Release date: March 2010

Lifecycle Marketing (Mother and Baby) Ltd, publisher of Emma’s Diary®, reaffirms its ‘Weaning Foods and Infant Milks Policy’

Lifecycle Marketing (Mother and Baby) Ltd constantly strives to offer best practice to its consumers, sponsors and healthcare professionals who use its products and services.

Lifecycle Marketing confirms that it fully supports the Department of Health’s advice for exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.

To avoid misinterpretation of our compliance to the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, we have undertaken a review of our position and communication policy on the promotion of weaning food products and infant milks.

The revised Infant Drinks, Weaning and Foods Policy is attached for reference and is effective immediately, reaffirming the company’s commitment to adherence to the International Code.

Lifecycle Marketing has taken the decision to cease working in any of its channels with any organisation that is potentially in conflict with the Code and will only communicate weaning food messages at the appropriate time. For clarity, the channels are the Emma’s Diary® Publication, Website, Sample Packs, Data and Birth Registration Wallet.

David Castle, Managing Director of Lifecycle Marketing, publisher of Emma’s Diary, adds “Thousands of expectant and new mums seek information and refer to our publication regularly. Our Editorial Board, which comprises members of the Royal College of GPs and other young family healthcare professionals, takes its responsibilities very seriously to ensure that the information provided suitably informs its audience and adheres to best practice. We deeply care about the messages we provide and are totally committed to adhering to the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes in all of our media channels.”

Lifecycle Marketing is fully committed to working collaboratively with UNICEF to ensure understanding, mutual benefit and most importantly the provision of appropriate information and messages to expectant and new mums.


For further information please contact us on 01628 891644 or email

Editors notes:

·  Emma’s Diary® has been operating since 1992 and its publication is handed out to expectant mums in GP surgeries throughout the UK

·  Emma’s Diary® is published on behalf of the Royal College of General Practitioners

·  Sample packs are available nationally in Lloydspharmacy and Argos on presenting a claim card contained in Emma’s Diary publication, via or in the Birth Wallet available through the UK Registration Service

LML Statement March 2010

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