Your Name:

Reflection Criteria for Portfolio Artifacts

Name of Artifact Assignment:

KY Teacher Standard:

Reflection 30 pts.
Student addressed what the artifact is and when and why it was developed [10 pts]
Student addressed why this artifact was chosen, why it connects to standard, and how that
artifact led to meeting the standard (what, so what, now what) [must discuss at least three performance criteria under the KTS – underline and/or bold the performance criteria in the text] [10 pts]
Student addressed the implications for using this standard in future classrooms [10 pts]
Student used supportive details of the artifact and performance criteria. [5 pts]
Student used correct spelling, grammar, standard English, and punctuation [5 pts]
Student posted artifact and reflection in their e-portfolio on LiveText [10 pts.]
Total Points

Think of this assignment as a 3 paragraph or 3-part piece NEEDED for all REFLECTIONS in livetext posts for EVERY TEAHER STANDARD! The what question is the first paragraph, the so what question is the second paragraph and the now what question is the third paragraph.

Paragraph 1 – The What question is: what is the activity and artifact, when & why was the activity artifact developed?

Paragraph 2 – The So what question is: how does this artifact demonstrate that you met the particular TEACHER STANDARD (Collaboration, lesson planning, management, implements, etc., which standard?). See step, 2 box 2 above – all parts to help with this paragraph.

Paragraph 3 – The Now What question is: the teaching connection – how and when as a teacher do you need to collaborate, plan, assess, evaluate, manage, implement, etc., (get to the notion of the TEACHING STANDARD the teacher skill that you now know how to do, that you have learned, that you can do).

Keep this paper to help you write your reflections throughout your KTIP year (at least through your first year of teaching) – you will need it and use it over and over again to write your reflections.