Minutes of Ilchester Parish Council held on ThursdayNovember 12th 2015

at the Town Hall, Ilchester at 7.30pm.

Present:Mrs. H. Panter,Chairman, Mr. J. Edmondson,Miss J. Stapleton,Mr. S. Marsh,Mr. A. MacGregor,

Mr. G. Pope, Mr. S. McAllister, Mr. C. Williams, Mr. H. Williams, Mr. J. Bailey, County Councillor,

Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillor, PCSO T. Mead - for a short period - called away, Luke Horn and one other member of the Youth Parish Council and Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk.

Fifteen members of the public werealso present.

109. Apologies

There were no apologies.

110. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct.

111. Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest.

112. Open Session

Mrs. Panter stated the Council wish the public session to be limited to 15 minutes. This was noted.

Mrs. Stockwell stated that the slipway by the river Yeo bridge by the A.303 was very slippery, due to mud from the river and that she had contacted the Environment Agency. Mr. Pope stated that the definitiveF.P. route actually goes by the Sewage works. This was noted.

Mrs. Stockwell suggested that due to speeding traffic, there ought to be a 20 MPH through the High Street & West Street. It was agreed to consider this under Highway matters.

Mr. W. Masters stated that he was pleased with the river Yeo bank clearing by the Town Bridge and felt that this can only improve the river flow.

Mr. Masters also stated that he thought that the meeting with the Agencies held in Ilchester on October 13th had been very constructive and useful.

Mrs. Baxter of Taranto Hill expressed her concerns at the standards of drivers, and speeding by the Schools, and that she is appalled at the inconsiderate parking of some parents, whilst waiting to pick up their children.

Miss Stapleton informed the meeting that the Head Teacher, Mr. Heath does write regularly to parents asking them to respect residents and park sensibly. Some discussion took place, with it being agreed that if the School children were to have a project from Assembly to try and educate parents, this may have an impact.

Brigadier Knudsen stated that if he was asked, then a Bugler could well be available for next year's Remembrance Service. This was welcomed.

Brigadier Knudsen gave the Council a press cutting, which gave an impression that the MUGA at the School was not necessarily available to all, as it stated that it will used by families of the nearby MOD housing estate. Brigadier Knudsen stated that it was intended the facility is for the use of the whole Community. This was agreed. Brigadier Knudsen expressed his concerns reference application 15/04422/FUL at Nowra, Priory road for the conversion from domestic storage to an office / learning suite. His concerns were parking in Priory road, which at present does not have parked cars, and Castle Farm Lane is heavily used by pedestrians to access the High Street from the Pillbridge Lane estate. Concern at the proposed hours of use 8.00am - 4.30pm and the status of D1 as stated in the application. Brigadier Knudsen felt that this should a B1 class application, and informed the meeting, that there is a Covenant with Trinity College, Cambridge that forbids commercial use on the Castle Farm estate development. Trinity College are aware of this application. There is also, an issue with the treatment being offered, as is not recognised in the UK by the British Dyslexia Association,as being an approved form of treatment. These points were noted.

Mr. P. Taylor stated that there is a need to ensure that the access to the Wessex Water pumping station, situated at the end of Priory road, this being between his property and Nowra, the address of the applicant is not obstructed. This was noted.

113. Youth Parish Councils

Mr. Luke Horn, Chair of the Youth Parish Council informed the meeting that at the recent Gold Star Awards meeting and the Youth Parish Councils had won the Gold Star award for best Youth Club. The winning Trophy was shown to the Council. Miss Stapleton stated that she was pleased that the Youth Parish Council had a good working relationship with the Parish Council. Mrs. Panter congratulated the members on their success. Mr. Capozzoli also congratulated and thanked Miss Stapleton and the members of the Youth Parish Councils.

114. County & District Councillors’ reports.

Mr. Capozzoli reported that there is no new SSDC funding available for toilet provision.

Mr. Capozzoli reported that the development of six dwellings at the Old Forge, Limington will be part affordable homes and he is seeking a Section 106 agreement for funding to Limington Church and Section 106 funding now applies to all housing development. This was noted.

Mr. Capozzoli complimented Miss Stapleton on her 25 years of Service to the Ilchester Town Trust.

The Council noted that Mr. Bailey, County Councillor's report, had been circulated to all members.

Mr. Bailey highlighted that there is an ongoing public consultation, reference the implication of the SCC proposed cuts to the Bus Services within Somerset. The notices have been put on the Notice boards.

Mr. Bailey reported that there had been a formal opening of the MUGA at the School, and explained how it will be made available for the residents of the Parish.

Mrs. Panter stated there is a need to maintain dialogue with the Tall Trees Community Centre.

Mr. Bailey reported that he had applied for a grant towards the possible Cycle route from Yeovil to RNAS Yeovilton.

Mr. Bailey confirmed the date of November 16th for the meeting to discuss the proposals for the Ilchester Traffic Strategy, which will be held at County Hall in Taunton. The Parish Council will be represented.

115. Police & Community issues

As PCSO T. Mead had been called away, there was no issues reported.

Mr. Capozzoli, District Councillor reported that the Police are cutting down on the number of PCSOs, and stated that there are Parishes, who are now employing private Security personnel to patrol their areas. It was noted that there would be a considerable cost to the Parish if private security firms were to be employed, and in Ilchester, only part of the Parish is covered and benefits from the presence of the MOD Police / Security.

Mrs. Panter stated that the Remembrance Sunday service on November 8th had been extremely well attended and she had sent a letter of thanks to the Army contingent, who had attended. It was also agreed to thank the Scouts, Guides & Brownies. It was noted that this year, there had been no small wooden crosses available for placing near the War memorial commemorating those whose names were on the War Memorial.

The Service held on November 11th, involving the Schools had also been well attended and appreciated. Thanks were expressed to Rev. Faulkner and Mr. A Stephens, RBL representative.

Mr. Marsh asked if the Parish Council intended to respond to the public consultation reference the moving of the Post Office from the High Street to the Garage at Northover, as there is a major issue with the public crossing the road to access the new site. Mr. Edmondson stated that he will draft a response, which he will circulate to members for amending & approval, before it is sent to the Post Office, as the consultation ends on December 1st.

116. Planning matters

The Council noted that application 15/03620/FUL for Mr. J. Hughes, 16, Pillbridge Road for the erection of fencing (retrospective) had been granted. An Email received from SSDC,had explained the principle of fencing planning requirements.

The Council noted that there was no decision on application and supported 15/04482/FUL for Norseland Ltd, Somerton Road for the retention of existing temporary office and link corridor.

The Council considered and supported application 15/04748/FUL for the Northover Hotel for the erection of a smoking shelter.

The Council agreed to support application 15/04446/OUT at the Old Forge, Limington road, Limington for outline application for the erection of up to six dwellings - adjacent Parish.

The Chairman invited the applicant Mr. James Sneddon to speak on his application 15/04422/FUL for at Nowra, Priory road for alterations and the conversion from domestic storage to an office / learning suite.

Mr. Sneddon explained it is his intention to provide a new form of treatment for Dyslexia, with treatment being 10 one hour sessions for each client. The type of therapy being offered is hugely successful, with clinical trials in Australia proving the treatment is safe, albeit it is not approved here in the UK. Mr. Sneddon stated that he expected there would be a maximum of four vehicles visiting at any one time.

The Council then considered the application15/04422/FUL for at Nowra, Priory road for alterations and the conversion from domestic storage to an office / learning suite. After considering the points made earlier in the Open Session, on a majority vote of four in favour, three against & with two abstentions, the Council agreed to support the application, adding the following comments - there are concerns at the potential volume of traffic to the site, ideally all vehicles should accommodated within the site and the operating hours should be amended to be from 9.00am to 5.00pm per day.

117.Financial matters

The account balances were reported at 30/10/15 C/A/c £100 & £34,740.45p in the Business Reserve Account.

Receipts -Bank interest £1.49

Payments made -

12/11/152126£635.08SSDC play inspections

12/11/152127£20Amy Band - skate park

12/11/152128£50RBL Poppy appeal wreath

12/11/152129£526.17 PTH salary & expenses

12/11/152130£13.37 J. Stapleton refreshments - 8/11/15

12/11/152131£8.55J. Stapleton refreshments - flood meeting 12/11/15 2132 £21 ITT room hire

The above cheques were authorised and signed.

A letter from Mrs. Knudsen, Internal auditor was read, that confirmed that she had inspected the Council's accounts and there were no issues to report and the accounts were in order.

The Council considered a letter received from the manager of Nuova Italia, 18, Church Street,requesting a contribution from the Parish Council for providing toilet facilities. After some discussion, it was agreed that the existing arrangement and agreements with the three Businesses, the Ilchester Arms, the Bull Inn and the Dolphin Inn, agreed over three years ago, have to be honoured until the sum granted by the South Somerset District Council to the Parish Council, has been spent. This will end in 2016. The Council regretted that all the SSDC funding to the Parish Council is allocated. It was agreed that a letter is sent in reply, to this request.

Mr. Marsh asked if the Parish Council should provide from its own finance, support to Businesses, that they are funded to provide toilet facilities for public use. It was agreed to put this issue of principle, on the agenda.

The Council agreed to put the request from a Youth Parish Council member, Jack Dutton, for an additional bus shelter at Taranto Hill, to be included for consideration within next year's budget figures.

Mr. Edmondson asked portfolio holders to give him an estimate of their proposed expenditure for the next financial year to enable the Council to agree the Budget for next year.

118. Website

Mr. C. Williamsstated that he has uploaded the current minutes & agenda and it was noted that Mr. G. Hill

had been contacted and informed that was there no need for him to be involved with this part of the Website.

Miss Stapleton asked about development of the Website, by adding Community links. Mr. C. Williams advised that it would be wise to wait until Version 6 was in place. It was agreed that contact is made with all the other

Village organisations to find out if there is any interest. The Parish Council would only provide the link, not the content of any information supplied.

119. Highway matters

Mrs. Panter informed the Council that there is to be a meeting on November 16th in Taunton to received the details of the Transport Strategy on traffic improvements through Ilchester.

The Council considered the suggestion put forward for a 20 MPH speed limit through the High and West Street, raised earlier in the Open session. After some discussion, it was agreed not to be a practical solution, due to its not being properly enforced.

It was noted that there had been no action by SSDC StreetScene, reference the request for having the drains / gullies to be cleared. It had been agreed to highlight the High Street and the Mead, although it was agreed that all the Village drains need attention.

The Council noted that Winter salt bags for Parishes, will be available for collection from SCC Highways, Mead Avenue, Yeovil on November 21st.

120. Flooding issues

Mrs. Panter reported that the Flood hut interior has been tweaked.

Mr. McAllister stated that the signs are being made for the Flood hut.

Mr. Marsh stated that the list of questions sent to Highways England were excellent.

Mr. McAllister asked who provides the emergency sandbags and pumps, when needed.

It was agreed that the Clerk will check if it is SSDC StreetScene or County Highways for sandbags & confirm whether it is the Environment Agency for pumps.

121. Allotments

Mr. H. Williams stated that he had put the Notice in the Allotments, highlighting the need for drivers to heed pedestrians along Pillbridge Lane.

Mr. H. Williams reported to the Council that T. Hayne Construction hopes to start the fencing work on December 10th, subject to the weather conditions.

122. Cemetery

Mr. C. Williamsreported that the Cemetery was reasonably tidy, but at some point, some woodwork on the Chapelis rotten and will need attention.

Mr. Pope reported that the iron seat is now with South West Steels Ltd.

123. Mead Play area

Mr. McAllister stated that there were no issues to report,except to note that there is algae on some of the equipment, which will cleaned off in the Spring. It was agreed to contact the SSDC play officer for advice on the best site to put a set of 'Monkey bars'.

124. Skate Park

Mr. McAllister reported that there were no issues to report.

125. Rights of Way

Mr. Popestated that he was aware of the silt / mud issue, raised in the Open session, and it was something that no one at this time of year, can realistically solve. This was agreed and noted.

126 TreeMatters

Mr. Pope reportedthat a tree at the bottom of Priory road has now been trimmed.

127. Ilchester Town Trust, IDCA, IRINEC

Mr. MacGregor, Town Trust Trustee, reported that the Old Kitchen will now be known as the Utility room and the next meeting of the Town Trust is to be held on November 17th.

Miss Stapleton stated that she had not able to attendthe recent meeting of IDCA.

There was nothing reported from IRINEC.

128. Correspondence

The Council noted an appeal from the Citizens' Advice Bureau, SSDC Area East bulletin and Waste Partnership - both circulated.

129. Items for Report, or for the agenda of the next meeting

Mr. C. Williams stated that he personally supports planning applications for businesses, and asked if the Parish Council supported this principle of supporting local businesses, and assisting their promotion. After some discussion, it was agreed that the Council, in principle, does support business applications, with the caveat, that the Council is to take into consideration any parking issues and any adverse impact on adjacent properties.

Miss Stapleton highlighted a pile of salt by the salt bin at Great Orchard & yew berries on the footpath by the Church.

Mrs. Panter informed the meeting that the east bound slip road into Ilchester from the A.303 will be closed over night on November 23rd for Survey works.

The date of the next meeting of the Council wasconfirmed for ThursdayDecember 10th 2015 at 7.30pm.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present, and declared the meeting closed at 10.05pm.

Signed: Date: