ETEN projects presented at the Innovation & Business LIVE, Prague, March 28
CHANGE2IT.COM: ENHANCING ICT SKILLS IN EUROPE is an innovative, internet based, career development and e-recruitment service to assist bridging the existing ICT and eContent skills gap in the EU, helping individuals develop a career in ICT. is currently operating commercially in Greece. This project aims to assist the international deployment of the service, though a market validation in Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Romania and Cyprus.
Coordinator: Atlantis Consulting SA, Greece
Contact person: Christodoulos Keratidis
Market Validation of a Simulation Service Provider for Othopaedic Surgery
Orthosim is validating the potential market at European scale for the European Simulation Service Provider for orthopaedic surgery, aimed at both the health community and the implant industry. ORTHOSIM offers scientifically validated models to orthopaedic surgeons for clinical simulation of customized cases, it provides a tool to implant manufacturers to evaluate new product concepts without costly procedures and offers a relevant and accessible tool to students and researchers for learning and investigating.
Coordinator: adapting, S.L.
Contact person: Rubén Lafuente Jorge
ETEN project presented at the workshop “ What role can public funding play in private sector investments?”, Budapest, May 2
Registry Information Service on European Residents
RISER is a Trans-European eGovernment service offering the verification of address information trough access on official registries to companies and citizens. Hence, one of the most frequented services of public administration becomes a seamless value-added cross-border service. RISER conforms to highest data security requirements and uses open standards.
Coordinator: PSI Aktiengesellschaft für Produkte und Systeme der Informationstechnologie, Germany
Contact person: Hendrik Tamm
ETEN projects to be presented at the ICT projects international deployment and EU funding workshop within the XXII Autumn Meetings of the Polish Information Processing Society, Wisla, November 8
European Recommended Materials for Distance Learning Courses for Educators
The EURIDICE project will validate the sustainability of the EURIDICE service to establish the basis for its further deployment in the enlarged Union. The service will provide the educational institutions wide source content from cultural heritage sector institutions. EURIDICE is a combination of technical instruments, content, networking platforms and community of users and providers, who jointly aim at offering an open environment to the educational institutions in Europe.
Coordinator: Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwow Panstwowych, Poland
Contact person: Ewa Rosowska
E-learning resource management service for interoperability networks in the European cultural heritage domain
eRMIONE delivers European cultural heritage materials to online courses to bring enriched cultural exchanges to students from different countries. The e- Learning Resource Management tools benefit student learning and allow for more trans-European cooperation.
Coordinator: Fondazione IARD, Italy
Contact person: Paolo Franceschini
6. AdeLe
Advanced e-learning service
Coordinator: Atos Origin Sociedad Anonima Espanola, Spain
Contact person: Santi Ristol
Website: non-existent
7. Autotronics
Blended learning solution imparting automotive and electronics (Autotronics) competencies for car garages and car mechanics with European wide accepted certificates
The Autotronics service addresses re-skilling needs of car garages and car mechanics, which have emerged due to the increasing introduction of electronic technologies into cars. Thus far, no comparable and car garages oriented learning service imparting automotive and electronic contents (=Autotronics) providing competencies for maintaining, diagnosing, and repairing modern cars exist on the EU-level. Autotronic will fill this gap by offering a blended learning service containing three components: a) Premium, interactive multimedia e-learning courses b) Classroom instructions for applying theoretical knowledge directly on cars c) A certificate documenting the successful completion of a course module and being recognized throughout Europe During the project, all the existing course contents will be adjusted to the identified local market needs and afterward tested in the pilot runs. Technically, the service is based on existing course contents and on a mature open source e-learning platform which is compatible with all relevant standards and successfully running in several EU-countries. The project with a duration of 18 months will be implemented by 8 experienced partners originating from 6 different (western and eastern) European countries: two providers of traditional classroom and e-learning course contents, one service operator providing the e-learning platform, three distributors/multipliers (training institutions/universities) distributing the service among the target group and conducting the pilot runs. Moreover, three certification institutions will develop the required Autotronic competency profiles, the course examinations, implement (European wide) course certification/accreditation procedures and test the certification system during the pilot runs. Total estimated costs of the project: EUR 1,794,020 Max. Community Contribution: EUR 1,155,566
Coordinator: Ingenatic GMBH, Germany
Contact person: Ulrich Scholten
Website: non-existent
8. B4R
Billing4Rent (The ASP Billing Service)
Coordinator: Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Contact person: Gary Mcmanus
Website: non-existent
9. DiVino
eServices for improving SMEs competitiveness in the European Wine Industry
EuroAlmaLaurea Network - eRecruitment on-line services
The EAL-NET project will demonstrate the economic sustainability and the viability of a new trans-national e-Recruitment service addressed to graduates and to businesses. Career info, provided by the Universities will be collected and enriched (with the contribution of the graduate himself) obtaining an effective dynamic CV. The EAL services will facilitate the placement of young graduates in the labour market and favour researcher mobility at a European level.
Contact person: MATTEO SGARZI
11. eBrass
Braille Score Service
The eBRASS project aims at making music scores more easily and quickly accessible to blind and partially sighted people (being them music students, professional or amateur musicians) as well as to music teachers and schools who deal with visually impaired students, who can read Braille.
Coordinator: Unione Italiana dei Ciechi, Italy
Contact person: Martina dalla Riva
12. e-SeSME
Electronic services for SMEs in the plastic supply chain
e-SeSME brings high-quality, specialised online services to the plastics industry to help improve the development and innovation potential of European companies, especially small and medium-sized businesses.
Coordinator: Fundacio Ascamm Centre Tecnologic, Spain
Contact person: Manuel Leon
13. ETN
The project seeks the market validation for further deployment of eServices for electronic Customs clearance procedures in all EU countries. It is aimed to enterprises ?traders and intermediate agents in the rough sense- with the need of moving goods through the European Customs space and forced to the associated submission of forms and declarations related with different National Customs regulations. ETN is dealing with customs regulation handling of foreign trade and its forwarding in the EU where required. The services will be provided by the ETN Alliance, an association of CRSPs (Customs-related Service Providers) with recognised practice excellence. The national ETN Alliance partner, or the corresponding reseller will arrange for ETN services online access in their territory through Internet. The ETN partners do already provide services for most of the potential customers. The service portfolio is provided in a flat-rate fee basis ?plus an initial set-up fee. Customers will be billed a monthly amount for their contracted transaction amounts (declarations submitted, messages exchanged, ?) and number of authorised users, as well as very specific customisations for a specific client. The total investment costs for the fully operational deployment of the ETN services amounts for 6.760.898 to cover the expenses and investments during the building of the services network. The cost of the market validation phase is 1.185.135. The funding required is 592.568.
Coordinator: New Knowledge Network S.A., Spain
Contact person: Maria Teresa Miret
Website: nonexistent
14. EULIS Plus
European Land Information Service Plus
EULIS is a new service that aims to provide access to information about ownership and interests in land and property via the Internet, ultimately giving the public benefits in the form of lower housing costs. The service seeks to support a common European property market and the market for housing credit by providing easy electronic access to cross border land information. It aims to assist in property transactions and the mortgage process. The target customer group is a wide range of users including professional users in the real estate sector as well as the general public.
Coordinator: Lantmateriverket, Sweden
Contact person: Agnieszka Drewniak
University Administration Services by using digital signature
EUROWEX system allows university professors to manage the main transactions regarding midterms and final exams by accessing a Web site, entering the necessary data and digitally signing the prepared documents. From an organizational standpoint the system makes it possible to fully ensure the quality of the data and greatly simplify the procedures for storing and retrieving information. in addition to the benefits in terms of space. Based on the general UNIQUE architecture, it is part of a general environment developed by Unimatica for applying digital signature in the administrative sector. More specifically the implemented services are related to:· Exams recording· Exams organizations· Lecture recording· Final exams recording· Inter- EU students academic documents exchange. The Project Work Plan will encompass activities necessary for conducting "user acceptance" trials: 1) the adaptation of the existing services. 2) the set-up of the pilots on the UNIMATICA web servers 3) the implementation of the contents / data flows from / to Universities 4) the training of the users and start-up of the trials. The validation trials will involve the partner Universities (professors and staff) and a relevant number of students engaged by the professors themselves. The preparation of any test site will be very heavy, due to: - huge quantity of material to be translated (user interface and manuals) - integration of local "digital signature" - preparation of contents and data flows by Universities. The four pilots will be prepared by working in parallel as much as possible in live condition?
Coordinator: Unimatica Spa, Italy
Contact person: Floriano Tosato
Website: non-existent
16. EuroWorksafe
European semantic portal on workplace safety
The project aims at the market validation of the EuroWorksafe web portal, which provides comprehensive information and consultancy on occupational health and safety, with focus on cancer risks and prevention at workplaces. A wide and interdisciplinary content base in the addressed domain can be accessed, and value added services provided by qualified experts from several European countries can be purchased. An up-to-date knowledge management approach based on domain semantics, supports easy-to-use and guided access to available services. Public interest information is provided for free to all. Consultancy services delivered on payment will sustain the initiative and will exploit the expertise available at the qualified organisations participating in the consortium. The target users include workers and citizens mainly interested in free information services - as well as professionals from private companies and public organisations, who will be attracted by consultancy and other added value services provided on payment. After the initial set-up, a piloting phase will be carried out to achieve exhaustive validation through three iterative trials. Several sites in Europe will be involved, which will address specific local business needs as well as needs of specific target user categories including industries, health care centres, laboratories, professionals and workers. Dissemination and involvement of a large audience is supported by the participation in the project of a publisher of occupational safety magazines. The consortium covers several countries from the enlarged Europe and comprises all roles in the service provision chain envisioned. Contents are provided and maintained by five scientific institutes dealing with cancer and occupational health. An IT company and an industrial research institute support the content distribution platform. User groups are well represented by hospitals, industrial associations, professional associations and scientific institutes.
Contact person: GIOVANNI VIANO
Website: non-existent
17. E2SP
Environmental Enterprise Service Provider
The E2SP project aims at validating the viability of the ASP model for an environmental data management service, by testing two service centres, one in Italy and the second in Poland, collecting the environmental data and supplying value added services such as query and reporting, data analysis, forecast, scenarios via the Internet. The business case is in air quality management.
Coordinator: Project Automation Spa, Italy
Contact person: Mauro Cislaghi
The eParticipation Trans-European Network for Democratic Renewal & Citizen Engagement
eParticipate provides an open web-based solution that supports a programme of democratic renewal and citizen engagement in three main areas: Transparent & accessible communication, Getting representation online, and Extending consultation.
Coordinator: The National Microelectronics Applications Centre Ltd, Ireland
Contact person: John O’Flaherty
European Registry for Organs, Cells and Tissues
Eurocet aims at creating a registry for the collection of data on organ, tissue and cell donation and transplantation throughout many EU Member States. Key objectives include: standardize methodologies for data collection and processing, share the know-how on IT systems applied in this field, strengthen the cooperation and delivering official and updated information.
Coordinator: Centro Nazionale Trapianti, ITALY
Contact person: Alessandro Nanni Costa
20. Health-eLife
Doc@HOME Home Based Management of Chronic Disease Sufferers
Doc@Home™ is an enabling service for health care providers seeking to manage chronically ill patients in the home and community. The Health-elife project is validating the Doc@Home™ service in the context of typical European hospital outpatient clinics and is also conducting a review of previous socio-economic studies in the management of patients at home, undertaken in Portugal, Estonia and the UK. Clinical effectiveness and routes to market will be determined and will result in a business development plan aimed at attracting significant investment to enable global deployment of the service.
Coordinator: Docobo (UK) Ltd
Contact person: Peter Levene
HealthService24 - Continuous Mobile Services for Healthcare
The HealthService24 project, addressing eHealth and eInclusion, aims at launching an innovative mobile health care service supporting patients' and health professionals' mobility, increasing patients' quality of life and lowering health care costs.