Month: / December 2013
Region: / Tigray
Activities on Capacity Development / Observations/action required
1. Urea treatment of straw demonstrated for private dairy producers (5M/1F) in Dura PA FTC in the central zone of Tigray.
2. Twenty farmers (15M/7F), two livestock experts (livestock DA and livestock expert, both male) were trained on sheep fattening for 10 days in Negash PA, Kilte Awlaelo district.
3. A private grafted apple fruit supplier from Tsenkanet PA, Saesie Taseda Emba district (male) trained in Wukro through linkage to an experienced private grafted fruit supplier in St. Marry College.
4. Twenty poultry producers (all females) couched in the central zone
Attach updated Regional Annex 1
Attach summary reports of formal trainings including training evaluation / 1. Will follow the uptake and feedback.
2. Will monitor the uptake and benefit of the training.
3. Will monitor the number of grafted apple seedlings supplied and income.
4. Mentoring will continue with feedback loops.
Activities on Knowledge Management / Observations/action required
Attach updated Regional Annex 1, 3A, 4 A, B, C, D
Attach summary reports of study tours, field days, meetings, workshops / 1.
Activities on Promotion / Observations/action required
1. Meetings with BoARD, Relief Society of Tigray (REST) and GIZ on possible collaboration to widely promote school milk in the central and eastern zones of Tigray.
Attach updated Regional Annex 5
Attach summary reports of events attended (see format) / 1. Continuous engagement of partners on a regular basis
Activities on Value Chain Development by commodity / Observations/action required
Central zone
1. Linkages between dairy producers and fluid milk consumers in Almeda Textile Factory (With more than 2000 workers and three large canteens), Saba Marble Factory (With more than 500 employees and a canteen), Aksum University (with more than 10,000 student population), Hospitals and Clinics that use powder milk for their patients established in central zone of Tigray.
2. Collaborative linkages between incubator owners and growers/layers strengthened in Adwa and Enticho.
3. Poultry pullet suppliers, growers and layers group established (15 F) in Enda Mariam Shewito PA in the central zone of Tigray.
4. 217 improved mango seedlings grafted in Tahitay Logomiti PA (3M/1F). Grafted fruit seedling producers and suppliers organized in Dura PA.
5. Screening of Ethio-Ribrab hives user and wax collector groups in selected PAs in the central 20 all male).
Eastern zone
6. A series of discussions about the institutional/organizational obstacles deterring fluid milk marketing by four dairy cooperatives convened. Immediate capacity needs of the cooperatives identified by the leadership. Four of the dairy cooperatives are in Ganta Afeshum and one in Kilte Awlaelo. A total of thirty seven (25M/12F) milk producers participated in the discussion
7. Following this discussion, four large potential fluid milk buyers were contacted (Addis Pharmaceutical Factory-with 600 employees and 200 liter daily milk demand; Adigrate University-with 800 students and employees; the 11th and 21th regiment with a large canteen; Sheba Tannery/Leather Factory- with a large subsidized canteen for workers.
Attach updated Regional Annex 6 / 1. Linkages of dairy producers with potential consumers will be strengthened.
2 &3. Poultry value chain linkages will be strengthened.
4. Grafted fruit suppliers will be linked fruit producers.
5. Honey production and wax collection will be introduced and tested in the beekeeping sites.
6 &7. Linkages among dairy producers and potential consumers will be strengthened.
Activities on Documentation/Research
/ Observations/action required
1. A model marketing link between a private small-scale milk processer and smallholder dairy farmers documented in Adwa
2. The potential for the marketing of forage seeds by smallholder farmers documented in Saesie Tsaeda Emba district.
3. An innovation on honeybee colony splitting in Adwa district documented
4. Poultry value chain involving the distribution of improved chicks, provision of essential inputs (vaccines drugs and vitamins), and training documented in Adwa and Laleay Maichew districts
Attach updated Regional Annex 3B
Attach any draft/finalized research reports / 1. Posted in the LIVES website
2. Posted in the LIVES website
3. Awaiting approval for posting in the LIVES website
4. Awaiting posting in the LIVES website
Activities on Project Management
/ Observation/action required
1. Together with a representative from HR office from HQ, interview for 5 drivers conducted in Mekelle
3. / 1. Four drivers became appoint able and the top two winners will be expected to be recruited soon.
Additional information on crosscutting issues – gender & environment:
Any other relevant update not captured above:
Report prepared by: Tigray LIVES team (contact person: Gebremedhin Woldewahid)