3 JULY 2013


3 July 2013

Meeting commenced:4.15 p.m.

“ ended:5.35 p.m.

PRESENT:School Members

Steve Aveyard- Academy Schools

Patrick Ottley O’Connor

Drew Povey - Secondary School Headteachers

Phillip Harte

Brian Pearson - Secondary School Governors

Sheila Hamnett

Joe Bourke - Primary School Headteachers/Representative

Andrew Sargeant - Primary School

Kenneth Hickman Governors

Paula Howe

Judith Elderkin

Non-School Members

Jackie Moores - 14/19 Partnership

Debbie Ramsay - Pupil Referral Units

Alex Klein - Faith Communities

Christopher Gray - Early Years Partnership


Jon Stonehouse - Deputy Director

Paula Summersfield - Principal Group Accountant

Debbie Fulton - Management Accountant – Schools

Carole Chapman - Senior Democratic Services Advisor


Beverley Thompson - Education Funding Agency

Prior to the meeting starting, Beverley Thompson from the Education Funding Agency (EFA) introduced herself to members and explained the reason why she was attending. A rolling programme is in place for representatives from the EFA to visit Schools Forums across the country as observers in order to ensure that the necessary regulations are in place and that forums are operating effectively.

1.Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Cheryl Fox, Martin Hanbury, Joe Langley and Ann McQuirk.

2.membership of forum

Details of the current membership were provided for information.

It was noted that the Forum currently has a full membership.

RESOLVED: THAT the information provided is noted


An update report was submitted providing details of the resolutions made by the Salford Schools Forum.

RESOLVED:THAT(1) the report be noted


RESOLVED:THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2013, were approved as a correct record, subject to the amendments listed below.

RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 8 May 2013, to discuss the Growth Fund, were approved as a correct record.

Members thanked the Accountants for the training session held on 22 May 2013, which they found both useful and informative.

RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the Exceptional Growth Funding Panel meeting held on 23 May 2013 were approved as a correct record.


Meeting held on 6 March 2013

Item 6 - Primary Schools Provision Programme 2013-18

The number of additional children expected in 2013 which was quoted as being 3013 was queried. It was agreed that the figure would be checked and an update provided at the next meeting.

Item 8 – School Funding, Primary: Secondary Ratios

The word ‘slightly’ stated in the second bullet point should be changed to read substantially.

RESOLVED: THAT the above mentioned amendments are approved

Growth Fund Meeting held on 8 May 2013

Members stated there is a need to look at the growth fund trigger as the amounts had increased, therefore it was agreed that this would be looked at by the Accountancy Team during summer and proposals brought back to the next meeting.

6. school balances report

Paula Summersfield presented this report which provided information with regard to the current position on school balances and the actions being taken to assist and challenge schools.

Headlines from the report were as follows:-

  • There are now only 6 schools with a deficit budget
  • No additional schools are in deficit
  • Surplus budgets are being reviewed
  • A formal system will be introduced to monitor and manage the level of surplus balances.
  • A formal process of reporting surplus balances will be considered

RESOLVED: THAT the information provided is noted.

7. dsg outturn report 2012-13

Paula Summersfield presented this report that requested Schools Forum to note the current financial position of the dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) and the proposed actions to review the supply cover criteria.

The report showed that:-

  • The total under spend carried forward from 2012-13 on the Non Delegated Schools Budget (NDSB) will be allocated to the growth fund
  • The level of overspending has reduced and there should be sufficient budget to fund historic areas of overspending from within the 2013-14 budgets with the exception of supply cover
  • Criteria for the supply cover fund needs to be reviewed
  • Progress made on the SEN strategy has resulted in temporary savings in the areas of SEN, Inclusion and EMTAS.

During subsequent discussions it was agreed that further information in relation to the supply cover fund would be brought back to the next meeting.

Members asked that their thanks be extended to Sue Woodgate and her team for the work undertaken in relation to SEN and the savings achieved.

RESOLVED: THAT (1) the information provided is noted

THAT (2) Forum members wished to extend their thanks to Sue Woodgate and her team.

8. school formula review 2014-15

Debbie Fulton presented this report which identified the schools funding reform changes for the financial year 2014-15 and how they affect Salford’s local schools funding formula. It also noted the considerations to be made by Schools Forum with a timescale of key dates.

During discussions the following points were noted:-

  • Mobility – it was agreed there may be a need to look at the impact on the school and review this element of the funding
  • Lump Sum – members agreed this should be included on the agenda of the next meeting for discussion
  • High Needs – work will be completed over the summer to formalise criteria
  • High Needs Post 16 – this area is currently unknown and the change in the funding channel is uncertain
  • Delegation –members agreed this should come back to a meeting in the autumn for further discussion
  • Timescales – in order to meet the deadlines specified it was agreed that a n additional meeting would be arranged for Wednesday 25th September

RESOLVED: THAT the report is accepted.

9. scheme of delegation – updates for approval

Members were provided with information that outlined and explained the changes to the DfE guidance on local authority schemes for financing schools, effective from 1st April 2013.

Approval was requested to update the scheme of delegation to take account of the revisions.

Members voted in favour, therefore it was agreed that the following the update the new version will be re published and schools notified accordingly.

RESOLVED: THAT the scheme of delegation will be updated to reflect the revisions and will then be republished. Schools will be notified accordingly.

10. Any other business

None submitted.


The next meeting will be arranged for Wednesday 25th September at 4.15pm.