Guidelines for filling out the Due Process Summary Sheet

1.The SST chairperson checks boxes and fills in dates. The date completed and the date that SST refers case to IDEA should be the same. The date that the Consent for Evaluation form was signed should be no more than a few days after this date. The date Consent for Evaluation form is signed begins the 60 day timeline.

SST information should clearly show interventions that were attempted prior to referral and include at

least 12 weeks RTI data.

Work samples, which reflect strengths and weaknesses, must be included. For example, if reading and writing are weaknesses, samples that clearly show deficits must be included. If math is strength, samples, which indicate this should be in the file.

All applicable items in number 1 should be checked. If the referral is not for behavior, the 10-day documentation might not be checked. If the referral is for behavior problems, the 7 areas checklist might not be checked.

Many times vision and hearing will have been screened and passed during the SST process. This can be used if it was done within a year of the time testing will be completed. If vision or hearing screening is failed, follow-up activities may delay completion of the referral.

4.Any behavior scales, anecdotal reports, or adaptive behavior scales given out by the chairperson at this time MUST be completed by teachers and staff and returned to the chairperson.

5.If the case is referred to a speech pathologist, speech testing should take place simultaneously.

Responsibilities of regular education staff:

(1)Complete tasks in step 1.

(2)Complete all forms sent out by chairperson within designated time.

(3)Attend special education committee meetings and contribute to the IEP and placement decisions.

Responsibilities of the chairperson (who, in most cases, will be the educational evaluator)

(1)Be sure that all forms in step 1 have been correctly completed before accepting the referral.

(2)Have vision and hearing screening completed if it has not been done.

(3)Give out all EBD and other required forms to the regular education teachers.

(4)Analyze work samples either by writing on the samples or by using the analysis sheets provided in the procedural manual.

(5)Complete the classroom observation, and tally all EBD documentation.

(6)Schedule and conduct eligibility meeting.

(7)Schedule and conduct additional special education committee meetings, inviting appropriate participants.

(8)Develop IEP with assistance from special education teacher.

(9)See that all due process paperwork is correctly completed and in the file.

(10)Send to PEC office for due process check. (The educational evaluator may sign off on the due process check.)

Responsibilities of Educational Evaluators:

(1)Process all initial referrals and transfers.

(2)Complete testing according to timelines.

(3)Complete due process check if not sent to PEC for due process check.

(4)Coordinate testing with the speech teacher when appropriate.

Responsibilities of School Psychologists:

(1)Complete all items in the due process sheet—#7, # 8, and # 9within timelines. Sign sheet where indicated.

(2)Attend special education committee meetings to go over psychological testing and to contribute to eligibility determination, IEP development and placement decisions.