Personal Information (for promo)

Steve Rockey is a professional outdoorsman, hunting extensively in both the US and Canada. He is a Master Sportsman and pro-staffer for numerous companies. He is also an author whose articles have appeared in such publications as North American WHITETAIL, Big Buck Magazine, Whitetail Fanatic Magazine, New York Game & Fish, Rub-lines, etc. His expertise lies in the consistent harvesting of trophy whitetails and wise spring gobblers. He travels extensively giving seminars at sportsmen events. His years of experience & knowledge could make a difference in your next hunting season. For the local churches knowledge, Steve is a Sportsman's Evangelist, having pastored growing, gospel preaching churches for 22 years. He has an Associates and Bachelors degree from Baptist Bible College and has seen God bring thousands to Christ through his traveling ministry. He is Founder and President of, which is a ministry designed to assist local churches in reaching sportsmen through wild game dinners.

Financial Information

Normally freewill offerings do not cover expenses, so my typical honorarium is $695. per seminar. Workshops are $100. extra (others in the same profession get $1000.00 - $1300.00 for seminars. I’m trying to stay reasonable, yet at the same time support my family.) If your church can’t afford this, call me to discuss a lower sum. Also, as a missionary, once we’re fully supported by churches and individuals, there will be no set costs associated with my ministry. Unless I am flying, mileage reimbursement is at 51 cents a mile.

Please mention that there will be some products & calls available to be purchased at the seminar if desired. The men always regret not being told this because so many of them do not come with adequate funds or checkbook. The pictures found on our website ( can be used for promo purposes. These are most of the whitetails I have collected. The one on the barn door are almost all Pope & Young bucks I harvested before the fall of 2001.

Seminar Information

Be assured the Gospel of Christ will be given top priority. Items needed are three 8 or 10 foot tables, a large screen, a small table for VCR and projector, a sound system for power point projector, extension cord, lapel microphone, and approximately 90 minutes for my entire program. Check out the survey form that works really well and can assist you and your follow-up team in calling on the ones that get saved during that evening. I recommend these be handed out at the conclusion of my program. It takes 1-2 minutes to fill out and should be the forms used to draw names for any grand prizes at the end of the evening. If you have questions, we can talk more about this by phone or when I arrive.

Housing Information

If I am spending the night, please be aware that I am sometimes allergic to certain strong odors and fragrances (i.e. cigarette smoke and eucalyptus). I have no dietary restrictions although I prefer a light lunch. I also prefer to stay in a home with no house pets (i.e., cats, dogs). Hotels are also fine.

Special Information

I have been able, with God’s help, to get my hands on the largest 10 point typical ever harvested in the world by a gun hunter, the largest 8 pointer and one of the largest bow kills ever taken in the state of Illinois. For this reason I like to drive as often as possible to each location, as it is not optional for me to bring these when flying. These are a part of a “Witnessing Whitetails” series that I’ve begun.