Florence High School
Visual Arts 1
Instructor: Mrs. Carla Nations
Office Hours
7:30 am – 3:30 pm
Planning Period(s)
1A & 8B
Course Description
Visual Arts I is an introductory program of study at the high school level that involves a broad range of media, techniques, and processes. In this course, students will continue to develop prior knowledge and skills in the creation and study of works of art and design. Building on concepts and skills acquired in the elementary and middle level courses, students will increase their knowledge of production, critical analysis, history and culture, aesthetics, and connections among the visual arts, other content areas, and everyday life. Work will encompass two and three-dimensional art forms.
Course Schedule
Year long course
Course Materials
$20 Art Fee
4 - #2 Pencils
Grading / Evaluation
Each project is graded on a 5-part system:
Following Instructions 20%
Originality 20%
Neatness 20%
Creativity 20%
Design 20%
There will be some deviation from some of these parts to suit the project. If the project is one that everyone’s work is to be the same, then originality will be graded based on their use of materials. It is very important that you bring a pencil to class every day. You cannot do your work in my class without one. You cannot use a pen to do the work that is required of you in Art. If necessary, you may bring a pencil and leave it with me to use each class period. The students overall grade will be comprised of:
Projects 60%
Journal Writing/Sketchbook 20%
Daily Work 10%
Behavior/Participation 10%
Project Exams 20% (Only at semester and end of year)
Projects are Summative grades and they incorporate 60% of the student’s grade and Journal writing/sketchbook, daily work, and behavior/participation are Formative grades and are 40% of the student’s grade.
Course Goals
Each student will gain an appreciation of art and the art process.
Each student will experiment with different types of art media to achieve various goals.
Each student will have the opportunity to realize their own strengths and weaknesses in the arts.
Daily Journal Writing/Sketchbook Each student will be required to keep a journal. This journal writing will be a prompted type of writing. Students will be given a question or quote each day and asked to respond. This is a very important aspect of this program. It helps with writing, critical thinking, and personal reflection. There will be a drawing associated with the question.
Daily Classwork All work will be done in the classroom. There is no homework. Therefore, students will need to work from bell to bell in order to keep up with the fast pace. Students will be given a grade for daily participation in class.
“Art in the News”
Twice each semester, students will locate and read about past, present, and future art discoveries, theories, or events in magazines, newspapers, or in the news. Students will have to submit a one-page summary of the article and reflect on how this article will affect the overall world of art.
Students will do several major projects each 9 weeks. Some of the projects will be to teach various art concepts and techniques. Other projects will let the student use their own imagination and creativity to achieve the desired results.
Research Paper
Students will research a specific artist and write a research paper on their findings. They will be given a handout prior to this assignment outlining all of the specifics of this project. This project also incorporates an oral presentation.
It is very important that your student present and on time for each class period. Since all of their work is done in class, if they are late or absent they will get behind and will have to schedule time outside of class to catch up to their classmates. I will use the school make-up policy. For each day a student is absent they will have 1 day plus 1 to complete the make- up work without receiving a 0. If they are absent in my class and return to school the next day, it is the student’s responsibility to come to me and see what they have missed in order to be caught up.
This resource is an international art website. Each student will be given a screen name and his or her artwork will be displayed throughout the year. I encourage each of you to go out and look at this sight. When the first project is posted for this year, I will send an additional letter home telling you your child’s screen name.
This is my teacher web page. It will have information for parents regarding class schedules and special events. This page will also be updated periodically to reflect what we are working on and any special needs in the art room.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am very accessible by phone or email. If you contact me, I will return your call or email. I look forward to having a great year and working with your child.
The following supplies will be provided for your child to be successful in art: Paper (various media specific types), paint (acrylic, watercolor, tempera), rulers, compasses, pastels (chalk & oil), construction paper, glue, tissue paper, and various other art supplies as necessary to complete projects. This is made possible by the payment of a $20 art fee. This is $5 a nine weeks. I am able to buy the necessary supplies in bulk for much lower prices than a student can buy the same supplies.