Waltham Conservation Commission

May 23, 2013

Meeting Minutes Draft

Attendees: Maureen Fowler, Gerard Dufromont, Bill Doyle, Daniel Keleher

Absent: Lesya Struz

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Trust fund meeting tabled

Public Meeting

Request for Extension of Order of Resource Area Delineation DEP#316-0576

Applicant: DMP Waltham Holdings, LLC c/o Mr. Peter Cameron, Marcus Partners

Project Location: 40 Sylvan Road, Assessor’s Map R029, Block 001, Lot#003

Mr. William Johns from Linden Engineering represented. Under permit extension act it is extended until 2017. They are dealing with a number of people who don’t understand the Permit Extension Act and would like to have a written extended permit until 2016. They hired Amy Green to review the wetland boundaries in the field. In her opinion the limits of the Wetland Resource Areas show in the approved ORAD remain unchanged. Mr. Keleher requested that Linden Engineer draft the language for the extension permit.

Motion made by Maureen Fowler to issue a 3 year extension permit, seconded by Mr. Keleher. Motion passed.

Public Hearing

Notice of Intent

Applicant: AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP

Project Location: 35 Gatehouse Drive, Map 029 001, Lot# 002

Mr. Paul Joyce represented AstraZeneca. He presented plans to the commission. They would like to implement an invasive species removal and control program; maintenance to existing steam vaults; and the removal of an existing walkway and installation of landscape plantings. There is invasive bittersweet in the area that is killing trees. There are some trees that have died. They want to cut the dead trees and leave them on the ground. There is a stone dust path that was installed to allow the employees to enter from the parking lot. There is a different way in so the path is no longer needed. There will be trees put in and ornamental grass planting. The vault is in the corner. It will involve excavating and digging it out. There is a possibility that they will be putting in another vault for better connection with steam lines. Contained within the buffer zone, completely within in road way. There will be silk stacks in catch basin.

The other area they are looking at is Japanese mountain weed. It is behind the low stone wall. Plan will be to cut and injected into the stem. 10 feet on either side of the stream will not be treated with herbicide. This will be a three year maintenance plan.

Ms. Fowler read an email from David Kaplan from Cambridge Water department:

“CWD supports the work to control Asiatic bittersweet as discussed on pgs. A-5 through A-7 in the location outlined in attachment EV-2 as it reflects discussions and concerns addressed during the site walk from 2/1/13. The proposed cut and wipe techniques will target chemical applications and minimize downstream transport. CWD agrees that it is prudent to maintain the 10 foot buffer surrounding the intermittent stream centerline in order to avoid downstream transport in the event of an unpredicted storm event. The utmost care and safeguards should be taken to avoid spillage in the resource area during these treatments.

Based on the proximity of the identified Japanese knotweed stand to the riverfront wetland on attachment EV-1, the original intent of the “no-spray” moratorium within the 100 foot buffer zones, and the questionable efficacy, CWD does not support a foliar spray application as a prudent method of knotweed control (pg. A-8, #5a&b only), and mechanical treatment (A-8, #6). This method would target chemical applications, minimize downstream transport, and more effectively destroy knotweed’s dense mat of rhizomes. CWD would also support the proponent’s using “JK”-type stem injector systems which deliver the chemical directly to the plant in a similar fashion. CWD has no additional concerns with other work proposed in this filing”

No comments from the public.

Motion made by Mrs. Fowler to close the public hearing, seconded by Mr. Dufromont. Motion passes.

Motion made by Mrs. Fowler to issue a positive order of conditions with the following conditions:

If dead trees are removed because of invasive plant management then similar native trees can be planted in their place with approval if deemed necessary in the time limit of the order of conditions.

Seconded by Mr. Keleher, motion passed.

Commission business:

Meeting minutes:

·  Approval of meeting minutes for April 25, 2013 and May 9, 2013

Motion to approve meeting minutes by Maureen Fowler, seconded by Daniel Keleher

Motion passed.

Sign Off: None.

Prospectus sign off/ plan sign off:

Verizon Wireless- The sign off is not ready. Mr. Dan Klasnick represented Verizon Wireless. Their plan is to add wireless equipment to the roof at the Public storage building. The wetlands have been flagged in a previous order of conditions. There will be a small expansion to fence area. An RDA or NOI will need to be filed if they are with 100 feet of buffer zone. They will come back if when prospectus is read to be signed.


·  85 Crescent Street- Mr. Ibrahim Hallaj came to talk about work he would like to do on his property. He handed out maps of his property. He would like to fix the brick patio on the side of his house. He also would like to fix and replace the deck on the back of the house. It was brought up that he has built a stone wall on his property which is a violation because he is in with 200 ft. of the river. Mr. Hallaj was not aware that he had to come to the commission. Mr. Doyle and Mr. Keleher will visit the property for May 29th at 9am. They will determine what needs to be done in regards to wall and what will need to be filed for projects.

·  11 Waverly Oaks Road- Mr. Rob Smith represented owner of property. Mr. Brian Bower from the building department noticed rocks and hay bales located near the brook at the property. The owner was not aware that they had to come to the commission. They are trying to keep the embankment. Mr. Dufromont and Ms. Fowler made a site visit to the property and the work they have done is a violation. The owner will need to hire an engineer to see what to do. They will also need to file a notice of intent. They have until July to have an engineer come out to the property. If they do not do this by July then a violation will be issued.

Motion to take trust fund out of order by Mrs. Fowler, seconded by Mr. Keleher, motion passed.

Annual trust fund meeting beings at 8:45pm- separate minutes.

Commission business resumed at 8:58pm

Motion made by Mrs. Fowler to take an item out of order, seconded by Mr. Keleher. Motion passed.

Old Business:

·  Mr. Dufromont spoke at the CPA: There was an emergency meeting because of the budget. They wanted it broken down in terms. Arrigo Farm was brought up. It will be coming before the CPA for purchasing by the city. The other item that was brought up was the Hardy Pond Association because there is a situation with the CPA. There were 3 lots purchased with CPA funds. All of Met State, 85 Arcadia Ave-strip of land that leads in the property and Trapelo Road across from Archives center. The property purchased by the city must be held by a third party. The land trust seems like the perfect group. A suggestion was made to offer some trust fund money for projects.

·  The Land Trust Board of Directors wrote a letter to the City Council supporting the purchase of Arrigo Farm. - Maureen would like the Conservation commission to write a letter supporting it. Maureen will write something up then send it to Bill.

·  Mr. Keleher spoke with Marc Rudnick about the Conservation commission getting care and control of Hardy Pond Conservation parcels. Mr. Keleher drafted a letter to City council to propose care and control of city owned parcels. Land trust has management from care and control that Conservation has.

Motion made by Mrs. Fowler to resume commission business seconded by Mr. Dufromont. Motion passed.


·  Email from Ann Clifford regarding a group of kids from Brandeis doing community service work. Ann Clifford is on vacation the day that they would like to do it. Find out from Brandeis what type of work they are looking to do.

·  Ms. Kathleen Cox Johnson sent another letter regarding the Brandeis experiment. Will send a letter inviting her to a Conservation meeting to discuss.

·  BSC Group response to public meeting special conditions request Watch Factory Docks Order of Conditions- Members to look over. Add to New Business for next meeting.

Old Business:

Maureen Fowler

·  Mrs. Fowler visited the YMCA. There was a swale put in a couple of years ago and it was not done right. They changed the swale so it would not flood. Mrs. Fowler met with them to put it back. It is still falling apart.

Motion made to write a letter to the YMCA to hire a contractor by Mrs. Fowler, seconded by Mr. Keleher. Motion passed.

Bill Doyle

·  To go through letters for 579 Lexington Street and Law Department Re: Costco – Bill will work on

·  131 Linden Street- Letter was sent to owner to attend meeting on April 11th- Send another letter to owner certified to attend the next meeting.

Site Visit:

·  1265 Main Street (old Polaroid property): Mrs. Fowler went on a bus ride through the Polaroid property. The electrical towers have been moved. They made stone wall out of the ledge. They are keeping an old building there and going to try to have an office building. Bike trails are done. Looks great. It is landscaped with trees planted and the trail goes under the new road. Berry’s farm is going to be called Berry Park. It has been put into a 6 month for six months. It will expire in 18 months and then city will have full control of 22 acres.

·  44 Lauricella Lane: Mr. Dufromont made a site visit to 44 Lauricella Lane due to complaint about the widening of their driveway. Owner came into the office and they are not within 100 feet of buffer zone.

·  There have been a lot of questions about Falzone construction site. Contact Sandy Tomassello for a site visit.

Motion to adjourn made by Mrs. Fowler, seconded by Mr. Dufromont, motion passed.

Meeting adjourns at 9:35pm.