Staten Island Rotary Newsletter
Meeting of November 11, 2008
Guest Speaker for November 18, 2008
Frank Prudenti (Former N.Y Yankees Batboy)
Pledge- Chris Ferrera
Invocation- Jack Vokral
Four Way Test- Sam Farag
Seated at the Dais:
President Ralph Santiago 2000- Psychotherapist
Past President Mark Scamardella 1997- Dentistry
Past President & President Elect Ron Victorio 1987- Architect
Past PresidentSam Farag 1983- Electronic Communications
Lorraine Karelas 2004- Property Management
Past President Lou DeMartino Introduced this week’s guests, Jacob Ganble (Guest Of Dina Rosenthal), Katie Almonte (Guest Of Renee Altomonte)
Club Announcements:
Renee Altomonte announced that the list for the turkey baskets for the S.I Rotary Club is due. Volunteer forms attached below.
Lou Demartino asked for nominations from the floor for board of directors. Term ending in 2010.
-Sam Farag Nominated Frank Scarangello
-Ralph Santiago nominated Joseph Pane
-Ron Victorio nominated Elaine Wilkinson
Further Nominations will be excepted from the floor at next weeks meeting.
Dr. Larry Arann announced St. George theater will be hosting there 5th anniversary galla. Neil Sedaka Is the guest Performer. Concert is Saturday December 6th, 2008 Concerts only $55, $95, $125 (Doors open at 7:30 P.M.) & The Concert & Gala $300. Live on the red carpet. (Doors open at 6:00 P.M.) For reservations call 718-442-2900
Elaine Wilkinson announced the up & coming Program Coats For Kids Held on the first week of December. Financial Help is needed.
You can also view the Rotocycle at:
Get well wishes:
The Staten Island Rotary sends get-well wishes to Nick LiGreci
Special Prayers Needed:
Doreen Cugno of St.GeorgeTheater has requested special prayers for her mother Miss. Rosemary who is seriously ill. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family
Larry Arann ran this week’s successful sunshine. Thanks to Larry on a job well done.
Ralph Santiago introduced the guest speaker District Governor Eric Storberg. Hehas been a Rotarian since 1991 and he has been a member of the south shore rotary, He served on their board of directors and became club president for 2001 and 2002rotary year and became assistant district governorin 2003 and 2004 rotary year.
District governor Eric started out his talk by presenting Ralph Santiago with this year’s rotary banner. MAKING DREAMS REAL. He thanked Gladys Schweiger for assuming the roll of assistant district governor again this year and thanked past district governor Don Lee for taking chair of the rotary foundation for the second year in a row.
District Governor Eric stated that he has three grown sons and a baby girl a year and a half. He has been asked by many people why he has assumed the roll of district governor and he stated that he wants to leave the world a better place for his children.
The theme of making dreams real focuses of saving lives throughout the world. There are many projects that Rotarians can get involved in that are on the web site from clean water to polio injections. This years rotary goals are growing membership. Rotary has been a membership decline in the last many years. We talk about having 2,000 members when we really have 1,600 in our district. He ergs people to join rotary. He also stated that several rotary’s are inviting retired executives to join rotary.
Eric talked about every Rotarian every year where we ask every Rotarian to donate $100 each year to the foundation. Last year our district raised $150,000, which was great but he stated that in India a partially poor country raise 1.2 Million for the foundation.
The polio program if over the next three years if each club donate $1,000 per club we can irradiate polio throughout the world.
He told a story about a little girl and a starfish and someone told the child that she cant save all the starfish’s and the little girl stated that the star fishy found in the sand and she put back in the water. That starfish was saved.
The gift of life program- is running well and has just celebrated there 200th surgery. He also talked about the mother/baby aids program, which the Yonkers club is sponsoring in the Dominican republic.
District Conference- will be held at the Hilton on Staten Island. We haven’t had a conference on Staten Island over 20 years. Friday nights guest will be uncle junior from the sopranos and Saturday nights speaker will be Rick King. Many questions were asked and answered and we thanked District Governor Eric for attending.
Future Rotary Speakers:
11/25 Club Assembly
Make- ups:
If you miss a meeting and wish to make it up, you can attend one of the following meetings:
NorthShore Rotary- Thursdays at 7 pm at the Staaten Restaurant, Forest Ave
SouthShore Rotary- Thursdays at 12:15 at the Marina Grande
Mid Island Rotary- Wednesdays at 7:30 am at the Dakota Diner, Forest Ave
Gateway Rotary- Wednesdays at 7:15 pm at the LakeClub, Clove Rd
Make- up attendance must be recorded properly. All make-up cards must be turned in to Sam Farag. Please do not drop them in the box.
The Rotary clubs of Staten Island Thanksgiving Basket Program.
Volunteers needed
Basket Preparation
______November 21st Friday Evening 7:00 P.M.
______November 22nd Saturday Morning7:00 A.M
Vehicles Needed
I______have a vehicle that may be utilized for basket distribution on Saturday morning November 18th as needed
Telephone #______
______Car ______Van
______Station Wagon ______Truck
Please return this form to Renee Altomonte or Frank Scarangello as soon as possible.
Thank You for your anticipated support.
The Rotary Club of Staten Island encourages each member to donate $50.00 to be used towards the Thanksgiving Basket Project that is being held on the weekend of November 21st.
The $50.00 would contribute to 2 baskets to those in need.
Thank You for your anticipated support.
Rotarian Name ______
Amount Pledged $______