Professor Edmond Ko Cup (2016/17)

Inter-hall Photography Competition

Rules & Regulations:

  1. Theme of the Competition
  2. The theme is decided by anExhaustive Ballotatthe sub-committee meeting of the Inter-hall Photography Competition which consist of three stages:
  3. Stage 1 (Proposing)
  4. Each Hall can propose one theme using one single English word.
  5. Before the seconding stage, if highly similar words were proposed at the proposing stage by more than one Hall, the meeting Chairperson shall ask if the corresponding proposing Hall(s) would like hold back multiple proposed themesand change to seconding only one proposed theme in the next stage.
  6. Stage 2 (Seconding)
  7. Each Hall can second one proposed theme for the competition, but cannot second their own proposed theme.
  8. Any proposed theme withtwo or more seconders is eligible to the voting stage.
  9. If no theme is eligible to the voting stage, another proposing stage will be conducted.
  10. Stage 3 (Voting)
  11. Each Hall can vote for one proposed theme in each round of voting.
  12. Proposed theme with absolute majority of votes (more than 50% of attending members) or the sole surviving proposed theme (i.e. after the seconding stage or eliminating rounds of voting), will be the theme of the competition.
  13. If there is no absolute majority, the proposed theme received the lowest number of votes will be eliminated in the next round of voting.
  14. If two or more proposed theme has the same lowest number of votes, a tie-breaker round will be conducted, which the proposed theme in the tie-breaker round with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated.
  15. The theme of the competition is “Utopia”
  1. Submission of Entries
  2. Entrants must be current CityU hall residents when submitting the entries.
  3. The Hall that the entrants represent is the onethat he/she residingatwhen submitting the entries
  4. Two categories are available for the Competition, the “Independent” category and the “Story” category. The entry for “Story” is limited to 3-5 photos. The photos should be separated and tell a story or present an interpretation of the theme.
  5. Each entrant can submit one entry for each category, or two entries for either the “Independent” category or the “Story” category.
  6. Each Hall can submit a maximum of 16 entries.
  7. Every entrant is required to submit the completed entry form and the entry/entries photo(s) to their corresponding Residence Tutor. The Residence Tutor is responsible to collect required materials for submission of entries, including (i) entry forms in hard copies, (ii) soft copy of all photos in USB, and (iii) soft copy of entry list, and submit to SRO before the submission deadline (i.e. Friday, 10 Feb 2017, 12:00noon).Detailed requirements and a quick checklist can be found in Appendix B.
  8. Regulations for Photo Submitted
  9. Photo submitted must be original works and taken by the entrant.
  10. All photographs should accurately reflect the subject matter and the scene as it appeared. Photos that have been digitally altered beyond standard optimization will be disqualified. Acceptable are adjustments to color, contrast, brightness and sharpness; removal of dust and scratches; cropping; black and white conversions; and use of HDR (High Dynamic Range Imaging). Not acceptable are photo composites (combination of two or more photos, not of the same scene); the addition, duplication, deletion or moving of objects in the photos; or the use of artistic digital filters and effects. Examples of not accepted artistic filters and effects are watercolor, neon glow, posterizing, stained glass, and others which do not show the scene in its natural way.
  11. A title should be provided for each entry. If the title is not written in English (i.e. words that can be found in a common English dictionary), entrant should also provide an English translation.
  12. Entry which violated clause 3.a, 3.bor3.c will be disqualified.
  13. Photo submitted must be in JPG format (i.e. .jpg), with a recommended resolution larger than 1440w x 1800h for portrait and 1800w x 1440h for landscape.
  14. Once the entry was submitted to the competition, no amendment(including but not limited to: an updated version, title and title translation) will be entertained.
  15. Scoring for Entries and Awards
  16. A panel of judges invited by the sub-committee, who will select their top ten chosen photos with ranking provided for each judging perspective. Judges' decisions are final.
  17. Under “Independent” and “Story” category, the score of three judging perspectives will be summed up to decide the “Best Photo / Best Story” award. For “Independent” category, the three judging perspectives include “Theme Presentation”, “Creativity” and “Technique”. For “Story” category, the three judging perspectives are “Theme Presentation”, “Creativity & Storytelling” and “Technique”.
  18. The rankings are associated with scoring, 100 points for 1st place, 90 points for 2nd place, 80 points for 3rd place and so on so forth. If a judge decided to rank less than 10 photos in a specific judging perspective, it is assumed that the judge gave up his/her rights to rank the rest.
  19. One entry is only eligible for maximum one award (expect for My Favorite Photo Award, see clause 5).
  20. To decide the Best Overall Photo award, a total score of the three judging perspectives will be summed up by the Sub-committee. Nevertheless, the weighing of the three judging perspectives differs. Considering their relative importance, except “Theme Presentation”, the points in “Creativity / Creativity & Storytelling” will be multiplied by 0.9 while “Technique” by 0.8 when calculating the total score.
  21. Entry with highest score will receive the “Best Photo / Best Story” award.
  22. In case of two entries with the same total scores, two “Best Photo” prizes will be awarded.
  23. To decide the “Best of” award in each judging perspective, a total score of each specific judging perspective will be summed up by the Sub-committee.
  24. Entry with highest score in each of the judging perspectives will receive the “Best of” award. Two “Mention of Merit” prizes will be also awarded for the 2nd and 3rd place in each of the judging perspectives. If two photos score the same on the 2nd place, the photo on the 3rd place will not be awarded with “Mention of Merit”. If two photos score the same on the 3rd place, three photos including the 2nd place, will be awarded with “Mention of Merit”.
  25. Once an entry is awarded the “Best Photo” or “Best Story” award, it is not eligible to receive another “Best of” award in the three judging perspectives. The second highest entry will substitute. The 4th place of that specific judging perspective will substitute the 2nd place for “Mention of Merit”.
  26. If an entry is awarded multiple “Best of” awards according to clause 4.d.ii, the entry will receive only one “Best of” award based on the following order: (1) Theme Presentation, (2) Creativity / Creativity & Storytelling, and (3) Technique. For example, entry A receives both “Best Theme Presentation” and “Best Technique” in the “Independent” category. Entry A will only receive “Best Theme Presentation”, while the 2nd place of the “Technique” judging perspective will substitute “Best Technique”. 2nd and 3rd place of “Theme Presentation” judging perspective, as well as 3rd and 4th place of “Technique” judging perspective, will all receive “Mention of Merit” provided these 4 photos do duplicate.
  27. An example for this calculation method is provided in Appendix A.
  28. Voting for My Favorite Photo
  29. Current residents of CityU halls, SRO staff and RMs can vote for “My Favorite Photo” and “My Favorite Story”online. Every resident can have one vote on “My Favorite Photo” and one vote on “My Favorite Story”. Family members of RMs can cast their vote during the voting period (tentative: 6 Mar – 20Mar, 2017)via SRO.All entries photos will be available online to the public.
  30. Competition Awards for Halls and Contribution towards Professor Edmond Ko Cup
  31. Contributions from “Independent” and “Story” category will be counted separately to both Competition Awards for Halls and towards Professor Edmond Ko Cup.
  32. The converted scoring contributed towards halls in the Inter-hall Photography Competition is as follows:
  33. Best Photo / Best Story: (30)
  34. Best Theme Presentation: (20)
  35. Best Creative Work / Best Creative Work & Storytelling: (15)
  36. Best Technique: (10)
  37. Mention of Merit: (5)
  38. “My Favourite Photo” & “My Favourite Story” awards contributes no score towards hall in the Competition
  39. The total scores that the halls obtain under each category (i.e. “Independent” and “Story”) will decide their final rankings and scores leading to the Cup: Champion: 25; 1st Runner-up: 20; 2nd Runner-up: 15; 3rd Runner-up: 10; Participation: 5 for each category; No Participation: 0.
  40. Award Presentation and Exhibition
  41. To recognize the winning photos, a mini exhibition cum award presentationwill be held at PEK Cup Singing Contest. All award winning photos will be displayed.
  42. Copyright and Legal Issues
  43. TheSub-committee of the Inter-hall Photography Competition will not be responsible for any disputes relating to the copyright of photos submitted and any loss or damage caused. All entrants are obliged to respect intellectual property and observe the copyright rules. Other disputes goto the Sub-committeefor decision.
  44. All photos become the property of the University and may be reproduced or posted on website for exhibition or promotion purposes without permission of the entrants but with attribution to the photographers.
  45. This “Rules & Regulations for the Professor Edmond Ko Cup (2016/17) – Inter-hall Photography Competition” was finalized on 24th November, 2016.

Appendix A:Calculation Example

This is an example for award calculation with: 10 entries, 3 judges, each judge rank 5 photos.

All Entries:

No. 1 / No. 2 / No. 3 / No. 4 / No. 5 / No. 6 / No. 7 / No. 8 / No. 9 / No. 10

Judges Ranking:

Ranking (TP) / Judge A / Judge B / Judge C
1 (100) / No. 6 / No. 7 / No. 6
2 (90) / No. 9 / No. 6 / No. 9
3 (80) / No. 2 / No. 9 / No. 1
4 (70) / No. 1 / No. 2
5 (60) / No. 10 / No. 10
Ranking (Cr) / Judge A / Judge B / Judge C
1 (100) / No. 2 / No. 6 / No. 9
2 (90) / No. 7 / No. 1 / No. 2
3 (80) / No. 3 / No. 4 / No. 6
4 (70) / No. 1 / No. 9
5 (60) / No. 9 / No. 2
Ranking (Te) / Judge A / Judge B / Judge C
1 (100) / No. 6 / No. 9 / No. 2
2 (90) / No. 9 / No. 6 / No. 8
3 (80) / No. 10 / No. 3 / No. 9
4 (70) / No. 8 / No. 7
5 (60) / No. 2 / No. 10

* Judge C decided not to provide rank 4 and onwards

Score (TP):

Judge / No. 1 / No. 2 / No. 3 / No. 4 / No. 5 / No. 6 / No. 7 / No. 8 / No. 9 / No. 10
A / 70 / 80 / 100 / 90 / 60
B / 70 / 90 / 100 / 80 / 60
C / 80 / 100 / 90
Sum / 150 / 150 / 290 / 100 / 260 / 120

Score (Cr):

Judge / No. 1 / No. 2 / No. 3 / No. 4 / No. 5 / No. 6 / No. 7 / No. 8 / No. 9 / No. 10
A / 70 / 100 / 80 / 90 / 60
B / 90 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 70
C / 90 / 80 / 100
Sum / 160 / 250 / 80 / 80 / 180 / 90 / 230

Score (Te):

Judge / No. 1 / No. 2 / No. 3 / No. 4 / No. 5 / No. 6 / No. 7 / No. 8 / No. 9 / No. 10
A / 60 / 100 / 70 / 90 / 80
B / 80 / 90 / 70 / 100 / 60
C / 100 / 90 / 80
Sum / 160 / 80 / 190 / 70 / 160 / 270 / 140

Score (Weighted Total):

Per / No. 1 / No. 2 / No. 3 / No. 4 / No. 5 / No. 6 / No. 7 / No. 8 / No. 9 / No. 10
(1.0) / 150 / 150 / 290 / 100 / 260 / 120
(0.9) / 160 / 250 / 80 / 80 / 180 / 90 / 230
(0.8) / 160 / 80 / 190 / 70 / 160 / 270 / 140
Sum / 294 / 503 / 136 / 72 / 0 / 604 / 237 / 128 / 683 / 232


1st Step: Best Photo

  • Based on the Weighted Total (i.e. TP + CR * 0.9 + Te * 0.8), entry No. 9 is highest
  • Therefore entry No. 9 awarded Best Overall Photo

2nd Step: Best Theme Presentation

  • Based on summing TP Score from three judges, entry No. 6 is highest in Theme Presentation
  • Therefore entry No. 6 awarded Best of Theme Presentation

3rd Step: Best Creative Work

  • Based on summing Cr Score from three judges, entry No. 2 is highest in Creativity
  • Therefore entry No. 2 awarded Best of Creativity

4th Step: Best Technique

  • Based on summing Te Score from three judges, entry No. 9 is highest in Technique
  • As entry No. 9 has already been awarded Best Overall Independent, No. 6 substitutes
  • As entry No. 6 has already been awarded Best of Theme Presentation, No. 2 & 8 substitutes
  • Instead of both No. 2 and No. 8 being awarded Best of Technique, but entry No. 2 has been awarded Best of Creativity, therefore only No. 8 will be awarded Best of Technique

5th Step: Mention of Merit

  • Theme Presentation
  • 2nd place is entry No. 9, 3rd place is both entries No. 1 & 2
  • As entry No. 9 & 2 has already been awarded, No. 10 substitutes
  • Both No. 1 & 10 will be awarded Mention of Merit
  • Creativity
  • 2nd place is entry No. 9, 3rd place is entry No. 6
  • As entry No. 9 & 6 has already been awarded, No. 1 & 7 substitute
  • As entry No. 1 has already been awarded, No. 3 & 4 with the same score will substitute
  • Both No. 7, No. 3 No. 4 will be awarded Mention of Merit
  • Technique
  • 2nd place is entry No. 6, 3rd place is entries No. 2 & 8
  • As entry No. 6, 2 & 8 has already been awarded, No. 10, 3substitutes
  • As entry No. 10 & 3 has already been awarded, No. 7substitutes
  • As entry No. 7 has already been awarded, and there are no photos with score left in the table, in this case, no moreMention of Merit will be awarded

Final Award:

Best Photo / No. 9
Best Theme Presentation / No. 6
Best Creative Work / No. 2
Best Technique / No. 8
Mention of Merit / No. 1
Mention of Merit / No. 10
Mention of Merit / No. 7
Mention of Merit / No. 3
Mention of Merit / No. 4

Appendix B: Quick Checklist for Residence Tutors

Submission Deadline: 10Feb 2016 (Friday) 12:00noon

Please submit the following materials to SRO Office:

  1. Entry Forms(Entry_Form_1617.docx) – in Hard Copies
  2. Make sure all forms are properly filled and signed; and
  3. Endorsed by RT; and
  4. Given an unique Photo Code to every photo
  5. Soft Copy of Entry List(Entry_List_1617.xlsx)– on USB
  6. Enter Photo Code and their corresponding information into the given Excel Entry List
    (Please note that both “Independent” and “Story” worksheets were included in the same file)
  7. Soft Copy of All Photos – on USB
  8. All photos should be in JPG format (i.e. .jpg in small letters); and
  9. All photos should be named with a unique Photo Code using this specific format:
    Hxx(Hall number)-yyy(photo number).jpg. For example, the third photo of Hall 2, please use H02-003.jpg as file name if it is an entry of “Independent” category; For an entry of three photos in “Story” category, please name them with H02-004.jpg, H02-005.jpg and H02-006.jpg.
    (Please note that one number is for one photo rather than one entry)
  1. Please arrange the photos into two category folders, “Independent” and “Story”.
  2. Please DO NOT open any sub-folder under the category folders.

USB should contain the following items:

Prof. Edmond Ko Cup (2016/17) Inter-Hall Photography CompetitionPage 1
Rules and Regulations