Bobbi Allen Jenny Williams
Professor/Math & Computer Science Division Chair/Social Science
(989) 686-9061 (989) 686-9062
ED 399 Course at DeltaCollege
I.Our Course
A.Outcomes (attached)
B.What we do (15 weeks, 15 sessions, 2 hours each)
1. First 3 weeks
CATs – Cross and Angelo
Experiment the value of communication
and closing the feedback loop
a.random choice, quick and easy, report back
b.another tied to TGI (teaching goals inventory),
report back
How classroom assessment improves teaching and learning. An understanding of assessment for improvement.
2.Next 9 weeks
Identify high priority learning goal
Identify assessable question
Design classroom assessment project
Implement classroom assessment project
with rubric
with shift to student centered activities
with shift to more student responsibility for learning
with deeper learning application of course content
3.Last 3 weeks
Explore program assessment and classroom research
At DeltaCollege, using ED399 as a catalyst for building a culture that appreciates and supports assessment of student learning has been possible due to a structure of administrative support. This has included:
- ED399, as well as other Delta ED300 Series classes, is recognized as important in the promotion and tenure process as practiced.
- As new faculty join us, Division Chairs and peer review committees guide them in identifying which of these ED300 courses would be particularly suited to them. It is rare if the assessment course is not advised as one of the first they might take. We have received such good feedback in how it helps them in thinking about their teaching as well as setting the stage for informed participation in the assessment work of their disciplines.
- The tuition and registration fee is waived for attending classes at DeltaCollege for all full-time employees.
- This holds true for adjunct faculty as well (to a maximum total of $300 per semester). Generally, adjunct faculty must have taught a minimum of one semester within the past two years prior to applying for tuition support, but all ED classes are exempt from the one-semester waiting period.
- Additionally, the College offers Adjunct Faculty Grants to support professional development of adjunct faculty relating to their teaching assignments at DeltaCollege. The grant monies may be used to attend conferences, workshops, or college courses. This can be used to off set costs of course fees and books.
- Finally, in the case of full-time faculty, related course work since completion of the Master's Degree is a criteria for $261 per 3 credit units being added to base salary. This includes Delta’s ED300 Series.The College has developed, but not yet implemented, a pay structure for adjunct faculty that would recognize and compensate for professional development as well.
For information on adjunct and full-time faculty support and ED300 Series opportunities
For ED300 Series course descriptions and outcomes and objectives
For Student Learning Assessment Plan
8/31/06ED 399 MODULE A, .5 CreditOutcomes & Objectives
Module ED 399 (A) Applying Classroom Assessment Techniques
- Design and implement Classroom Assessment Techniques(CATs).
1.Identify teaching goals for one or more courses using a Teaching Goal Inventory. Distinguish a teaching goal from a course learning outcome.
- Design and Administer simple and complex Classroom Assessment Techniques.
- Develop and implement strategies for involving students in the use of CATs.
- Design and implement strategies for improving student learning based on information obtained from CATs.
- Analyze information obtained from the administration of CATs and use it to develop a plan of actions to enhance student learning
- Identify ways to improve upon the CATs implemented.
- Evaluate the consequences for student learning of using CATs.
1.Identify and explain common problems that can occur with the use of CATs. Develop strategies for avoiding such problems.
Text: Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers,
By K. Patricia Cross and Thomas Angelo, Jossey-Bass, 2nd edition. 1993.
ED 399 MODULE BOutcomes & Objectives9/27/06
Module ED 399 (B) Designing & Implementing a Classroom Assessment Project
1.Link the results of a course Teaching Goal Inventory (TGI) to its highest priority learning outcomes
- Identify highest priority course outcomes for a target course.
- Conduct a “Teaching Goals Inventory” for the target course.
2.Identify alternative Classroom Assessment Techniques that can be used to address highest priority learning outcomes. Consider the strengths and limitations of each CAT identified.
1.Evaluate strengths and limitations of Classroom Assessment Techniques linked to TGI and highest priority course learning outcome(s).
3. Design a Classroom Assessment technique specifically tailored to course highest priority
learning outcome.
1.Select a Classroom Assessment Technique(s) and modify it for use to assess students’ learning on highest priority course learning outcome(s).
4. Design classroom activities to give students practice achieving highest priority outcomes.
- Identify type of classroom activities that support students’ learning of highest priority course outcome.
- Create classroom activities that promote learning of highest priority outcomes.
5. Design scoring rubric to communicate desired results with student learning outcome.
a. Identify and explain the characteristics of effective scoring rubrics.
b. Develop scoring rubric(s) to use to assess highest priority learning outcome of target
- Administer a Classroom Assessment Technique specifically tailored to highest priority learning outcome for course. Use rubric to communicate individual results.
1.Administer Classroom Assessment Techniques to assess learning on highest priority outcome of course.
2.Use scoring rubric to assess student learning on highest priority outcome.
7.Propose actions to be taken in response to the results of the Classroom
Assessment Project (to improve student learning).
- Analyze results obtained from assessment of highest priority learning outcome to determine if the standard for the learning outcomes has been met.
- Develop action plans to respond to results of assessment of highest priority learning outcome(s).
- Identify strategies to use to assess the effects of the proposed actions on student learning.
8.Explore Program Assessment in its relation to the Classroom Assessment Project.
1. Describe the potential relationships between program assessment and
classroom assessment.
9.Explore Classroom Research in its relation to the Classroom Assessment Project.
1. Describe potential relationships between classroom research and achievement
of learning outcomes.
Text: Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers, By K. Patricia Cross and Thomas Angelo, Jossey-Bass, 2nd edition. 1993.
Text: Effective Grading by Barbara E. Walvoord and Virginia Johnson Anderson
Jossey-Bass, 1998
Text: Classroom Research, by K. Patricia Cross and Mimi H. Steadman, Jossey-Bass, 1996.