student. A teacher or a student shall not intimidate, harass, or bully another student through words or actions. Such behavior includes, but not limited to,:direct physical contact, such as hitting or shoving; verbal assaults, such as teasing or name-calling; and social isolation or manipulation.
The School expects students and/or staff to immediately report incidents of bullying, safety threatening situations, unsafety facilities, and other related cases to the principal or his designee. Staff who witness such acts or situations should take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so. Each complaint of bullying should be promptly investigated. This policy applies to students on school grounds, while traveling to and from school or a school-sponsored activity, during the lunch period, whether on or off campus, and during a school-sponsored activity.
To ensure bullying does not occur on school campuses, the School will provide staff development training in bullying prevention and cultivate acceptance and understanding in all students and staff to build school's capacity to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment
Teachers should discuss this policy with their students in age-appropriate ways and should assure them that they need not endure any form of bullying. Students who bully are in violation of this policy and are subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.
The School will adopt a Student Code of Conduct to be followed by every student while on school grounds, or when traveling to and from school or a school-sponsored activity, and during lunch period, whether on or off campus.
The Student Code of Conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Students areencouraged to resolve their disputes without resorting to violence.
- 2. Students, especially those trained in conflict resolution and peer mediation, are encouraged to help fellow students resolve problems peaceably.
- 3. Students can rely on staff trained in conflict resolution and peer mediation strategies to intervene in any dispute likely to result in violence.
- 4. Students needing help in resolving a disagreement, or students observing conflict may contact an adult or peer mediators.
- 5. Students involved in a dispute will be referred to a conflict resolution or peer mediation session with trained adult or peer mediators. Staff and mediators will keep the discussions confidential.
- 6. Conflict resolution procedures shall not supersede the authority of staff to act to prevent violence, ensure campus safety, maintain order, and discipline students.
- 7. Any student who engages in bullying may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.
- 8. Students are expected to immediately report incidents of bullying to the principal or designee.
9. Students can rely on staff to promptly investigate each complaint of bullying in a thorough and confidential manner.
- 10. If the complainant student or the parent of the student feels that appropriate resolution of the investigation or complaint has not been reached, the student or the parent of the student should contact the principal or the Office of the Guidance Counselor. The school system prohibits retaliatory behavior against any complainant or any participant in the complaint process.
- Likewise, the school principal will see to it that each teacher and other school personnel will always be updated and be reminded of the Code of Conduct of Public Employees so that similar cases of violations be avoided.
- Periodic inspection will be conducted by the school authorities (School Principal and DRRM team) to assess the physical condition of each school facilities to avoid cases of accident among students and school personnel.
The procedures for intervening in bullying behavior include, but are not limited, to the following:
- 1. All staff, students and their parents will receive a summary of this policy prohibiting intimidation and bullying: at the beginning of the school year, as part of the student handbook and/or information packet, as part of new student orientation, and as part of the school system's notification to parents.
- 2. The school will make reasonable efforts to keep a report of bullying and the results of investigation confidential.
- 3. Staff who witness acts of bullying shall take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so. People witnessing or experiencing bullying are strongly encouraged to report the incident; such reporting will not reflect on the targetor witnesses in any way.
Prohibited Behaviours of any student towards other student while inside or within the vicinity of the school campus or during any school sponsored activities in and outside the school campus.
- Any form of bullying
- Name calling
- Spitting
- Stalking
- Demeaning comments
- Inappropriate gesturing
- Stealing
- Staring / leering
- Damaging property
- Writing / graffiti
- Shoving / pushing
- Threatening
- Hitting / kicking
- Taunting / ridiculing
- Flashing a weapon
- Inappropriate touching
- Intimidation / extortion
- Intentional exclusion
- Cyberbullying
- Text
- Sexting
- Property Damage
- False Reporting
Investigation and In-School Reporting Protocols
Investigation and Reporting of Bullying Incidents
The school will give careful consideration to the flow of information that begins with the initial observation and reporting of a bullying incident by an employee, student, or parent or a report of bullying communicated through anonymous reporting protocols required by the school. Timetables that are well articulated should be established and communicated to all staff. These timetables should hold staff accountable for reporting each bullying incident in a manner that allows for an expedited investigation of the incident by school administrators. The school policy contain disciplinary provisions for any employee who fails to report an incident within the established timetable.
Once a reported incident has been investigated and determined to be a bullying incident, schools are required to report the incident to the parents of both the targeted student and the bully in an expedited manner. Current research underscores the importance of this expedited reporting, especially to the parents of the targeted students. Through communication with parents of the targeted student, school can expand the network of support for the student and help avoid any instances of suicide ideation, suicide attempts or other forms of self harm that sometimes can be a factor in the aftermath of a student being bullied.
Protocol and Timetable for the Reporting and Investigation of Alleged Bullying Incidents
- Employees are required to make a report (verbally or by completed report form) within the same day that they have observed or become aware of an alleged incident of bullying. If the incident was verbally reported, the verbal report should be followed up with a completed bullying incident report form, completed by the same employee within one school day.
- Once a referral has been received from an employee or through anonymous reporting protocols, the principal (or designee) will initiate an investigation of the alleged bullying incident within one school day from when the initial written report was first received.
- Once the incident is determined to be a bullying incident and investigation is completed, appropriate disciplinary response and follow up services for both the targeted student and the bully are determined. The nature of the incident, disciplinary response and proposed follow up services are to be communicated to the parent/guardian of targeted student(s) and perpetrator(s) as allowed by law, no later than two school days from the initiation of the investigation.
- Law enforcement will be contacted if the nature of the bullying incident rises to the level of a criminal offense.
- The investigating staff member will complete the necessary bully incident report form and maintain a record of the incident for mandated state reporting.
- The reporting staff member should be notified of the results of the investigation once it is closed.
- The Principal will receive periodic reports from Guidance Counselor of all bullying incidents reported by type, location, and consequence on a monthly basis.
- Extreme incidents of bullying should be reported to Principal immediately.
Levels of Disciplinary Consequences and Supports
Level 1: Conference/Parent Contact
- School personnel and parent
- Conference with student
Level 2: Intervention Options
- Psycho-educational training: Student is provided materials/counselling intended to increase empathy, communication skills, social skills, and understand the impact of bullying.
- Referral: Administration, school counsellor, social worker, or support staff.
- Time-out: The removal of a student from classes for one-half day or less.
- Detention: Detainment of a student for disciplinary reasons that takes place before, during or after school hours.
- School Behaviour Agreement with student/parent: A written statement listing steps to be taken to improve behaviour or attendance. The statement also describes the support to be provided by school staff and/or parent as well as the date when the contract will be reviewed.
- Intervention Assistance Team: A meeting of school personnel, parents, and other individuals to consider the behaviour and/or progress of the student and make recommendations.
- Restricted activity: The denial of participation in school activities.
- School/community service: Assignment of student to perform school/community service.
- A combination of any Level 2 option and Level 1 conference/parent contact.
- Other options as discussed among parent, teachers, and administrators.
Level 3: In-School Alternatives
- Placement of student in an in-school suspension program for one-half day or more with a parent contacted.
- Placement of a student in-school suspension program for one or more days with a parent contacted.
- Placement of a student in a specially designed in-school class or program.
- In-school community service.
- Placement as outlined above and in combination with levels 1 and 2 consequences. Additional empathy and social skill training
- Suspension from class by the teacher – A teacher may exclude a student from participation in any educational function under that teacher’s charge and supervision for a period not to exceed one school day when a student interferes with the educational function of which the teacher is then in charge.
Level 4: Out-of-School Suspension (1-5 days)
- Suspension with parent conference or the parent may attend school with the student for one school day.
- For each day of suspension four hours of community service may be served.
- Suspension with parent conference and contractual agreement.
- May be in combination with Levels 1, 2, and 3 consequences.
Level 5: Alternative Consequences/Programs
- Modified schedule.
- Alternative to Expulsion (ATE) with referral to social worker. ATE is a probationary period of time (to be determined on an individual basis by the administrator) in which the student must exhibit behaviour free from trouble. Failure to do so will result in more severe consequences.
- School probation may be in combination with Levels 2, 3, and 4 consequences.
- Placement in alternative programs within the local school setting.
- Placement in alternative programs outside local school setting.
- Conditional school (able to attend school based upon set conditions).
Level 6: Expulsion Meeting/Expulsion
- Appropriate actions will be referred to the higher DepEd officials
Anonymous Reporting Options
Below are strategies the school may want to consider to ensure all school community members have the option to report bullying incidents anonymously.
Provide the option on the reporting form for anonymous submission
“Bullying Reporting Box” in a centrally located (private) location in school (or multiple boxes throughout school)
Phone line dedicated to reporting
Investigated by: ______
Position: ______Date: ______
Final Report of Investigation of bullying complaint by ______
against ______, alleged offender.
In my/our investigation of the complaint, it is found (check appropriate response):
☐ Found grounds to substantiate the report as a bullying incident
Incident was: ☐ Verbal ☐ Physical☐ Social/Relational☐ Written or Electronic
☐Did not find grounds to substantiate the allegations
☐Did not find enough information to make a judgment on the allegations
Summary of investigation, findings, and disciplinary action:
Parent/Guardian Contacted: ☐ YesDate: ______☐ No
Signature of Investigator/Title: ______Date: ______
Signature of Investigator: ______Date: ______
Definition of bullying: an overt, unwanted, repeated act or gesture, including written or verbal communications or images transmitted in any manner, physical acts, or any other behaviors that are committed by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the other targeted student and create for the targeted student an objectively hostile school environment.
Student Name: ______
Parent Name:______
Think about your child’s recent alleged bullying experience. Describe what happened.
- How was he/she bullied? (You can check more than one):
Physically(for example: hit, kicked, pushed, slapped, spat on, had property taken or destroyed, etc.)
Verbally(for example: teased, mean things were said to me, I was called names, I was threatened)
Socially/Relationally (for example: excluded, ignored, had rumors spread, mean things said about student to others, otherswere encouraged not to like student)
Communication Written/Electronic (for example: others used computers, email or phone text to threaten student or make student look bad) ___at school ___outside of school
- Is this the first time the bullying has been reported? __yes ___no. If not the first time, now many times has it been reported? ___
To whom have previous reports been made? ______
- When did this bullying take place? Where? ______
Has this happened before? When? For how long? ______
- Who did this to the student? ______
- What was happening before the bullying started? ______
- State what the bully (perpetrator) said/did: ______
- State what your student said/did: ______
- Who else was around that saw or heard this happen?
- What steps have you already taken to help in this situation? ______
Please note: This alleged incident of bullying will be fully investigated. Sometimes, depending on several circumstances, the investigation may take several days to complete. You will be contacted once the investigation in completed.
Alleged Bullying Incident Report Form
Date: ______Time: ______Room/Location: ______
Student(s) Initiating Bullying:
______Grade: ____ Teacher: ______
______Grade: ____ Teacher: ______
Student(s) Affected:
______Grade: ____ Teacher: ______
______Grade: ____ Teacher: ______
Student Witness(es):
______Grade: ____ Teacher: ______
______Grade: ____ Teacher: ______
(Attach additional paper if necessary)
Type of Bullying Alleged (check all that apply):
Verbal _____Social/Relational ____Written Communication/Electronic ____ Physical____
Check all spaces below that apply. Adult identified inappropriate behavior as:
______Name calling
______Demeaning comments
______Inappropriate gesturing
______Staring / leering
______Damaging property
______Writing / graffiti
______Shoving /pushing
______Hitting / kicking
______Taunting / ridiculing
______Flashing a weapon
______Inappropriate touching
_____Intimidation /extortion
______Intentional exclusion
______First Time Incident
______Ongoing Issue/Multiple Incidents
______Property Damage
______False Reporting
Describe the incident: ______
(Please use additional paper if necessary and attach student and/or parent report forms if available)
Physical evidence:
_____ Graffiti
_____ Email
_____ Voice Msg
_____Video Recording
_____Text Message _____Other:______
Teacher/Staff Response Taken:
______(Staff portion concluded here)
Incident identified as bullying: ____yes _____no. If no, why (conflict, one-time/first incident, etc.)?:______
If yes, why (check all that apply)?: ___one-sided ___repeated ___imbalance of power ___on purpose ___unwanted
Determined by counselor, social worker, or principal (name):______
If yes, administrator assigned:______
Administrative Action Taken:
No action needed at this time______Action Taken:
Check all that apply below:
_____ Verbal Warning
_____ Loss of recess
_____Lunch detention
_____ After SchoolDetention
_____ Restriction fromafter school activities
_____ Counseling withPrincipal or designee regarding the behavior in question
_____ Referral to SocialWorker or Counselor for follow-up
_____ Mediation
_____ Conference with Parent: Date: ______Time:______
_____ Removal from class or activity
_____ In-school suspension
_____ Alternative tosuspension
_____ Suspension
_____ Law Enforcement Contacted
______Alternative to Expulsion
_____ Expulsion
Parent(s) of Target(s) Contacted?: ______Date:______Time: ______
Parent(s) of Perpetrator(s) Contacted:______Date:______Time:______
Administrator Signature: ______
Follow-up required within one school week.
Date of follow-up with Perpetrator: ______Initials: ______
Date of follow-up with Target: ______Initials:______
Definition of bullying: an overt, unwanted, repeated act or gesture, including written or verbal communications or images transmitted in any manner, physical acts, or any other behaviors that are committed by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the other targeted student and create for the targeted student an objectively hostile school environment.
Student Name: ______
Think about your recent alleged bullying experience. Describe what happened.
- How were you bullied? (You can check more than one):
Physically (for example, I was hit, kicked, pushed, slapped, spat on, had property
taken or destroyed, etc.)
Verbally(for example, I was teased, mean things were said to me, I was called
names, I was threatened)
Socially/Relationally (for example. I was excluded, ignored, had rumors spread,
mean things said about me to others, others were encouraged not to like me)
Communication Written/Electronic (for example, others used computers, email or
phone text to threaten me or make me look bad) ___at school ___outside of school