4th IGS “Precambrian World 2”


Firstname Lastname1, Times 11 pt font2,, and Firstname Lastname3

1. Department of XXX, University of XXX, Anywhere, Country (Times 10pt font)

2. Affiliation of the second author

3. Affiliation of the third author

PW 2017, Fukuoka Japan March 3th – 5th, 2017

Precambrian World Symposium 2009

1. Introduction

The main text of the abstract should be organized in two columns of justified text and is Times 10 pt font. The page margins are 2 cm on all sides except the bottom which has a margin of 3 cm. Please do not include figure/table.

Please prepare and submit your abstract as a Word file, we will fix shape of structure.

2. Results

Each section should have a heading in bold the same size as the main text and not capitalized. There should be one line space between different sections as well as between paragraphs. The line spacing should be single. Any references provided in the abstract should be properly referenced at the end of the abstract in 9 pt times font. The page limit of 1 page per abstract will be adhered to and so contributors are encouraged to carefully edit their abstracts to make sure that they fit into the required space. Once the abstract has been submitted, it will be assessed by the scientific committee and a confirmation of acceptance of the abstract will be sent to contributors.

Final acceptance of abstracts will only take place once the conference registration fees have been paid. A proof of the conference abstract won’t be sent to contributors, so what you write carefully is what you actually see in the abstract volume. Conference abstracts will be printed and a copy provided to each conference participant.

3. Discussion

Any question regarding abstract format should be directed to the symposium committee chair, .


References used in the abstract should be written here in 9 pt Times font. Examples of format are given below.

Beukes, N.J., Dorland, H., Gutzmer, J., Nedachi, M., & Ohmoto, H. (2002) Tropical laterites, life on land, and the history of atmospheric oxygen in the Paleoproterozoic. Geology 30, 491-494.

Hickman, A.H. (1983) Geology of the Pilbara Block and its environs. Geological Survey of Western Australia, Bulletin 127, 268p.

Takai, K., Nakamura, K., Toki, T., Tsunogai, U., Miyazai, M., Miyazaki, J., Hirayama, H., Nakagawa, S., Nunoura, T., and Hirokoshi, K. (2008) Cell proliferation at 122°C and isotopically heavy CH4 production by a hyperthermophilic methanogen under high-pressure cultivation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 105, 10949-10954.

Van Kranendonk, M.J., Hugh Smithies, R., and Bennett, V.C. (2007) Earth's Oldest Rocks. Developments in Precambrian Geology 15, Elsevier, 1330p.

Altermann, W. (2004) Precambrian stromatolites: problems in definition, classification, morphology, and stratigraphy. In The Precambrian Earth: tempos and Events (eds., P.G. Eriksson, et al.), Elsevier, pp. 539-545.

Kyushu, Japan March 6th – 8th, 2009