The following officials attended JCM Meeting in the Conference Hall of Regional Office on 18.11.2013 at 02.30pm.

1.  Sri S.M.Saleem - Deputy Commissioner, KVS RO Hyd

2.  Sri. S. Sambanna - Assistant Commissioner & Grievance Officer, KVS RO Hyd.

3.  Sri B.A.Rangasri - Assistant Commissioner, KVS RO Hyderabad

4.  Smt. D. Sudhamani - Assistant Commissioner, KVS RO Hyderabad

5.  Smt. V. Gowri - Principal, K.V.Picket, Secunderabad

6.  Sri Nathu Singh - Administrative Officer & Member Sect. KVS RO Hyderabad

7.  Sri. T. Venkateswarlu - PRT, KV Guntakal, & Regional Secretary, AIKVTA (HR).

8.  Sri. Janardhan A - PGT Chem, KV NTPC RGM & Regional Secretary, KVPSSS (HR).

9.  Sri. R. Ramayya, - TGT (Maths) KV. Nellore. Member AIKVTA

(In place of Sri P. Sundara Rao PGT(Maths) KV Trimulgherry & President AIKVTA HR)

10.  Sri. K. Neelakantham - UDC, KV No.2, Golconda & President KEVINTSA (HR)

11.  Sri. B. Narsing Rao - Assistant, KV No.1 Golconda & General Secretary KEVINTSA(HR)

12.  Sri. Y.S.M. Reddy - Section Officer (Accounts), KVS RO Hyd – Special Invitee.

13.  Sri. S. Venkatesan - Section Officer (Admn.) KVS RO Hyd. – Special Invitee.

Sri SM Saleem, Deputy Commissioner welcomed the gathering to initiate the proceedings.

The agenda points given below were discussed and the decisions arrived at are given below:

a) / Transfer points should be reduced from 50 to 20 for displacement. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
b) / Completion of Tenure should be counted from the date of issue of the order and not 31st March of the Academic year. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
c) / All transfers should be completed before 31st March. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
d) / Transfers should be made through the counseling based on the points obtained by the employee so as to get the employees choice place. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
e) / Displacement count and transfer count should be intimated at the time of calling applications for transparency so as to apply the employees who fall below the points. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
f) / In the transfer policy, no taker vacancy should be considered along with the mutual transfers. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
a) / Sangathan should have a time-table regarding the LDE. The eligibility for appearing to the post of HM, a PRT should complete 10 years instead of 5 years. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
b) / SC/ST Employees who have got the highest marks will be given in the general category as per their merit. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
c) / DPC should sit once in 06 months to fill up vacancies / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
d) / Examination for LDE should be intimated well in advance and bar code should be introduced in the LDE. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
e) / Posting for LDE should be taken up only through the counseling as per the merit and availability of vacancies. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
a) / Interest Free computer advance should be enhanced Rs..27,000/- to Rs.40,000/- since it is sanctioned from VVN account and re-payable. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
b) / Single section school 02 teachers and double section school 04 teachers , three section school 06 teachers . / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
04. MACP
a) / Since KVS has adopted 6th Pay commission and passed it in the BOG for implementation of MACP for Principals, Vice-Principals and teachers. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
a) / As per the RTE 2009 No of working hours fixed for various categories. Hence, PRTs may leave early from school and more over it will not be applicable for PGTs as RTE is applicable for only class I-VIII. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
a) / Scouts & Guides Allowance should be restored to Rs.5000/- per year instead of once in / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
a) / As KVS has introduced 08 period time-table , the workload also should be reduced for all categories. / Issue to be decided by KVS (Hqrs)
a) / As per RTE 2009 class strength must be reduced and wherever the class strength exceeds as per RTE 2009 another section may be sanctioned for better conducting of CCE as it consumes a lot of time because of huge class strength. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
a) / As per KVS letter any regular employee is on leave even for a day, contractual teacher from the panel may called instead of giving arrangement to teachers. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
a) / CGHS facility for retired employees / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
a) / Conversion from CPF to GPF / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
a) / Starting vacations and breaks from 2nd Saturday/Sunday and opening on Monday ignoring the details of festivals / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
a) / Deputation : A panel may be drawn as per the seniority and deputation should be only within the Cluster level and AC concerned cluster will look after the deputation. / Based on the request and necessity teaching and non-teaching staff are deputed.
b) / Recruitment of Contractual Teachers at the Regional level only instead of Vidyalaya level / Such appointments are made based on the actual need by the Principals and it is being done at cluster level where ever it is possible.
c) / Increase the facility in the staff quarters / Circular will be issued by Accounts section to properly utilise M&R Funds.
d) / Insisting Compulsory medical certificate from CGHS should be avoided / This is followed as per LEAVE RULES
e) / CGHS approved hospitals may be listed out for taking treatment since the CGHS working timings and school timings are same. / View CGHS website for such details and also for latest circulars
f) / Medical treatment for the teachers wherever there is no CGWCC does not exist. / Already discussed in earlier meeting and it was informed to submit the panel of doctors approved for other department situated at the same place for approval of the competent authority. No such proposals received from any corner.
g) / Eligibility of TA/DA for the schools AFA 1& 2 Dundigal who are participating in various courses / Actuals can be claimed by procuring CS-12
h) / 30% HRA for NFC Ghatkesar / Matter already decided by KVS Headquarters earlier for non-granting 30% HRA to KV NFC Ghatkesar. However, the request may be forwarded with relevant documents to take up the issue with KVS Hqrs
i) / A panel may be drawn as per the seniority for conducting scouts & Guide camps instead of the same members conducting the camps so as to give opportunity to give other adult leaders / HWB holders can be called and will be given opportunity. Since, there are few LTs/ALTs, the same members are being called often to conduct the camps.
j) / Cubs & Bul-buls Utsav should be at cluster level only / Headquarters guidelines to be followed.
k) / In-service courses should be conducted where there is infrastructure facilities are available calling the applications from the venues and if not participants may be allowed to stay at Hotels / Venues are fixed where there infrastructure facilities are available with the consent and approval of the Principals.
l) / Exemption may be given to attend the in-service courses for the employees who are at LTR / Such exemptions are already been extended on deserving cases.
m) / School Timings during summer season ,letter from DC should be sent on or before March so as to start school timings during the summer season because of staggering climate as per State Govt. school timings. / Individual cases will be examined based on the proposal received from the Principal duly recommended by the Chairman VMC.
n) / Clarity circulars for BPL for availing by the students / Instructions were already issued by KVS HQ and KVS HR circulated to all KVs vide Letter No.F.10-39/2011-12/ KVS (HR) / A&A/1219 dated 18.07.11. Annual Income is fixed as Rs.60,000/- for Rural areas and Rs.75,000/- for Urban areas
o) / Restriction and conditions laid for claiming Children Educational Allowance as circular says there is no ceiling for claiming CEA. / KVS Hq circulated copies of the FAQs regarding allowances, Leave and LTC issued by DOPT vide letter No.F. 110239/51/Cir//KVS (Budget) dated 06.03.2012, in which it was clearly clarified.
p) / Time bound for settling the LTC, medical and other bills / TA, LTC & Medical bills should be settled as per prescribed limits in the TA, LTC and Medical rules respectively.
q) / Issue of Xerox copies of up-dated service records in the month of January every year / Principals were already advised and discussions held in the Principals ‘conference for updating the copy of the Service Register of all employees working under them every year.
r) / Positive comments during the panel-inspection time. / Already decided in the Academic meetings
s) / Allotment of a room for Association for office purpose. / Pending in KV Picket.
t) / Relieving the teachers who are escorting the students after 4 PM / Principals are instructed to relieve as per the situation demands
u) / Reducing the workload for Reg. Presidents and Reg. Secretaries. / No such instructions were issued from KVS Hqrs
v) / Endorsing KVS circulars for Association members / All circulars are made available in KVS HQ website and sent through e-mail to the Principals for circulation. Principals are also advised to display the circulars in the Vidyalaya Notice board. Circulars on policy matters will also be endorsed to Association members.
w) / Re-schedule of Examination system: FA1 August, SA 1 October, FA3-January and SA2 March / Policy matter. To be followed as per KVS calendar of activities.
x) / Reducing the APAR points by Assistant Commissioners while reviewing it. / Done only with valid reasons. If there is large variation, it will be looked into, when representation is received.
y) / Possibilities of opening canteen facility & Transport facility at Vidyalaya level / Opening such Canteen and Transport facilities is not instructed by KVS. However, where there is a need based on the necessity at the Vidyalaya level Transport facility have been extended.
z) / Guest House at Vidyalaya Level. / Can be considered, if proposed by KV as per KVS norms.
aa) / Opening of second section where more demand from Category V / Based on the recommendations of the Principal and Chairman by following KVS Norms with approval of KVS, already 2nd shift opened at KV 1 Tirupati & KV Guntur.
ab) / Security and cleanliness tenders should be monitoring by the DC and a supervision committee is required at regional level, Open advertisement may given while calling the tenders / Security and House Keeping tenders are done at the Vidyalaya Level based on the infrastructure of KV and as per the instructions contained in the Accounts Code. No deviation can be done by KVS RO.
ac) / Common CCE/CMP records and required from the regional office to every KV / Follow what is prepared by KVS Hyderabad Region / Chandigarh Region. It will be reviewed before the start of next session.
ad) / Non-circulation of KVS Association subscription letter and other important circulars among the staff / All circulars are made available in KVS HQ website and sent through e-mail to the Principals for circulation. Principals are also advised to display the circulars in the Vidyalaya Notice board.
ae) / Acknowledgement for teacher’s representation / As per Education Code all representations should be forwarded through the Principal of the KV. The Principal may acknowledge the representation, if they are as per KVS norms.
af) / Reason for Introduction of Bio-Metric machine in schools - KVS lr. / To ensure and Maintain the discipline and punctuality among the staff. The Principals will be briefed on this matter.
a) / LTR period to be raised from 2 years to 5 years as the teachers have to settle their wards between 55 years to 60 years / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
b) / For annual transfers/mutual transfers/promotion posting through LDE /Department, counseling method may be followed, which is practiced by the most of the state governments in India. It will be more transparent less time consuming the procedure and justification will be done for all categories of teachers. Any vacation may be done this procedure / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
c) / Casual Leaves may be restored from 8 days to 12 days / KVS has to follow the Government of India Rules
d) / Medical leave minimum 10 days may be sanctioned in every year. / Leave is sanctioned as per Leave Rules
e) / Honorarium may be given to TGT(P&HE) earlier PET’s to conduct cluster/Regional sports meet. / -  Not conceded -
f) / Productive Linked Bonus may be extended to KVS employees as the working hours increased from 6 hrs 10 min. to 7 hrs 30 min. / Issue to be decided by KVS (HQrs.)
g) / Ad-hoc teachers panel for all categories may be maintained at KVS RO level in the event of non-availability at the Vidyalaya level. Teachers may be taken from the panel and may be allotted as required by any Vidyalaya. / Decentralised depends upon the need and urgency of the Vidyalaya. Panels are existing in each cluster. Cluster I/c Principals to share the teachers wherever required. It is not a static entity. No teacher can be appointed without an interview.