User Procedure - IT Enhancement Mgmt System


1.1.  The Enhancement Management System (EMS) provides a standard approach to requesting system developments and modifications. Furthermore, it provides an effective mechanism for the business to

Ø  prioritise and schedule these requests

Ø  share initiatives across contracts or business units

1.2.  The purpose of this procedure is to provide instruction for Users and Business Unit Representatives on how to access, query and input to EMS.


2.1.  The procedure applies to all CEVA Logistics Business Units and sites in Australia & New Zealand.

It replaces the current ad-hoc method of requesting system developments; and supersedes the previous ‘System Requirements Specification’ form - FMIT01.


3.1.  Nil


4.1.  TEMS: Total Event Management Systems

4.2.  EMS: (IT Dev) Enhancement Management System


5.1.  Log on to TEMS (event management systems) using URL

Create as favourite or place on Desktop if regular use is anticipated.

5.2.  Key in your User Name and Password (initially the same as your User Name)

NB ….. the option to change your password is available on the logon screen

Contact the IT Service Desk on (02) 87072959 for assistance or to request the addition of New Users.

5.3.  Depending on your access requirements, a range of options may appear. Select EMS.

5.4.  The Summary Page will appear; listing Tasks, their Status and a range of other details.

To create a new record, select ‘Forms/ New Forms’ (as circled below)

To query an existing record, click on the ‘Task ID’ number.

5.5.  For new requests, then select the ‘Task Type’ (Modification or New Development); and the most appropriate ‘Task Sub Type’

5.6.  Fill in the Request Form (as per example) and press ‘Submit’ when complete.

Attachments (up to 1MB) can be attached to support the request

NB ….. The request can be ‘Saved’ and completed or modified later. However, once ‘Submitted’ no further changes can be made by the author.

5.7.  Once submitted, IT Development staff will be automatically advised by email, and an initial assessment and high level costing will be performed. If the request is considered technically viable, the task is assigned to the Business Unit representative, who will receive email advice as such.

NB ….. there is no further data input required of the User (Author); although they may be requested to support testing and/or implementation, if the request is approved.

5.8.  The Business Unit Representative will seek input from appropriate stakeholders by requesting a review. Select ‘Invite Reviews’. In the pop up box select the ‘Invitee’(s) and the ‘Review by Date’; and then press ‘Invite’. A User can also invite reviews after their request has been submitted.

5.9.  The invitees(s) will be advised via email of the review request.

5.10. Outstanding reviews can be identified on the Task Summary page. Those marked with (R/R) require review by the current user. Those marked with (A/R) require review by another user.

5.11. The Invitee will select ‘Action Reviews’. In the Pop up Box select the level of agreement (or otherwise) and add comments. Select ‘Submit’.

5.12. The Business Unit Representative will consider the reviews, assess the functional feasibility of the request and make a recommendation. Select ‘Action’. In the Pop up Box, assign to Group ‘IT Steering Committee’ and add ‘Comments’. Select ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’.

5.13. Whenever a task is assigned to a group or individual, an email is automatically generated to advise them that action is required

5.14. Whenever the status of a task is changed, the User (Author) is advised via an automatically generated email

5.15. Enquiries relating to status change, assignments or reviews of a task can be made by selecting the ‘History’ or ‘View Reviews’ options


6.1.  Users are responsible for

Ø  Completing the above-mentioned Request Forms and Reviews as they arise

Ø  Providing support for development/implementation if required

6.2.  Business Unit Representatives are responsible for

Ø  Referral to appropriate Stakeholders for Review

Ø  Functional Assessment and Recommendation

Ø  Providing support for development/implementation if required

6.3.  IT Development is responsible for

Ø  Technical Assessment

Ø  Costing

Ø  Referral to BU Reps for Review

Ø  Development

Ø  Testing (with support from Business Units as required)

Ø  Deployment (with support from Business Units as required)

6.4.  IT Steering Committee is responsible for

Ø  Approval of expenditure

Ø  Project prioritisation


7.1.  Process Flow (Att: 1)


8.1.  EMS Database


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