Specific risk assessment VERA: 907A – Event with stalls and other activities

Branch: / Contact: / Venue:
Specific risk assessment: / Event with stalls and other activities(indoor or outdoor) / RA No: / VERA: 907A
Person completing RA: / Type of event: / Date:
Injury: / Anxiety/ stress, back/head injury, bruise/ cut, burn, choking, fatality, fracture, puncture wound, sprain/strain, suffocation
People at risk: / PwMS: / Y/N / Vulnerable person: / Y/N / Volunteer: / Y/N / Escort: / Y/ N / Lone worker: / Y/N / Public: / Y/N
To be completed by all Branches for each new event with stalls and/ or activities.Please see generic risk assessment VERA: 901 for accompanying notes.
To complete the risk assessment:
  • Look at each statement and answer it Yes, No or N/A
  • If all the answers are Yes or N/A, fill in the first line of the Action Plan on the last page; stating “No action needed” sign and date to indicate when the assessment was completed
  • If there are any ‘No’s’ fill in the actions needed, person responsible and completion date in the Action Plan
  • Once outstanding actions are complete, the responsible person must sign and date the last column as each action is completed

Hazard / Prevention / Y/ N/ NA
1 / Documentation
(Risk Factor – 3 Low) / Events activity listed on MS Society “Summary of insurance cover”
If no; Branch/ event organiser has contacted MS Society insurers
Where needed emergency services/ other authorities informed event is taking place
Venue insurance details checked annually to ensure in date and venue specified
Where needed, appropriate disclosure check completed for the MS Society – VERA: 901 section 1h for details
2 / Transport
(RF – 3 Low) / Correct transport risk assessments completed where Branch using own transport
Car park plan and car parking marshals in place where needed
Car park has sufficient disabled spaces or adequate drop-off points
Car park is well lit and signposted with public walkways clearly marked
Hazard / Prevention / Y/ N/ NA
3 / Fire and emergencies
(RF – 4 Medium) / Emergency evacuation plan in place, sufficient trained personnel/ volunteers to assist in emergency
All participants know action to take in an emergency
Safe refuge available where disabled participant may not be able to completely evacuate the building
4 / Access
(RF = 2 Low) / Where less than 50 people attending the event;
  • Walkways and emergency routes accessible at all times

  • Area where event taking place kept clear and accessible at all times

  • High level of housekeeping standards maintained

Where over 50 people attending the event an access audit may be needed, please contact the MS Society Strategic Lead for Independent Living at MSNC for advice
Where assistance dogs attending event, HSP: 3111 and standards laid out by Assistance Dogs International followed
If no; separate risk assessment completed for the venue and event
5 / First aid
(RF – 2 Low) / Satisfactory first aid facilities including sufficient number of first aiders or other medical staff available
If no and more than 50 people attending the event; provision must be made for satisfactory first aid facilities and sufficient first aiders to be available
If no and less than 50 people, instructor/ therapist to:
  • nominate an individual to call an ambulance and guide it to the patient

  • nominate individual to look after other participants

  • clear the area around the patient and keep them comfortable

Phone accessible to summon emergency services if needed
Accidents/ incidents reported using appropriate form (HSV: 122/ 123),returned as instructed on form
6 / Refreshments and catering
(RF – 2 Low) / External caterer suitably qualified, has public liability insurance and risk assessments for activities
Where a Branch is providing its own refreshments the hygiene and food safety guidelines as found in HSV: 920 Provision of food by Branches
7 / Welfare facilities
(RF – 2 Low) / Suitable and sufficient disabled lavatories, washing and changing (where required) facilities available
Clear signage indicating where facilities are located
7 / Welfare facilities
(RF – 2 Low) / Where individuals need regular assistance or personal care, they bring a carer with them
If no; Branch to arrange care assistants to assist members when needed
8 / Branch equipment
(RF – 3 Low) / Equipment is suitable for intended purpose
Equipment maintained/ inspected in line with manufacturer’s instructions including portable appliance testing
Competent personnel available to use the equipment
9 / Lone working
(RF – 1 Low) / Volunteers work in pairs; no one alone at a venue after dark; carry a mobile phone
volunteers avoid carrying valuables where possible
Section 10: Family days, local fete’s, bring an buy sales, activities etc
10a / Stalls
(RF – 2 Low) / Branch stall:
  • Stall layout agreed beforehand with venue

  • Access routes from car park and within venue agreed beforehand and accessible

  • Volunteers/ members of staff moving stalls, chairs or other equipment sufficiently competent

  • Areas around stall kept clear of all slip and trip hazards including cables etc

  • MS Society banners/ display materials used in line with manufacturers instructions

  • Evidence equipment (laptops etc) maintained/ inspected in line with manufacturer’s instructions including portable appliance testing

  • Sharp instruments (scissors, knives etc) – only used by those running the event and stored out of sight when not in use

External stall at Branch event, stall holder provides:
  • Appropriate insurance (name, date, product or service)

  • Copy of risk assessment for all activities including setting up stall, control of cables etc

  • Evidence equipment (laptops etc) maintained/ inspected in line with manufacturer’s instructions including portable appliance testing

  • Evidence that competent people using the equipment

Stall set up agreed in advance and stalls set and closed down out of visitors hours
10b/ 10c / Fitness equipment/ therapy or exercise
(RF – 4 Medium) / Specialists demonstrating equipment or providing any kind of therapies/ exercise must provide:
  • Appropriate insurance (name, date, product or service)

  • Evidence of appropriate qualifications and legal checks (DBS)

  • Copy of risk assessment for all activities, including assessing individual’s capability for taking part in therapy/ exercise session along with appropriate disclaimer forms

  • Evidence equipment (cross trainer etc) maintained/ inspected in line with manufacturer’s instructions including portable appliance testing

  • Evidence that competent people using the equipment

10d / Inflatable
(RF – 4 Medium) / In all cases the Branch must collect all the information below and then contact the MS Society insurers
Inflatable operators must provide:
  • Appropriate insurance (name, date, product or service)

  • Copy of risk assessment for all activities, including assessing individual’s capability for using the inflatable along with appropriate disclaimer, how to limit the size of child, how to keep children under control while waiting to use the equipment, and what rules are in place

  • Copy of their emergency plan in case a child is injured or the inflatable collapses

  • Evidence that equipment is suitable for intended purpose

  • Evidence equipmentmaintained/ inspected in line with manufacturer’s instructions including portable appliance testing

  • Evidence that competent people using the equipment

10i / Crèche
(RF – 4 Medium) / Company running the crèche must provide:
  • Appropriate insurance (name, date, product or service)

  • Evidence of appropriate qualifications and legal checks (DBS)

  • Copy of risk assessment for all activities (e.g. escorting children to lavatory)

  • Copy of their emergency plan in case a child is injured, lost etc

  • Evidence that equipment is suitable for intended purpose and competent person to use if

  • Evidence equipmentmaintained/ inspected in line with manufacturer’s instructions including portable appliance testing

Hazard / Prevention / Y/ N/ NA
10k / Cooking demonstration
(RF – 4 Medium) / Company providing the cooking demonstration must provide:
  • Appropriate insurance (name, date, product or service)

  • Evidence of appropriate qualification (i.e. food hygiene certificate)

  • Copy of risk assessment for all activities, including actions to take in an emergency etc

  • Copy of their emergency plan in case a child is injured, lost etc

  • Evidence that equipment is suitable for intended purpose and competent person to use if

  • Evidence equipmentmaintained/ inspected in line with manufacturer’s instructions including portable appliance testing

Activities assessed to determine if additional fire precautions to those provided by the venue needed
10l / Barbecue set up by the Branch
(RF – 4 Medium) / Food preparation and cooking area set up away from wooden structures or structures damped down
Foam or powder fire extinguisher and fire blanket in the preparation area
Satisfactory emergency arrangements in place in case of fire
No donations accepted from outside the conventional food suppliers
Access to barbecue area restricted to those preparing and cooking food
Suitable clothing worn by those preparing and cooking food
Where food or drink being carried weighs more than 5kg or a large number of trips is needed, a trolley or wheelbarrow is used for transportation
Protected rest areas for bad-weather use agreed and communicated to the group
10m / Animals
(RF – 4 Medium) / Animal owner must provide:
  • Appropriate insurance (name, date, product or service)

  • Copy of risk assessment for all activities involving the animals

  • Copy of the emergency plan in case of incident involving the animals

  • Evidence that equipment is suitable for intended purpose and competent person to use if

  • Evidence equipmentmaintained/ inspected in line with manufacturer’s instructions including portable appliance testing

Hazard / Prevention / Y/ N/ NA
Section 11: Entertainment
11a / Music
(RF – 4 Medium) / Venue has a music licence
Musicians supplied copy of their public liability insurance details (name, date, product or service)
If no:Branch must contactMS Society insurance provider to see if they can be covered for the event
Evidence equipment (instruments, microphones, amplifiers etc) maintained/ inspected in line with manufacturer’s instructions including portable appliance testing
Procedure in place for controlling risks e.g. where cables run, access to back of playing area etc
All musicians aware of any hazards to themselves
11b / Entertainers (e.g. magicians, Santa Claus)
(RF – 2 low) / Venue has a music licence if needed
Entertainers supplied copy of their public liability insurance details (name, date, product or service)
If no:Branch must contactMS Society insurance provider to see if they can be covered for the event
Evidence equipmentmaintained/ inspected in line with manufacturer’s instructions including portable appliance testing
Procedure in place for controlling risks e.g. where cables run etc
All entertainers aware of any hazards to themselves
11d / Decorations
(RF – 3 low) / HSV: 147 – Safe use of stepladders poster followed for any ladder work
  • Run along secure surface

  • Unplugged when not in use

  • Portable appliance tested annually

Candles must not be used at any event
Action Plan
Hazard No. / Action Needed / Responsible Person / Completion Date / Signed/ dated for completion

JDRev: 6 September 2013 Page 1 of 7