Provider information:
Early Years Pupil Premium for three and four year olds
Apply for the Early Years Pupil Premium
Providers should:
Explain to parents/ guardians what the Early Years Pupil Premium is and ask parents/ guardians to consider whether they qualify for this additional funding to support their child and the setting.Providers should explain that the information provided on the EYPP Voluntary Registration form will only be used to claim the EYPP and register the child with a children’s centre. Parents should be informed that income information is only used to check eligibility throughHampshire County Council’s eligibility checking service through the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). Parents will be asked to update and voluntarily share their information when the child reaches 3 and 4 years old and when they start school.
The provider should make parents aware that, should they not currently meet the eligibility criteria and their circumstances change at a later point in the child’s attendance, the family can complete the EYPP Voluntary Registration form and the provider can check eligibility at any pointin the child’s attendance year. The funding will be applied from the date that the eligibility check was undertaken.
Below is a useful table which outlines the earliest dates that applications should be made for EYPP eligibility checking. The easiest way to remember will be to apply for eligibility checking in the month the child becomes 3 or 4 years of age.
Child’s birthday / Earliest date you can check eligibility for EYPP / When you can claim EYE funding and EYPP1 January to 31 March / On or after 1 January / On or after 1 April
1 April to 31 August / On or after 1 April / On or after 1 September
1 September to 31 December / On or after 1 September / On or after 1 January
Providers should ensure that parents have seen the privacy notice.
Using the templates available, ask the parent/ guardian to read the ‘Early Years Pupil Premium’ letterbefore completing the ‘Early Years Pupil Premium Voluntary Registration’ form. The form will help you to identify which of the children in your care are eligible for the funding. We recommend that you provide the letter and form to all parents/ guardians, regardless of family income or circumstances. You can request that parents/ guardians complete the form, if they think they are eligible and wish to support their child and the setting with the additional funding, when they enrol their child for their 3 or 4 year old early years education funding.
To confirm eligibility for the funding period,send the completed forms to:
Information Support Team
Services for Young Children
Children’s Services
Elizabeth II Court North (Fourth Floor)
SO23 8UG
We are expecting to be able to provide an online checker system and this will be the easiest way to apply when it is available.