What to include in your oral presentation:
1) Information about yourself: your name, age, birthday, time you were born, length at birth, weight at birth, place you were born, etc.
2) Information about your family: your brothers and sisters, how old they are, where they go to school, what grade they are in, what your mom and dad do at work, your pets, etc.
3) Information about things that you like: favourite food, favourite movie, favourite book, sports you like to play, things you like to do on the weekend, things you like to do after school, etc.
4) Information about vacations: Name the places you have visited, explain what you saw there (tourist attractions), explain what you did there, say how you got to your destination (plane, train, car, van, bus), anything else that is interesting about the places you went to.
5) Any other important information you would like to share with your classmates.
Personne Très Importante
Your child is asked to prepare a written report on themselves in French. In order to help your child better organize their ideas with the proper French vocabulary, I have prepared an outline for them to follow. Some of these sentences will apply to your child’s report while others may not. Use what is relevant and feel free to add any other information they may with to share with their classmates.
Please have your child type their report on the computer and send the document to me at or rewrite it on looseleaf (double-spaced please!) and send it to school along with their poster of pictures and special objects to share for the due date noted on the letter attached.
Thanks for your support and cooperation,
Mme Paquet
Child’s full name
Bonjour! Je m’appelle ______. J’ai ______
name age
ans. Je suis né(e) le ______. Je
suis né(e) à l’hôpital ______à
name of hospital
______. Je pesais ______livres et ______onces
time weight(lbs) weight(oz)
et je mesurais ______pouces.
J’ai ______frère(s) et ______soeur(s). ______a
# # Name
______ans et va à l’école ______. Il/Elle est en
age school
______année. ______a ______ans et va à
grade Name age
l’école ______. Il/Elle est en ______année.
school grade
______a ______ans et va à l’école ______.
Name age school
Il/Elle est en ______année. OR ______a ______ans.
grade Name age
Il/Elle ne va pas à l’école. Ma maman s’appelle ______et
mother’s name
Elle travaille ______.
mother’s workplace and/or profession
Mon papa s’appelle ______et il travaille
father’s name
______. J’ai aussi un
Father’s workplace and/or profession
beau-père/une belle-mère qui s’appelle ______
Name of step-father/mother
et il/elle travaille ______.
Step-father/mother’s workplace and/or profession
J’ai ______qui s’appelle(nt)
# (cat, dog, fish, etc.)
name of pets
Ma nourriture préférée est/sont ______.
favourite food
Mon video préféré est ______.
favourite movie
Mon livre préféré est ______.
favourite book
J’aime jouer ______.
sports I like to play, games I like, things I like to do
Pendant la fin de semaine, j’aime ______
what I do on the weekend
Après l’école, ______
what I do after school
Je suis allé(e) ______
name of city/place I have gone to
J’ai visité ______
what or who I visited in that city/place
J’ai vu ______
what I saw or did in that city/place
Je suis églement allé(e) ______
other cities/places I have gone to
** This last section is best done one place at a time. Simply repeat the first 3 sentences for each place. For example a student might say that they went to Hawaii on a winter holiday and that they went to the beach every day. They might add that they saw whales and tropical fish. Then they would talk about another place. Students should choose 2 or 3 places to talk about. If they wish, they can also add that they have also visited A, B and C, without adding what they did in each place.