We are RADICAL - We are EQUAL




( City of Manchester )

January 2017 - March 2017


1.  The RADEQUAL Campaign – Key principles

2.  The RADEQUAL Grant

3.  The RADEQUAL Grant priorities

-  Promoting Manchester’s Shared Values & Identity

-  Building Communities that are Resilient to Extremism & Intolerance

-  Increasing Participation & Empowerment

-  Providing Safe Spaces for All Communities to Come Together & Hold Difficult Conversations

-  Strengthening Intra / Intra Faith Leadership

4.  Grant application form

5.  Other funding opportunities

We are RADICAL - We are EQUAL

Manchester is a diverse, friendly and welcoming place that dares to be different, with a defining ‘can do’ attitude that celebrates our strong sense of community spirit and what we have in common.

We are proud of our city, its history and the values we share as Mancunians. Manchester has always been a place where people from all backgrounds and faiths can call home. Mancunians have always been the first to call out injustice, stand in solidarity and champion equality and tolerance with a shared belief that together we are stronger.

RADEQUAL is Manchester's campaign to build community resilience and empower and enable organisations and communities to come together to challenge hate, prejudice and extremism.

Manchester needs your help to promote and deliver the three RADEQUAL principles:


Identify and understand the concerns and challenges across and within communities that could create divisions and tensions (hate, prejudice and extremism):

o  not just the stats and research, but also the less obvious causes of tension and the attitudes and behaviours that people believe and express that have the potential to lead to conflict or division


Connecting communities, groups and organisations and building relationships to a create network of credible voices:

o  not just newcomers but also longstanding residents, coming together, making neighbourhoods and communities stronger. Not just face-to-face but online and via social media too.


Championing Manchester's radical reputation for campaigning for equality and inclusion and welcoming difference:

o  not just by focusing on what we have in common, but by building people up to have the difficult debates and ask the tough questions that help us to find better alternatives and the right support and advice

Join Mancunians from across the city and from all walks of life to tackle these challenges and make a difference.

Get involved and learn more at www.makingmanchestersafer.com

We are RADICAL- We are EQUAL


City of Manchester

The Manchester RADEQUAL campaign and grant programme launched in September 2016 aims to strengthen community leadership and empower and enable communities to come together and contribute towards how as a city we continue to strengthen our work to build community resilience. Its grant programme aims to help embed the Challenge, Connect and Champion principles into day to day working and conversations across the public, voluntary and community sectors

The funding application form has been created to help you to structure your activities using the three RADEQUAL campaign principles and to maximise your chances of being approved funding – We encourage groups to come together and submit joint applications; working across communities and different neighbourhoods.

The challenges we face today are far too complex for laws and powers to provide the sole solutions. We recognise that there are a range of factors that come together and play out in our communities and neighbourhoods, which if tackled earlier would improve the lives of our residents and increase opportunities for people to contribute towards how we build a safer and more resilient Manchester.

RADEQUAL is aimed at getting into communities and neighbourhoods early, having honest and often difficult conversations and then problem solving to proactively work together to prevent some of the drivers escalating into community tensions, conflict and in some cases criminal activity.

The RADEQUAL programme has been developed with and for communities over the last two years through the Rethinking Radicalisation and Radical Dialogue programmes but also continued community engagement. The RADEQUAL principles and grant programme aim to empower and enable communities to come together and address the concerns and challenges identified by themselves in their neighbourhoods

Grants of up to £2,000 are available for groups and organisations wishing to develop activities that promote and deliver the RADEQUAL principles and grant priorities (see overleaf). The activities will need to be delivered between 1 January 2017 and 31 March 2017.

The grant can be used to deliver a range of activities which strengthen existing delivery and try new and creative ways of tackling the challenges that exist. A strong application will include activities across a number of the funding priority areas.

Who can apply?

Voluntary and Community Sector and not for profit organisations across Manchester. We would welcome grant applications from community organisations, registered social landlords, charities, institutions in the education sector, creative arts groups etc. We encourage joint applications which really demonstrate collaborative working

What we will consider when assessing your application

Applications will be expected to:

·  Demonstrate collaborative working across different communities, organisations and neighbourhoods

·  Utilise community assets and promote positive local role models.

·  Demonstrate commitment to equality of opportunity and inclusion

·  Value for money

·  Activities bringing families together – all families approach

·  Working with young people – outreach

·  Promotion of the RADEQUAL campaign – online and in communities

We will not consider applications for:

·  Activities that do not directly benefit Manchester residents or do not have open access for membership

·  Individuals

·  Staff salaries and ongoing costs of established projects

·  Fundraising activities

·  Purchase of alcohol or gambling activities

·  Trips or activities outside of Greater Manchester

·  Activities of a religious or political nature

·  Groups in which individual members will benefit financially from a grant

·  Venue hire costs held for events taking place within premises you already own/rent

What you need to do to apply

Complete every section of the grant application form, including writing ‘not applicable’ in some areas where appropriate. Submit your application by no later than 5.00 p.m. on Friday 28 October 2016.

Please email your competed application form to

A decision on your application will be communicated in December and you should be in a position to deliver in the period 1 January 2017 – 31 March 2017.

Help and Support

If you have a question about this form or require further information, please

Contact Samiya Butt, Gemma Walsh or Amanda Salmon of the Community Safety Team on 0161 234 1641.

If you have general queries about applying for funding or developing your group, contact the support organisation:

Manchester Community Central

Tel: 0333 321 3021


Website: Manchestercommunitycentral.org

We are RADICAL - We are EQUAL


Theme / Priorities / Examples /
Promoting Manchester's Shared Values Identity / Adopting creative ways of building awareness of and promoting Manchester’s shared values - focussing on what we have in common rather than our differences (collaboration across neighbourhoods and within and between communities) / Creative community based events and activities that bring together people from different backgrounds and neighbourhoods to showcase the contributions of all communities
Engaging, building awareness of and promoting Manchester’s shared values
Promoting and working with credible voices and local community role models to raise aspirations and sense of belonging to Manchester / Working with local role models to lead on activities to inspire communities and develop neighbourhood networks – what is good about Manchester
Providing vehicles and opportunities to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions / Working with different groups to develop myth busting material to share with communities
Building an understanding of and addressing the reasons why some residents might not feel a sense of belonging to Manchester / Qualitative research, surveys, online questionnaires etc to gauge opinions/comments of local residents
Building Communities that are Resilient to Extremism & Intolerance / Identifying and sharing existing projects and good practice from across the city and the Voluntary and Community Sector that build awareness of all forms of extremism and actively build resilience to extremism and tackle intolerance / A catalogue of good practice
Providing opportunities and tools to challenge unacceptable behaviour, hate or extremism through positive activities, stories and local role models (on line and face to face) / Constructive dialogue sessions led by experienced groups and credible individuals who have first hand experience of extremism/hate
Using creative arts to explore and challenge extremism and intolerance - monologues, exhibitions etc
Critical thinking and conflict resolution training – train the trainer format
Campaigns to identify, understand and collaboratively work together to oppose extremism and provide better alternatives– face to face and on line / Develop a resource for young people to identify and encourage critical evaluation of materials/language etc which promote hate
Activities bringing families together to raise awareness and understanding
Raising community awareness of extremism and radicalisation as a safeguarding priority and delivering positive activities to build resilience and safeguard those most vulnerable / Local community events to highlight issues
Produce community friendly information leaflets and creative ways of disseminating the information
Increasing Participation & Empowerment / Promoting activities and opportunities to empower young people’s personal and social development so that they have a stronger sense of responsibility, are critical thinkers and champion Manchester’s identity / Leadership training and activities with young people
Peer to peer mentoring
Social campaigns/media training for young people to deliver positive messaging
Raising awareness, empowering and up skilling parents to better support their children and families from the harms of extremism (including on line, filters and blocking content) and challenging and addressing unacceptable behaviour, hate or extremism / Computer friendly training + internet safety advice
Parenting sessions
Media awareness training
Intergenerational digital projects
Undertaking outreach activities to engage deeper in communities and with marginalised voices to reduce alienation and strengthen integration and community cohesion / Creating events/ opportunities to interact with individuals who may not necessarily participate in mainstream activities
Providing Safe Spaces for all Communities to Come Together Hold Difficult Conversations / Creating opportunities for people from different backgrounds to come together and speak honestly about and debate current issues (local, national and international) and the impact that these can have on particular communities, groups and individuals / Inviting local speakers to debate about current and hot topics and the issues that affect communities.
Identifying, understanding and collaboratively responding to local grievances / Thematic sessions involving key stakeholders, organisations and communities – solution focused
Creating a space for communities and organisations to come together to develop their own solutions to build community resilience; utilising local community assets and day to day activities / Developing local problem solving community networks
#5 Strengthening Inter / Intra Faith Leadership / Strengthening the leadership role of faith communities in the city by
creating space for inter / intra community dialogue focused on common values that challenge extremism through religious teachings / Inter / Intra faith based dialogue events aimed at building awareness and talking about the impacts of conflict across the world (in the UK and families abroad) and promoting peaceful messaging and opportunities to volunteer, support or campaign locally
Social media campaign aimed at challenging extremist narratives and ideologies and building better relationships across and within the faith groups in the city



Name of Group(s)
Main Contact(s)
Post Code
Contact telephone
What are the aims and activities of your group(s)?
How many members are in your group?


Please provide information about the concerns, tensions and challenges you have identified and how you have identified these
Please describe who and how you have engaged with about the concerns, tensions and challenges and the potential for collaborative working – across communities, place and organisations
Please describe how the activities you propose will promote and deliver the RADEQUAL campaign and empower and enable people to come together to deliver better alternatives and outcomes


Name of activity / programme / RADEQUAL Grant Priorities
RADEQUAL grant priority
(please type the letter X next to the appropriate funding priorities)
(Remember – strong applications will cover a number of the priority areas) / Promoting Manchester’s shared values & identity
Building communities that are resilient to extremism & intolerance
Increasing Participation & Empowerment
Providing Safe Spaces for all Communities to Come Together & hold difficult conversations
Strengthening Inter / Intra Faith Leadership
Please describe the objectives of your activity/ies / Objectives
Please provide details of the activities that the grant will be used to deliver (please provide additional sheets if necessary)
Please provide details of how many people will benefit from your activities and any other outputs
Please describe your target audience and reasons for this
(e.g local residents, young people, older people, women, a particular community of interest etc)
Please provide the geographical areas and any specific venues in Manchester that your activity/ies will be delivered in
Please provide details of your activity/ies start and end date
How do you intend to promote your activities and maximise participation? (e.g media, social media, leaflets, posters etc)
Are there any risks associated with the delivery of your activities? If yes, please identify these and how you have mitigated these


Please provide details of how you are going to evaluate the impact of your activities.
What learning and tools will be available to share as good practice and as a resource for others as a result of the delivery of your activities relating to the RADEQUAL campaign?


Project Costs
Please provide a breakdown of the cost associated with the delivery of your activity/ies or event(s)
Please note that if grant funding is approved, you must keep all the receipts for money you spend, as they will be required for the monitoring report.
Expenditure item (please itemise) / Amount
Total cost (inc VAT) / £
Amount applied for / £