Title:Behind the scenes with #makethefuture - from YouTube

Duration: 1:54 minutes

Behind the scenes with #makethefuture - from YouTubeFilm Transcript

[Background music]

Piano and guitar music.

[Video footage]

Man pumping up a tyre on an old museum car.

Person on a stepladder. Team setting up a set.

Woman having her makeup done.

Team push an old classic car into position.

[Unidentified Female]

“All right, ready? And … action”

[Video footage]

Man using a clapperboard to indicate the start of a take.

Director and camera crew filming.

[Text displays]

March 6, 2015 Shell partners with NBC and Jay Leno to shoot a spot for #makethefuture campaign starring a team of engineering students.

[Video footage]

Large screen being used to help filming. Labels underneath showing characters in film. Jay Leno with a group of students. A car/buggy with the Shell logo on is in the foreground. The people walk towards it.


“Hey, is this the Eco-marathon car you guys built?”




“How many miles does this get?”

[Text displays]

The team is competing at Shell Eco-marathon.

[Video footage]

Camera spins around two people looking at a curved sheet of red metal with the Shell logo on it. They then look at an Eco-marathon car.

[Text displays]

Shell Eco-marathon is an engineering competition where students design and build cars to see who can go the farthest on the least amount of energy.

[Video footage]

Eco cars going around a track. Group of people in a stand cheering.

[Text displays]

The students from Northern Illinois University brought their prototype to Jay’s Garage to see how it stacked up against some of his unique cars.

Interview with Lindsey

[Name and title]

Shell Eco-marathon team lead

Northern Illinois University


“So when you signed on to do Eco-marathon did you ever think you’d be here doing this with Jay Leno?


“Oh, definitely not. I can’t even believe this happened.”

Interview with Jay Leno

[Jay Leno]


“Jay’s Garage”


“Well, this is kind of fun. We’re meeting young people who are working on the future of transportation.”

[Video footage]

Student working on a car.

Jay Leno smiling. Another man smiling.


“If you drive around with a cat girls would jump in the car.”

[Video footage]

Students laughing at joke.

Student gets into an old, classic car. Shot inside the car.


“And he is such a nice guy and very friendly, cracking jokes, you know, between all the takes and everything.”

[Video footage]

Jay Leno shaking hands and meeting people.


“Yes, let’s back that up, let’s back that up 3ft, please.”

[Video footage]

Team pushing an old car backwards.

[Video footage]

Jay talking to a group of students.


“So what would you want your dream car to be powered by?”


“Nuclear power.”


“Nuclear power.”


“I really like the hybrids a lot. Their regenerative braking is really exciting to me.”


“I see real progress and with young people like this coming up with interesting ideas I think it can go a long way.”

[Video footage]

Jay with the students, looking at eco cars and walking around and talking.


“Jay asked the students if they wanted a career in Hollywood after today’s shoot and they’re pretty much all on the same page, they want to stick with engineering.”

[Video footage]

Shots of the camera crew.

Students standing together, talking.

[Text displays]

Shell Eco-marathon

Inspiring Young Minds to



Riff plays


Shell logo

[Text displays]

Let’s go

Search makethefuture to find out more

Copyright Shell International Limited 2015