Teacher: Allen Rider
Title: War of 1812 / Subject: Cause and Effects of War of 1812
Topic: War of 1812 / Grade:8th
Lesson Duration: 2 days / School: ACMS
Education Designs Lesson/ Unit Plan
Lesson Summary:
(A short 3-5 sentence summary of the lesson and how it will be delivered) / Students will discuss through call and recall, question and answer the political, economic and military causes of the war of 1812. Students will demonstrate the ability to compare and contrast the different views of the Native Americans, British, and Americans both War Hawks and New England Yankees. The students will demonstrate an extensive knowledge of the importance of geography in the war through map skills as well as the strategic locations of key important events. Students will study the outcome of the war and its impact on western movement, Indian white relations and politics in the U.S.
National Standards for History Era: Link / United States territorial expansion between 1801 and 1861, and how it affected relations with external powers and Native Americans How the industrial revolution, increasing immigration, the rapid expansion of slavery, and the westward movement changed the lives of Americans and led toward regional tensions
State, Local or National / 1f.ID the causes and effects of the western movement/4a.Analyze and evaluate the patterns of migration and the consequences of human migration and territorial expansion within the U.S. . 4d. Measure distances on a map 4e.Interpret special purpose maps. 4f. Analyze statistical info using social studies tools. 6a.Assess the importance of certain traits of character in a democracy. 6b.Evaluate the value and challenge of diversity in American Life. 6d. Determine the origins and resolutions of political conflict in the U.S. 7a. Compare and contrast the economic factors that led to the development of America.
Themes/Concept: / 1.Indian White relations 2.Westward movement 3.International relations with foreign countries 4.Political conflict and resolution
Essential questions
(2-5 questions)
(What you want the students to know) / Questions from the section reviews 10-4/10-5
(1)Why does war breakout between white settlers and Indians in the Ohio.
(2)ID three reasons why the war hawks wanted Congress to declare war on Britain
(3)What military problems did the U.S. face at the start of the war
(4)What was the outcome of military conflicts and battles in the West and East
(5)How did Jackson achieve victory in the Battle of New Orleans
(6)Why did New Englanders threaten to leave the union
Elements (What you want the students to understand) / (1)Explain why conflicts between white settlers and native Americans increased during the early 1800s. (2)ID the goal of Tecumseh’s Native American Confederation. (3)Describe why the War Hawks pushed for war against Britain. (4)Describe how the U.S. was not ready for war. (5) list the successes Americans had in the west. (6)Describe the final progression of the last battles of the war. (7)Explain why New Englanders protested the war.
Launch Activity
(Hook) / Work on Map 24 which shows the major battles of the war of 1812 as well as the lines of advance and the critical geography of certain battles. Section Objective questions allow students to get an overview of the material covered. These questions can only be answered if the prior night’s assignment was to read and answer the section review. Show students British Musket balls for Brown Bess Musket Circa 1812. These are real and actually belonged to the government of Nepal at he time of the war of 1812 bt they are the same as those carried by British forces in the Revolution up through 1838. The students find real world “stuff” they can handle interesting. One of these would be chosen based upon the actual reality of the events of the day or prior day and what the students would be capable of doing relevant to what they had done the day before.

Education Designs

Knowledge & Skills
(People, Places, times and vocabulary-what the student should be able to do. What skills will they use?) / T.Jefferson , impressments, Embargo Act, Non intercourse Act, Treaty of Greenville ,confederation, Battle of Tippecanoe, War Hawks, Tecumseh, the Prophet, War Hawks, Henry Clay, James Madison / Battle of Lake Erie, Battle of New Orleans, Hartford Convention, Treaty of Ghent, Andrew Jackson, USS Constitution, Oliver Hazard Perry, Dolley Madison, Ft McHenry, Francis Scott Key, Star Spangled Banner, Revs. Richard Allen and Absalom Jones / Skills: Read and Comprehend, Map skills, Cause and effect relationships, Consider Multiple Perspectives, Compare and contrast differing sets of ideas, Evaluate the implementation of a decision
Lesson Methodology (How will you conduct the lesson; activities…?)
Student will complete bell work (Hook Activity) of answering the questions at the start of the sections under Objectives for first five to seven minutes of class or work on map 24 War of 1812. Students will then be broken up into groups of 3 to 5 to participate in a Jigsaw learning activity to answer the questions outlined in the Essential Questions. This will be determined based upon the number of students in the class. Students will have to define and explain the relevance of the key terms and places indicated in the People, Places, and Things section. Students will draw connections between the people and places and terms relevant to the question their group has to answer. Students will then be expected to teach their question to the class to the level of knowledge to pass the test. Each student will be evaluated based upon their ability to present the part of the assigned question. Students will be grouped by reading ability so that high performing students and low performing students are not mixed but kept grouped based upon their ability.

Education Designs

Assessment Evidence: What evidence will show that students met the learning goal?
Traditional Assessment (Quizzes, Test, Selected Responses)Quiz chpt.10-4,10-5, Vocabulary Test Chpt.10,
Authentic Assessment (Performance Tasks, Rubrics, Projects, Dialogues, Portfolio, etc.,)
See above also Graphic Organizers, leveled questions in the form of section objective questions
Student Self-Assessment
Allow students to grade their own guided reading and sometimes quizzes for immediate feed back. Provide either oral or written response to other students presentation.
Differentiation Associated with this unit- Allow lower performing or special needs students to work in groups on work or one on one help as needed. Give more time for assignment completion especially true with students on Tier II or III TST.
Resources and instructional tools: (Including Video Sources, Text Resources, Research Strategy)History Channel video “The War of 1812”, Text American Nation, Map 24 from map skills book American Nation, Info provided by outside sources like “The Battle Of New Orleans, Jackson , Jean lafitte and The War of 1812. Etc.

Education Designs