Date: / 12th January 2012 / Time: / 7.30 – 9.30
Venue: / Oxford Town Hall
In attendance: / Chair: Richard Mann
Andy Chivers, Ruth Davis,Alison Hill, Graham Smith,
Coopted – James Dawton
NB not quorate – decisions need to be ratified by email
Apologies: / Jake Backus, Simon Banks, James Styring, Simon Hunt , Dan Levy, Cathy Mulhall, Lucy Tennyson, Tristram Wyatt, Honor Tomkinson, Kevin Moreland
Agenda Item / Attach-ment / Whom
Any items of AOB
Approval of minutes of 8th December 2011
Approved subject to two corrections. / Paper 1: Minutes
Matters arising not on the agenda
AGM draft minutes and Cllr Hudspeth presentation.
JS will phone Cllr Hudspeth. / AH

Improving cycling infrastructure

Position papers and policy statements – next steps
Template from AC and TW
AC produced a template based on cycle parking. Need to add in a box about what Cyclox is at the bottom. Andy and Lucy to agree the slogan and then send round.
Position papers to be produced (name alongside)
  • Cycle hub(AH)
  • Cycle lanes (including cycle lanes on pavements)
  • Queen Street
  • Courteous cycling (SH)
  • Dual network (RM)
  • Cycle parking
AH to look on the Cambridge Cycle Campaign for other potential topics.
Agree content next meeting and decide on production process. / Paper 2 / AC LT
Map project update
RM will ask for a forward order from Cyclox of 1000 maps, costing £500. Cyclox endorses it. AH and TW will review to give the Cyclox endorsement. / Paper 3 / RM
Consultations / plans
City Council money: Update on shortlist of projects for £300k over 4 years (£75k per year)RM wrote to Bob Price, money not confirmed but has cross party support. Remit is cycle lanes. RM will contact Matthew Bates and Tim Sadler at the city council to arrange a meeting. County Council will be involved as will have to be approved by them.
Our suggestions: Abingdon Road, north bound cycle lane. Marston Road southern end. Woodstock Road, south bound from Moreton Road. Cherwell Drive, Iffley Road, Hollow Way.
Road maintenance and renewal. We need to updated on what the forward plan is. We need to get in with the engineers and get them to talk to us regularly. Keep dialogue going. Build on the relationship built up with Iffley Road – follow up phase 2b.
Cycle Lane on Marston Road –watching brief
Frideswide Square – no more information, wait for the next steps. Talk to OxPA then.
Kennington Roundabout Plans–JD talk to relevant person at the county.
Cycle lanes on Iffley Road (Phase 1 implementation / Phase 2a drawings / CPZ) Nearly completed first phase, just seen phase 2a drawings at very short notice. Keep on talking. County nervous about the CPZ consultation.
Cycle lanes/tracks on The Slade / Old Road (progress note)
Cycle lanes on Donnington Bridge (parking / centre line)- agree that the county needs to make the cycle lane work by widening the cycle lane with a 0.5m safety strip or repainting the central line. State our case to the county.
Decision making.For the future discussions on these consultations and plans make sure we have proposal and a recommendation. / RM
Update on cycle sign project
No action over the summer, spec needed. / SB, RM

Raising the profile of cycling in Oxford

Events and public meetings
19th January Talk Mary Russell – get new members then.
23rd February for advocacy training provisionally. RM to confirm.
22nd March Social at the Rusty Bicycle.
RD to approach Victoria Souter.
Tagalongs for Bike Week.
Chris Gray or Bill Heine. RM will get in touch.
Joint meeting with OxPA.
Zappi – JB to approach him.
Lord Barclay – APPCC
Kevin Hickman - / Paper 4 / RD
Stalls Update
Discussion on next steps in stalls organisation. HT has drawn up a list of events to discuss next time. / HT

Making cycling fun


Supporting our members

Increasing membership
Update following discussion of last meeting. / AC/JB
Communications and publicity
AC will be doing a communication for the new year to councillors and other people we want to thank.
Maximising use of Twitter and Facebook
Cyclox news mailout / AC/JB
Costed Cyclox annual plan
Plans for 2012 – beginning to plan for next year’s campaigns and activities. / Paper 5 / AH
Any other business
Next committee meetings
12th January 2012 Town Hall / AH